Is disney parks and resorts for sale?


Well-Known Member
The vast majority of American Companies that have been bought out by foreign companies do not have the deep connection to this nation that Disney does. You underestimate or lack the understanding of the important cultural component Disney serves in this Nation.

Walt Disney's Companies grew with this nation. The U.S. became a world power almost parallel to the growth and dominance of the Disney brand. Walt, Mickey, Donald, and other DIsney characters were a major part of suporting the effort in WWII, the company provided the lion share of entertainment advances in the world, and helped shape American life for more than 50 years.

Disney, in this nation, is not "just another company." Your criticism of the lack of engagement of many citizens in this nation is noted and, in many cases, deserved. But, you grossly underestimate the importance of this company to the U.S. Disney is a game changer. It will NOT happen, Eh.
Where did you hear that? Was it the Fox news? Maybe the Wall Street Journal?

oops also owned by Al-Waleed bin Talal.(2nd largest shareholder).


Well-Known Member
The vast majority of American Companies that have been bought out by foreign companies do not have the deep connection to this nation that Disney does. You underestimate or lack the understanding of the important cultural component Disney serves in this Nation.

Walt Disney's Companies grew with this nation. The U.S. became a world power almost parallel to the growth and dominance of the Disney brand. Walt, Mickey, Donald, and other DIsney characters were a major part of suporting the effort in WWII, the company provided the lion share of entertainment advances in the world, and helped shape American life for more than 50 years.

Disney, in this nation, is not "just another company." Your criticism of the lack of engagement of many citizens in this nation is noted and, in many cases, deserved. But, you grossly underestimate the importance of this company to the U.S. Disney is a game changer. It will NOT happen, Eh.

The problem is that the Disney Company you speak of no longer exists. Would there be a public backlash if this happened? Definitely...but the public attention span is so short, and Disney would plan the announcement at a time when it would get as little attention as possible, and there are so many other things going on in the country right now anyway.

And despite what the country thinks...if they aren't shareholders, they won't get a say in the matter.


Well-Known Member
The problem is that the Disney Company you speak of no longer exists. Would there be a public backlash if this happened? Definitely...but the public attention span is so short, and Disney would plan the announcement at a time when it would get as little attention as possible, and there are so many other things going on in the country right now anyway.

And despite what the country thinks...if they aren't shareholders, they won't get a say in the matter.

All very valid points. One thing that I have discovered over the weekend is how much financial sense it makes for WDC to sell or spin the parks off into a separate entity. I'm surprised that there have not been more rumors about WDC and a desire to be out of the theme park business. If they ever wanted to wring as much cash out of their theme park portfolio as they possibly could, selling it right about now would net them the highest price they would ever get.


selling of the parks is the worst case scenario with these meetings.
everyone jumps to such a drastic conclusion with little to no information.

there are so many little problems in WDW (hyperion wharf, golden oaks, flamingo crossing, ect.) that disney is just probably looking for sponsorship and money for these projects.

The board is at WDW on a retreat. Iger is also reviewing plans for future attractions. Not a surprise, considering the D23 expo is about a month away. They probably also were there to see the progress on FLE.

The Saudi Prince is only RUMORED to be there

The Saudi Prince who was said to be meeting with the board, is the largest shareholder of Four Seasons Resorts. They have been trying to build a resort next to Golden Oaks, but it's been slowed down so much due to funding problems and the fact that the resort needed to be redesigned to fit in next to Golden Oaks. Its now scheduled to open in 2014.

I'm sure Disney has thought about selling the parks. But then the board has probably thought about other things like buying Universal or SeaWorld too.


If there was any truth to the rumor, why hasn't the media been all over it? Even rumors of a Disney deal make major headlines. I've read where "Wall Street-types" have been talking about it. Where are the sources other than Disney discussion boards?:brick:


Well-Known Member
If there was any truth to the rumor, why hasn't the media been all over it? Even rumors of a Disney deal make major headlines. I've read where "Wall Street-types" have been talking about it. Where are the sources other than Disney discussion boards?:brick:

what would they report at this point? The Disney BOD may or may not be talking about selling off a portion or all of Parks and Resorts to a certain Saudi Prince who may or may not be at WDW with them right now.

If something comes of it there will be news. If the deal doesn't go well, then there will be no mention of it in the press. But there certainly won't be anything mentioned at this point.


Active Member
selling of the parks is the worst case scenario with these meetings.
everyone jumps to such a drastic conclusion with little to no information.

there are so many little problems in WDW (hyperion wharf, golden oaks, flamingo crossing, ect.) that disney is just probably looking for sponsorship and money for these projects.

The board is at WDW on a retreat. Iger is also reviewing plans for future attractions. Not a surprise, considering the D23 expo is about a month away. They probably also were there to see the progress on FLE.

The Saudi Prince is only RUMORED to be there

The Saudi Prince who was said to be meeting with the board, is the largest shareholder of Four Seasons Resorts. They have been trying to build a resort next to Golden Oaks, but it's been slowed down so much due to funding problems and the fact that the resort needed to be redesigned to fit in next to Golden Oaks. Its now scheduled to open in 2014.

I'm sure Disney has thought about selling the parks. But then the board has probably thought about other things like buying Universal or SeaWorld too.

I agree!!

Is it possible Disney could sell the parks? Sure. But I highly highly doubt it. It's a MAJOR part of their brand (watch Disney Channel for more then 30 minutes and you'll see what i mean...), and while it might not be a huge money maker compared to ESPN, it's still important to their overall business.

Heck, why did Comcast buy Universal, which has almost no tie-ins to Universal Studios / Comcast? They obviously see what Disney is doing as a success and want to copy that......or at the very least, keep Disney from buying the parks (which I'm sure was given serious consideration at a board meeting, right?).


If Disney was taking meetings about selling their parks, this would be major news. Wall Street moves on rumors, and business news outlets are more than willing to supply them. I think this whole rumor has gotten way out of control. First, I don't see how anyone could argue For a sale. Are they under the delusion that things would be better at the parks if they were owned by someone else? Secondly, I think people put way too much trust in the "know-it-alls" at various Disney discussion sites. One site said that an LP moderator even new the details and price Disney was asking for the parks. There is no way they would have any idea of this info.:brick:


Well-Known Member
If Disney was taking meetings about selling their parks, this would be major news. Wall Street moves on rumors, and business news outlets are more than willing to supply them. I think this whole rumor has gotten way out of control. First, I don't see how anyone could argue For a sale. Are they under the delusion that things would be better at the parks if they were owned by someone else? Secondly, I think people put way too much trust in the "know-it-alls" at various Disney discussion sites. One site said that an LP moderator even new the details and price Disney was asking for the parks. There is no way they would have any idea of this info.:brick:

No they wouldn't, not without sound confirmation that a deal was actually in the works to the point where price details were being negotiated because it would effect stock prices significantly.

And I must have missed that part about someone on LP claiming to know the price that was offered??? The only time I ever saw numbers come up is when someone with some financial knowledge did some calculations to come up with a number that he thought would need to be offered to make financial sense to TWDC. No one over there has claimed to know what is going on and what price is being offered.

It's the same thing here...I think it's a point that many people seem to be missing. No one yet knows what's going on, but obviously something big went on last week because you don't call the BoD together for nothing...not to discuss the Four Seasons Deal, not to discuss current and future offerings for WDW...remember Steve Jobs is supposedly deathly ill and rarely shows up to Apple events anymore. As it was mentioned over on LP, this meeting was set up in a way to where if an announcement of some sort happened it could have been done so on Friday where it would have received very little limelight and have faded away over the long holiday weekend that most people still haven't returned from.

All of the circumstances lead to the conclusion that something very important to the overall company was being discussed last week...

Jmick...I love your artwork that you drew up for FTM, but a BoD Retreat at WDW....seriously?


Assuming everything in the first post is true (about Iger, Staggs, and the Prince all at WDW), here is a partial list of things that this might mean, each far more likely than an impending divestiture of the parks and resorts:

  • The Prince is seeking to bring a Disney park to his country or region of the world.
  • Disney is considering some kind of expansion similar or related to something already in place or being built at WDW at a property where the Prince is a significant investor, and is seeking his buy-in.
  • Same as above except initiated by the Prince - IE he would like to expand a property in which he already owns an interest and is looking to WDW for ideas.
  • Disney is seeking support (financial or otherwise) from the Prince on an expansion at WDW that for some reason would be relevant to the Prince, such as a new WS pavillion with national or regional ties to the Prince's homeland.

Note that the list is not exhaustive, just what I came up with off the top of my head.


Well-Known Member
Assuming everything in the first post is true (about Iger, Staggs, and the Prince all at WDW), here is a partial list of things that this might mean, each far more likely than an impending divestiture of the parks and resorts:

  • The Prince is seeking to bring a Disney park to his country or region of the world.
  • Disney is considering some kind of expansion similar or related to something already in place or being built at WDW at a property where the Prince is a significant investor, and is seeking his buy-in.
  • Same as above except initiated by the Prince - IE he would like to expand a property in which he already owns an interest and is looking to WDW for ideas.
  • Disney is seeking support (financial or otherwise) from the Prince on an expansion at WDW that for some reason would be relevant to the Prince, such as a new WS pavillion with national or regional ties to the Prince's homeland.

Note that the list is not exhaustive, just what I came up with off the top of my head.

I like how Parks for Sale didn't even make it on your "short list".
thats what people said on other sites :shrug:

My bad.thought you were mentioning it as an original idea!


so far almost everything on this thread has ben speculation...
" o i think i might have maybe seen Jobs"
"i think the prince was at the boardwalk with the BoD"
"thats it the only explanation is that Disney is selling all of it's P&R"

nobody truly knows what is going on and i don't think it is worth jumping to the conclusion that disney will sell all its P&R

the prince has been an investor for disney for many years, and owner of 4 seasons( one being built near golden oaks) so there is many other reasons why he could be there.

the only thing that could put up a red flag is Jobs being there, but nobody knows...

does any body even know 100% that the BoD is in wdw,
only thing that i gathered to be confirmed and 100% true was Iger walking through AK


I like how Parks for Sale didn't even make it on your "short list".

I was afraid that including "parks for sale" on my list of "things more likely than parks for sale" would have set up an infinite recursion with indeterminate but possibly unspeakable consequences like the destruction of the universe.

Either that, or the immediate dissolution and reincorporation of the Walt Disney Company as a not-for-profit giving away all it's products for free provided they are not put to productive use. (Look up GNU).


Well-Known Member
Assuming everything in the first post is true (about Iger, Staggs, and the Prince all at WDW), here is a partial list of things that this might mean, each far more likely than an impending divestiture of the parks and resorts:

I was afraid that including "parks for sale" on my list of "things more likely than parks for sale" would have set up an infinite recursion with indeterminate but possibly unspeakable consequences like the destruction of the universe.

Either that, or the immediate dissolution and reincorporation of the Walt Disney Company as a not-for-profit giving away all it's products for free provided they are not put to productive use. (Look up GNU).

Note to self: stop reading these damn things on your might miss something. :o


I of course assumed you were just being one of those who thinks there is absolutely no way that TWDC would ever consider selling the parks so of course you wouldn't put it in your list.


Active Member
so far almost everything on this thread has ben speculation...

Yes, it has. So what?

"o i think i might have maybe seen Jobs"
"i think the prince was at the boardwalk with the BoD"

Jobs is on the board of directors. If the "entire board of directors" was there, then that means Jobs was too.

"thats it the only explanation is that Disney is selling all of it's P&R"

Most people aren't saying that. Most people are saying that this meeting means something and that one of the possible explanations is that they're shopping P&R around to a possible bidder.

the prince has been an investor for disney for many years

Wrong. He is a co-owner of Euro Disney. He has no interest in The Walt Disney Company. If you owned a pizza parlor and then opened a burger place with your friend, your friend still has absolutely nothing to do with your pizza parlor. The Walt Disney Company and the Prince (and thousands of shareholders) are co-owners of Euro Disney (the burger place), but the Prince has no stake in the Walt Disney Company (the pizza parlor) itself.

does any body even know 100% that the BoD is in wdw.

"Were" in WDW, but yes. It was confirmed by various insiders. The conference facilities at the Boardwalk are frequently where high-level meetings, professional job interviews, and other corporate functions are held (due, in part, to the close proximity to the restaurants in the World Showcase.)


Note to self: stop reading these damn things on your might miss something. :o


I of course assumed you were just being one of those who thinks there is absolutely no way that TWDC would ever consider selling the parks so of course you wouldn't put it in your list.

No problem - gave me an opportunity to use my incredibly clever/geeky GNU reference.



Jobs is on the board of directors. If the "entire board of directors" was there, then that means Jobs was too.
i ment him being so sick and all, and doing a minimal amount of the various functions for apple, but yah i guess he is well enough to go to a BoD meeting(no sarcasm intended, sorry if it reads that way)

Most people aren't saying that. Most people are saying that this meeting means something and that one of the possible explanations is that they're shopping P&R around to a possible bidder.
isn't that basically saying P&R is for sale? ( and im not only talking about people on this site but on other sites as well)

Wrong. He is a co-owner of Euro Disney. He has no interest in The Walt Disney Company. If you owned a pizza parlor and then opened a burger place with your friend, your friend still has absolutely nothing to do with your pizza parlor. The Walt Disney Company and the Prince (and thousands of shareholders) are co-owners of Euro Disney (the burger place), but the Prince has no stake in the Walt Disney Company (the pizza parlor) itself.

i ment disney parks, but he does have investments in the Walt disney company in addition to DLP
more info about him:

"Were" in WDW, but yes. It was confirmed by various insiders. The conference facilities at the Boardwalk are frequently where high-level meetings, professional job interviews, and other corporate functions are held (due, in part, to the close proximity to the restaurants in the World Showcase.)
who? the only source on this and other sites is "another poster on another site"


Active Member
i ment disney parks, but he does have investments in the Walt disney company in addition to DLP
more info about him:

Thanks for that. I was unaware.

who? the only source on this and other sites is "another poster on another site"

I'll take Lee's post as confirmation of what "another poster on another site" said.

The board of directors along with Iger, Staggs, and a Saudi prince have been at the boardwalk resort most of this past week. This has been confirmed by another poster on another site. Doesn't seem like Iger walking though AK was all that great after all.

Interesting, no?
Like I said in the other thread, we don't have all the facts yet. is getting very interesting.

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