Premium Member
The humor I see in this entire that if you don't agree that "Disney is Expensive" you get flamed. Look, I'm not Bezos (Buffett and Gates have been knocked down a notch)....but I do okay. I feel in certain areas Disney may be overpriced, in others they are on par, and in yet others they are of great value.
Overall, Disney is priced equivalent to other vacation alternatives....sure you can go to Six Flags - but try going to Vail, Geneva, or London (with the conversion) and tell me Disney is expensive.
If you are maxing out a credit card to go to Disney (which I wouldn't recommend) then Disney is very, very expensive. If you are paying with available funds (which I would recommend), Disney is of average cost weighed against equal options....considering you can control everything outside of the admission price.
I don’t see anyone getting flamed...though if you’ve gone hundreds of times and you DON’T Live in Florida? - the writings on the wall there.
I’m no different than you...I just recognize Disney parks for what they always are and will be: “upscale middle class themparks”
A couple years back dusters started saying “it’s luxury now”... don’t slap a label on what’s already built and hold that line for long. Ski lift isn’t making pop century a $400 Hotel with its tie dyed cupcakes.
I don’t think disney is on par with vail and European culture’s not and was never built for that.

Definitely better than great adventure...