Is Boma really that good?


Active Member
Original Poster
It seems to be one of the most mentioned restaurants (along w/ Le Cellier). Serioulsy, is Boma really that good?? I've always steered away from buffets assuming that the food isn't fresh or hot.

DH is a meat eater, loves his meat anyway he can get it and I've always got a 5 yr old. Would my family be happy eating here?

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
IMHO yes. There is a carved meat station at both breakfast and dinner, as well as standard Disney kid fare. Boma does have one of, if not the most eclectic menu of any Disney's buffett's but nothing is to far out. Here are a few links to their breakfast and dinner menus.



New Member
Boma is one of the few restaurants at the world that I get cravings for throughout the year. It's not your typical buffet (though it does have the safe bets for kids and picky adults). If you love to sample new flavors Boma is a fantastic place to go.


Well-Known Member
We were very pleased with the food at Boma. My family is very picky and they were skeptical, but we all found some new favorites. There is a 3 menu rotation so you can't be sure which main dishes are on the menu what night, but the basics are always there. This past trip was our first visit to Boma (and Le Cellier as well) and we will be going back (to both) :slurp: .

Have you seen the menu? The names sound weird, but once you know the ingredients you will see many familiar favorites. They have a chef that explains the dishes to you, which is a great idea. None of the food looked picked over or that it had been sitting there very long. There were many kids there and they have the usual kid's items and my kids loved the BBQ chicken.

Don't forget to try the zebra domes. :slurp:

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I have only been there for Dinner, but it is one of my favorite places in WDW. You have to be willing to try somewhat different food though, so make sure you are ok with that before going.


New Member
Boma is NOT your typical dinner buffet! Not only is the food hot and fresh, it's very tasty and different. And don't shy away from it if you are a picky eater. I'm quite picky along with my DH, sisters and mom. We all found something we really liked. Although the selections are very different, you'll find staples like chicken, rice, soup and potatoes...just in a little different way. Nothing is so out there that I wouldn't try it. They have a huge selection. And most importantly, the dessert selection is fabulous! I highly recommend trying Boma at least once. It's one of our favorites!! :slurp:


Well-Known Member
Good but not great

While we like eclectic meals and trying new things, I have to say that Boma just didn't do it for me. It didn't quite meet my expectations, which were very high after reading such rave reviews. That's not to say that the food isn't good, it just wasn't great in my opinion.

I would still suggest trying it though because everyone has such different tastes and you can be the only judge of that.

We usually don't like buffets either, but for a great one, I suggest Ohana. It's served family-style so it feels less like a buffet and if you want meat, you'll definitely find it there.

Regardless of what you choose... Enjoy!


Well-Known Member
Yes! My family and I loved Boma, and many of us are picky eaters. Along with the African inspired foods, they have some American as well like spaghetti and meatballs.

I'll second the vote for the Zebra Domes. :slurp:


Pfizered Fairy
Premium Member
In the Parks
YES YES YES YES taste buds were amazed, my children impressed and willing to try unique new foods, I saw them constantly bringing out new food and could watch them preparing it quite openly. Not to be missed and worth every penny....and I am talking dinner as we did go there for breakfast and while it was good, unless you have a family of very big breakfast eaters it was wayyyyyyyyyy overpriced. Nice to go to AK for the day, leave a bit early and take a bus over to the AK.:wave:


Well-Known Member
Boma is much like everyone said, different. I like to try new things but didn't find much I particularly enjoyed there. There was 1 desert item I really liked. Seems like it was a truffle-type thing.

So, would I recommend it: sure. Trying new things is always a good thing. Would I go back: nope. Too many other places at WDW that I like better.

If you go and you aren't staying at AKL, make time to browse their gift shop. It's outstanding with lots of cool stuff!!!


Well-Known Member
YES YES YES YES taste buds were amazed, my children impressed and willing to try unique new foods, I saw them constantly bringing out new food and could watch them preparing it quite openly. Not to be missed and worth every penny....and I am talking dinner as we did go there for breakfast and while it was good, unless you have a family of very big breakfast eaters it was wayyyyyyyyyy overpriced. Nice to go to AK for the day, leave a bit early and take a bus over to the AK.:wave:

We headed to DAK later in the morning on a day when there was evening EMH. We enjoyed the park, headed over to Boma for dinner and then back to the park to take in the stuff that is usually too crowded in the daytime.

We avoided the heat, early crowds and didn't have to worry about parking at the AKL (or at the park on our return) and got to see the park at really takes on a very different atmosphere.


Oh Meyla Weyla
I'm a fan of Boma too, really enjoyed it. There were maybe two items that were not too much to my liking, but with such a large selection it doesn't really matter. It seemed to me that the spices in the dishes I didn't like were similar to those used in Morocco in EPCOT (which I also have trouble liking), so there must be some particular spice that I don't like, but I have no idea what it is!

The desserts, for me, are worth the price of the whole dinner :lol: , can't say enough about the zebra domes!!

Our waiter told us that the menu rotates as mentioned in another post. He said it was the same on Monday and Thursday, on Tuesday and Friday, and on Wednesday and Saturday. He said Sunday was "whatever was left", which I assume is partially a joke and partially the truth :lol:

So since we were there on a Tuesday last time, my next trip (during my Dec. vacation) we're going on a Monday. Gotta try them all!! :slurp:


We enjoyed Boma. The menu was very different from most of the other buffets (CP, CM, 1900), so it was a neat mid-week meal. We have reservations this year too! :animwink:

We did take a cab back to POR, last year. 15 bucks, no waiting, no transfer...We are planning on doing that next time too.


Active Member
I'd have to agree with HollyBelle on this. I thought it was good, but not great. There were some interesting flavors and items not on your regular Disney buffet, but it didn't quite measure up to all the praise I've read. Not saying I'd never go back because I love the AKL and the atmosphere.


New Member
I loved Boma.

I went there last year on the dining plan. We also went to Tony's Town Square, California Grill, Flying Fish, and Rose and Crown, and I would have to say that while Flying Fish was my favorite, Boma and California Grill were competing for second place.

The prime rib at Boma was outstanding, and they had some chicken too for the meat eaters. They have a million soups, standard kid fare, tons of salads, side dishes like Potatoes with Afritude (which are just kinda like spicy american fries). The desserts were outstanding. Everything was fresh and hot. There were comfort dishes along with adventurous dishes, and however unlikely it is for a buffet, there was no way to get bored with the food... you just can't try everything and not burst.... believe me, I tried.

I don't want to talk it up toooo much (it's a little late for that, I guess) because maybe it won't be your thing, but I personally loved it, and it's always nice to get to the AKL as well, I think. One word of advise is if you are using disney transportation, and staying at a different resort, you will need to be careful about getting back to your resort. What I would've done had I been smart was eat earlier at Boma and then taken a bus to one of the parks for EMH, and then a bus to my resort. As it was, we ate at Boma at 8pm. When we were done, all parks were closed, and we took a bus to Downtown Disney, and then from there another bus to our resort, which took us an hour even with no kinks and no waiting for buses.


Active Member
I sure hope it is as good as everyone says. We have reservations for Boma for our upcoming vacation. I am a little hesitant but I am looking forward to trying something different (especially the zebra domes)!!:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I sure hope it is as good as everyone says. We have reservations for Boma for our upcoming vacation. I am a little hesitant but I am looking forward to trying something different (especially the zebra domes)!!:ROFLOL:

We were hesitant too, but everyone my DH works with that went told us we had to try it at least once. I looked up the menu and then the recipes for some things and was surprised... many of the dishes are things we would eat, but with a different name and slightly different spicing, nothing too weird.
I saw something called [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Kool Slaai on the menu and it sounded interesting...its just cole slaw. :lol: The soups are wonderful, the meats were cooked just right (everyone loved the durban chicken and the BBQ chicken and ribs - the sauce is Coca Cola based :lookaroun ). I loved the salmon.

My DH tried the wine flight with his dinner and now we have a new favorite in the Clouds Chardonnay. Our local wine store carries it. :D

The chefs at the stations are very good at explaining the dishes to you and even though there are three basic menus I'm sure you will find something to like.

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