In hindsight, it really is kinda surprising how aggressive they were with the perk cuts and simultaneous price increases. Like can you imagine going to your favorite restaurant and they say "Cutlery is no longer complimentary, you'll need to purchase it. Also you enter a paid lottery to see what you can order. And you bus your own table. Oh and we raised prices 40%. Enjoy." Businesses are always trying to up their profits but it doesn't typically happen in such a "Whoa!! What the heck!!" kinda way. This is in no way a comprehensive list but there was: Magical Express, Extra Magic Hours, Magic Bands, package delivery, daily housekeeping at all hotels, room service, airline check-in, street performers, and of course, FastPass+. I'm not an annual passholder so I'm not up on what went on there, but I know that wasn't good either.
I will say that from 2020 - 2022 there was this sense that Disney was invincible though. I remember all the debates on these boards from that time between "People think they're too big to fail but they're not" and "Oh please, for every one person who leaves three take their place." That's probably the only context that the perks slashing / price increase spree makes some kind of sense. They were the 800 pound gorilla for awhile. I am still a starry eyed Disney fan who thinks market correction and a bit of competition from Universal will right this ship quickly, but I do think that era is, again, almost shocking in hindsight. There was no attempt to even "sell" any of it - no purchasing an "Ultra Deluxe Ticket!!" with Genie priced in that came with a sparkly cupcake and trinket or something.