Is anyone else avoiding the SSE threads?

I am too!! I have my fingers crossed it will be open when I visit either Wednesday or Thursday! If not, then maybe i'll take a peek at the threads :D



Active Member
Most reviews list the good and the bad. It isnt all negative.

Some do mention some of the positives from the new refurb.

But there already are threads showing up about how people are disappointed and how they think they can improve it.

I know I for one am extremely excited to see it for myself when I got up later.:)


Well-Known Member
You may be right....but the nagative people try to jab their views down people's throat. They aren't mature enough to have open discussions. They jump in every thread and try to force their views. When people don't agree they throw a fit and hold their breath. It takes away from Disney. Look at EE, Stitch, Monster Laugh for proof.
Sherm stole my answer Steve :wave:

MILF was horribly criticized here, and to be honest it is one of my must-see attractions. The negativity overwhelms the positive IMHO...oh well :shrug:


Premium Member
You may be right....but the nagative people try to jab their views down people's throat. They aren't mature enough to have open discussions. They jump in every thread and try to force their views. When people don't agree they throw a fit and hold their breath. It takes away from Disney. Look at EE, Stitch, Monster Laugh for proof.

It's up to the people who like the various attractions to add their input as well. We want to hear from both sides. If you like something, say so! It seems that the "well done" "great ride" comments are not stated very frequently by those who think that.


Active Member
I for one am really excited about seeing the updated versions. I have watched the videos (I couldn't help myself :)) and read the reviews. From what I have seen everything looks great!

You basically just summed it up for me (By the looks of your SN, I think we have similar taste). I just caved 5 minutes ago after reading all of the threads today. Like I said in there, I'll probably land up loving it since I read all of the bad reviews first! Hopefully, I will be there in person in less than 48 hours or so.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member

I'm avoiding the SSE threads like the black death until I've had a chance to ride it myself.


Well-Known Member
Did the SSE thing today, looked at the threads, left my mark. I commend you all. Right on. The negativity (sure the positive people are there too, but they're in the EXTREME minority) is just over-whelmingly nit-picky and not logical. SSE was not ready for such a whip, it just wanted to show off its cool screens, but there were tools and sawdust everywhere. No where near finished, and being criticized for it.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Well I am now. I just came back from WDW and I was one of the fortunate ones to get to ride on a SSE preview on Saturday. What looks complete looks amazing and I don't know why but I was expecting others to see that as well. Instead I was greeted with the usual "the refurb sucks" threads. If what is there is the finished product then those threads would be correct but I just can't see SSE in its current state as an attraction that is ready to go. The ride is very obviously not finished and I was really surprised that Disney let guests on in such an early stage. My only guess is that they did that to get guest feedback before it was too late to change things.

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