Premium Member
I think Potter is a lot more popular in the tween and teen world than the kid world.That is one of the major problems with Star Wars if you ask me. I don’t think Star Wars is as big in the “kid” world as Harry Potter is. You ask a first grader someone from Star Wars and someone from Harry Potter, I would bet Harry Potter would be more known then Star Wars. Star Wars for me just seems… old. I think young adults, around my age of 19 would enjoy Harry more then Star Wars and Avatar. Just my opinion though and I’ll probably be flamed for it but… yea.
StarWars is still wildly popular in the kid world. I have a first grader and he has been to multiple b-day parties with StarWars theme. Not a single one with Potter. It comes as much from Star Wars Legos and the Clone Wars cartoon as it does from the movies. Star Wars action figures are still huge too. My kids have a ton of Star Wars figures/toys and Lego sets. They have seen all the movies now, but they started getting the toys well before they had even seen the movies. For kids the toys are more important than the movies. Potter has some toys, but nothing like Star Wars.