I find that most of the time the negitive comments on DVC come from people who are not DVC members and don't have all the facts right (a point proven on this thread so far.)
For us (a couple in their 30's with almost 2 kids and who like to go to WDW at least once a year) DVC is right. I wish we would of bought when we 1st started going to WDW (1996 as a young married couple still in school.) However we couldn't then, we didn't have a house yet and other expenses needed to be paid 1st. We currenlty own 170 points at VWL bought in 2002. We have been to 4 DVC trips since then. (Paid on Visa to get points, no loan.) We wish we had more points, at BCV instead, but we make due with what we got. In fact right as we were about to do an add on I was laid off work and learned I was pregnant. This stopped us from gettting an add on, but not from taking our vacations. But already owning DVC locked in our vacations, making me not working such a bad thing.
As stated DVC rooms are better then normal Deluxe rooms (even the studio, the least points, we tend to stay there to strech our points.) Yes,you need other expenses (air fair, tickets, spending money etc..) but you are going to need that no mater what. You can bank, borrow and rent your points, you don't have to every year. You can go to other places, inculding 2 great beach resorts that are DVC, Hiton Head Island and Vero Beach. (you don't need tickets for that.) The rooms save you money on food having a kicthen (ton's of money just on drinks and snacks, you don't need to cook in them.) You can use your points for the cruise ships.
If you have questions call DVC and talk to a guide, get all the facts. If you don't want SSR buy resale, you still can do that (if we do an add on we will.) Go to
www.disboards.com and look at the DVC forem. It has well over a 1,000 very active DVC members who know it all and are really helpful. It also has a link to the timeshare store for resales.
DVC is a great thing, the real question is "Is it for you?". It was for us. Do you love WDW, want to go at least every other year? Do you want to stay at nice deluxe accomadations with a kicthen and washer and dryer on property? Can you afford the buy in (the hardest part, all the rest is easy.) Do you want felxible vacations when you are not locked into a certian time or place, or can give them away to others if you want one year? If the answer is yes, look into it carefully. If not just go year from year. We are really happy we joined.
BTW, you can't do better renting points. We pay about 5$ per point, add it all up and divide over 40 years. It cost 10$ per point on average to rent. You may do better with codes, but there is no promises on that and codes are often not released until a few months before you go. Making planning ahead difficult.