Introducing "The Land Formerly Known as Tomorrowland"


I get the concern over the rides now offered. I've never been interested in SGE (I didn't really like AE either) and MLF does not really spark my interest either. But I'm not too concerned how they all fit together :shrug: . I don't think there is too much continuity between HM and HOP in Liberty Square, in fact, I can't find a tie between Magic Carpets and POTC (a bazaar and a carribbean port town?). I know some may argue with this, but I think that it just takes a little imagination to create the "theme" in each land. That's just my opinion though :wave: .


Tim G

Well-Known Member
No I'm pretty sure I meant it doesn't make sense, or else I wouldn't have posted it.

Thanks, done.
First I thought, just a jerk... :lookaroun

But then I saw a serious case of megalomania... :eek:

So better don't think too high of yourself... or the men in white suites will get you... :D :D

People with megalomania usually end up in the funnyfarm... :lol: :lol: :lol:


if the theme is the future that never was, then how does using laughs as power not fit. We still are not able to find aliens so stitch fits. i dont think it is a theme problem. i think the problem is people are just unhappy with the rides offered lately.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
if the theme is the future that never was, then how does using laughs as power not fit. We still are not able to find aliens so stitch fits. i dont think it is a theme problem.
Indeed... It's a Burbank problem... It always has been...


Well-Known Member
"Vaguely Spacey Corner"



Well-Known Member
I think the foundation for Tomorrowland 94 was very good, but the execution in not completing the land cosmetically of course effected it.

While Tomorrowland no longer needs to be a serious look at the future....something that EPCOT continues to work on with future world making the future seem more fun I suppose...

anyway while I like the idea of Tomorrowland 94....what about making Tomorrowland for Disneyland and the MK....a purpose-style Americana Tomorrowland of both the atomic, and space age.

No not bland white concrete 70s architecture, but intriguing architecture...spun off from the intriguing 1930s and 1940s tomorrowland94 architecture. :wave:

To the average guest they wouldn't care either way. The two american tomorrowlands would have a mix of old and new, nostalgia, and fun.

The foreign disney park's tomorrowlands could all become discoverylands.

Space Mountain would still make sense. The Carousel of Progress would do much better in Liberty Square or Main Street USA...the astro orbiter would still be a fun tomorrowlandish ride...the TTA could be rebilled as a semi serious clean energy transporation system.

The speedway....could be a 21st century clean energy car autopia...the children of today being tomorrow's drivers...or an autopia through a sci-fi land.

Buzz would still be there, but what about an entire pizza planet and tomorrowland arcade center?

We might go back to the moon....rocket to the moon, flight to the moon, are in yesterland...the idea of mission to mars 2.0 is at EPCOT as mission space...what about a ride similar to rocket and flight called "journey to the moon"...or a new form of alien encounter once again geered toward older audiences.

The circle-vision theatre was at EPCOT...but while I see how monsters and stitch are trying to make it more family oriented....

I think the Magic Kingdom is becoming the Children's Kingdom...and not a place where America and the world were represented in its past present and future...a place where there was something for everyone...and where tomorrowland was the hip place to can be....but right now its the hip place for 7-12 year olds...and baby boomers who ride space mtn, the peoplemover, and the CoP. :lookaroun

As for the average guests not could say "then just keep doing what Disney is doing with stitch and monsters" that as it may....a new tomorrowland with a more central theme and purpose would be new....guests would want to visit it...and would be appropriate and fun to many disney fans....stitch and monsters just don't seem to fit that well in is as though they would do better at MGM.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
The speedway....could be a 21st century clean energy car autopia...the children of today being tomorrow's drivers...or an autopia through a sci-fi land.

Buzz would still be there, but what about an entire pizza planet and tomorrowland arcade center?
I get your point, but at the same time I don't. *sorry*

All I know is, that nothing much is left of rebuilding tomorrowland the way I've been tought...
And that's sad, very sad...


Well-Known Member
No problem I'll try to explain it better.

If You Had Wings was merely corporate sponsorship and very todaylandish...if you could fly was a simple dreamflight was also corporate sponsorship...somewhat tomorrowland metro retro historical society themed...take flight was a simple holdover.

Buzz on the other hand broke alot of boundries in reridership...and was also from a successful film/franchise.

It fits the theme of tomorrowland94...but possibly an americana atomic/space aged themed tomorrowland because it is fun for the whole family...and does serve as an element to kids even though my proposal would have tomorrowland once again be the place for older kids, teens and adults...but Buzz would not force the rest of tomorrowland to become all geered for planet would be as alaborate as it was in the movie...not what became of the place at MGM...Buzz/Pizza Planet would be a source of balance...along with the astro mountain..and speedway/autopia.

The speedway was also goodyear domination....race cars aren't futuristic at could be made into a sci fi autopia....and could also incorporate an old school educational apporach of informing guests that the autopia cars they ride in are energy efficient. :wave:

Alien Encounter was far more successful than Stitch in my opinion....however a nuclear/space age themed american tomorrowland could have guests once again encountering a scary alien or could do an entire new scientific "journey to the moon" ride based off of rocket to the moon or flight to the moon, but with new technology.

What about adventure thru inner space...with 21st century technology...the eerie and scientific master sound tracks could be incorporated into a much more detailed, elaborate, if not scarier ride.

Tomorrowland has always had potential, it still does, but I have to say that Stitch and Monsters could have been more successful elsewhere at WDW.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Tomorrowland has always had potential, it still does, but I have to say that Stitch and Monsters could have been more successful elsewhere at WDW.
True... but now they simply building Burbank stile... Which is IMO wrong... There's nothing really innovative anymore...
As I said a long time ago, they're doing spreadsheet technology now, Low quality, Swift, Clean, Low cost and for a profit as high as possible...

I may agree on the profit thing, but not with this quality...
Rebuilding Tomorrowland means imagination, not just opening a can of computerized Pixar movies...
And if they don't turn a differerent way, tomorrowland will be going down the drain, thus the park...

People from apple will never learn...


Well-Known Member
I agree with you...profit is one thing...achieving it and making a benefit for the guest and the company is another thing...

I think the Disney company once had pride on offering guests other experiences than from their Disney though Walt wanted to show guests "we can do alot of things other than mickey mouse"...did he not? How!

He creates Disneyland as a place by people for enchant...his magic kingdom in california...

He participated at the NY World's Fair....he dreams of his vacation kingdom in Florida with an airport....a industrail park...etc

He wanted to show the world that his company represented and could do many things.....this is why I will always say the mickey mouse wand over Spaceship Earth does not need to be there anymore. It was fun for its had its place in the sun....Spaceship Earth is a symbol of not only architectual achievement, but achievement in showing that since 1966 the disney company ultimately created a place that branced out from mickey mouse...and then some!

The rides, shows, and attractions did offer some scenerios right from the disney movies...but new unique theme park created characters made it fun and interesting to go to the Disney theme parks and not just sit at home and watch a disney movie...

now this Disney company is trying to show guests..."hey you liked at the movie ride it!"

Not everyone needs that....not everything at every Disney park deserves it...change is necessary....but some change just doesn't need to happen....honestly the Disney company spent the appropraite dollars on creating spectromagic over the electrical parade and wishes over fantasy in the sky rather then spending the money to make Innoventions Plaza the tarp infested creation it is now. Money could have been spent elsewhere and for new concrete imaginative ideas. :dazzle:

Perhaps 2007 should be more like the imaginative era of Disneyland in 1967...muwahahahaha :lookaroun I'm a PC person by the way....;)

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I agree with you...profit is one thing...achieving it and making a benefit for the guest and the company is another thing...

I think the Disney company once had pride on offering guests other experiences than from their Disney though Walt wanted to show guests "we can do alot of things other than mickey mouse"...did he not? How!

He creates Disneyland as a place by people for enchant...his magic kingdom in california...

He participated at the NY World's Fair....he dreams of his vacation kingdom in Florida with an airport....a industrail park...etc

He wanted to show the world that his company represented and could do many things.....this is why I will always say the mickey mouse wand over Spaceship Earth does not need to be there anymore. It was fun for its had its place in the sun....Spaceship Earth is a symbol of not only architectual achievement, but achievement in showing that since 1966 the disney company ultimately created a place that branced out from mickey mouse...and then some!

The rides, shows, and attractions did offer some scenerios right from the disney movies...but new unique theme park created characters made it fun and interesting to go to the Disney theme parks and not just sit at home and watch a disney movie...

now this Disney company is trying to show guests..."hey you liked at the movie ride it!"

Not everyone needs that....not everything at every Disney park deserves it...change is necessary....but some change just doesn't need to happen....honestly the Disney company spent the appropraite dollars on creating spectromagic over the electrical parade and wishes over fantasy in the sky rather then spending the money to make Innoventions Plaza the tarp infested creation it is now. Money could have been spent elsewhere and for new concrete imaginative ideas. :dazzle:

Perhaps 2007 should be more like the imaginative era of Disneyland in 1967...muwahahahaha :lookaroun I'm a PC person by the way....;)

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Well said!


Well-Known Member
True... but now they simply building Burbank stile... Which is IMO wrong... There's nothing really innovative anymore...
As I said a long time ago, they're doing spreadsheet technology now, Low quality, Swift, Clean, Low cost and for a profit as high as possible...

I may agree on the profit thing, but not with this quality...
Rebuilding Tomorrowland means imagination, not just opening a can of computerized Pixar movies...
And if they don't turn a differerent way, tomorrowland will be going down the drain, thus the park...

People from apple will never learn...

Perhaps the biggest failure of WDI is that they can not make innovation pencil.

Cool technology is great, attention to detail is fantastic, but unless there is money returned to the investors, they are simply spinning their wheels....


Well-Known Member
I don't know, to me Tomorrowland was always supposed to be a fantasy version of "the future." If you wanted actual technology (past, present, and future) and how it could be applied to your everyday life, then head over to Epcot. And I know that Epcot wasn't around in the beginning of the MK. :D

Tomorrowland seems to have stretched the boundaries of it's theming. The creative term "the future" is pretty broad if you think about it. If you look at sci-fi/fantasy writers and stories there is a focus on fantastic adventures, time travel, new amazing inventions, and so on. What seems to be going on in TL now is they've dropped the idea of a "space port" and tossed in a bunch of different things.

If you remember, Alien Encounter was supposed to be in a convention center setting, where this alien race was demonstrating their new teleportation technology (mayhem ensued, of course. :drevil: ) This got lost to an extent when SGE replaced it. They tried to stick with the "alien technology" theme in the attraction to keep with the feel of TL but something got lost along the way.

The land has become much more character focused than it use to be. Now that I think about it, TL wasn't really a magnet for character based attractions and such. If you wanted Peter Pan or Aladdin you knew exactly where to find them and they fit in those surroundings. But you wouldn't go looking for Mickey in TL, he could be found in his futuristic garb at Epcot. Now, when Stitch was brought into TL they took it and ran with it. "Hey: Stitch is an alien! He uses a spaceship and other fantabulous future things! Let's put him in Tomorrowland!" But once again, I think something got lost in translation. The attraction should have Experiment 626 somewhere in the title instead of Stitch. Seeing how the show is focused on 626...NOT Stitch. :shrug:

Anyway, my whole point is that "the future" theme of TL is a broad concept that can be interpreted in different ways. And it is hard to find a cohesive way of putting those different thoughts together and have the land make sense. Unfortunately, things are becoming more character driven, leaving room for a slap-dash creative design.



Active Member
The theme of Tommorowland was not simply based on one idea, but of many.

Here are some of Walt Disney's quotes:

"Tomorrow can be a wonderful age. Our scientists today are opening the doors of the Space Age to achievements which will benefit our children and generations to come."

"In Tomorrowland, you will actually experience what many of America's foremost men of science and industry predict for the world of tomorrow. And Tomorrowland has kept pace with today's rapid advances by continually adding new adventures based on man's latest achievements."

"Today, you can enjoy Tomorrow's noiselesss, smooth preview of city mass transportation."(Referencing Disneyland's monorail.)

"Fact or fancy, 'Flying Saucers' nonetheless also have a place in Tomorrowland."

"In Tomorrowland also, you'll explore the mysteries of liquid space aboard authentic submarines, cruising the Seven Seas to view the Lost Continent of Atlantis, the Mermaid Lagoon, and traveling beneath the Polar Ice Cap. And you'll board a rocket ship to 'blast off' into outer space."

"Whether you're a grown-up, or a youngster, you'll want to visit Monsanto's all plastic House of the Future. Nearby, our pioneer 360 degree motion picture development, Circarama, takes you on the Bell System's tour of the United Staes, 'America the Beautiful'."

"These Tomorrowland attractions, and many others, have been designed to give ou an opportunity to participate in adventures which are a living blueprint of our future."

So as you can see, Tomorrowland embraces many idea, not just one aspect. Something that I think today's version of Tomorrowland is still upholding. :wave: :)

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