Interim show 'The Jungle Book: Alive with Magic' confirmed to debut ahead of Rivers of Light


Well-Known Member

Waiting for the show to start! It's a really beautiful venue


Premium Member
Ok just scanned through some of the full show video ....
Not sure what to say based on what I saw - seemed like something they threw together in a few weeks time (oh yeah they did but unfortunately it shows) and the singing didn't sound pre-recorded but rather live and was well not great a few times imo - The music sounded mostly india'n style

Basically to sum it up, barges that have colored lights pointed towards them, dancers, singers (I think), musicians and the water screens in the back (which didn't seem as good as I would have expected). I was expecting more effects and maybe more things happening in the water than just stages with people moving around. I don't know.....I need to watch it again but so far based on what I saw I'm now seriously questioning my fastpass next week for this


Well-Known Member
Well I'm honestly torn. The vocals, music, and dancing was absolutely top notch! However I found myself unimpressed with the water screens. The middle, large, one didn't seem to have enough "umph" per say and there was a giant gap in between the two streams of water. The projections also were very hard to see too. Yes it was a little "okay? What's really happening here" but that didn't detract from my enjoyment. I think the decision to add dancers in the aisle was a good way to add an extra layer of energy to the show. I also wish the barges moved some, but I can understand why they don't. Overall it's not bad considering it was literally thrown together in a few weeks. I'll definitely see it again. If you go into knowing it's a exsctly as it was advertised, a musical tribute to the movie, you'll enjoy it. Go in expecting some high caliber nighttime show and, well, you deserve the disappointment.
I did read some tweets saying it was really windy - so I'll watch the 1030 and see too


Well-Known Member
I hope to see a whole video soon. And I have a feeling I'll like it. People on here are reacting very strangely to something that looks pretty good, not to mention for being put together in less than two months.

I like the whole live dancer thing. It's costing them extra money, I'm sure, which is motivation to get RoL working. Unless they're all on H-1B visas. :D But seriously, it looks neat.

I've yet to see the entire thing in one piece, so if anyone has full video, please post!
I'm expecting the premier to show up on Youtueb sometime this evening.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm anxious to see the video based on mixed reviews so far.

I was worried with the short amount of time to throw something together it might not be all that great. The problem now is night time at AK may get a black eye because of it.

I still say shame on Disney for the **** poor planning and project management of the RoL show to not better test the technology they were going to use before they were extremely late in the game and realized it was going to be a big cluster you know what
Hopefully once River Of Lights finally debuts in the future then nighttime at AK might be much better. But then again, I'm just hoping since I'm curious to see any videos of the premier for Alive With Magic.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm honestly torn. The vocals, music, and dancing was absolutely top notch! However I found myself unimpressed with the water screens. The middle, large, one didn't seem to have enough "umph" per say and there was a giant gap in between the two streams of water. The projections also were very hard to see too. Yes it was a little "okay? What's really happening here" but that didn't detract from my enjoyment. I think the decision to add dancers in the aisle was a good way to add an extra layer of energy to the show. I also wish the barges moved some, but I can understand why they don't. Overall it's not bad considering it was literally thrown together in a few weeks. I'll definitely see it again. If you go into knowing it's a exactly as it was advertised, a musical tribute to the movie, you'll enjoy it. Go in expecting some high caliber nighttime show and, well, you deserve the disappointment.
Are they having a second showing tonight?


Well-Known Member
I'm here. Missed the show. The tree looks amazing but the park is too dark in my opinion. Some of the paths and the it's tough to be a bug queue is pretty dark.
I back you up on the lighting. I went to website and checked out the live cam there for the Night safari. The safari looked a waste of time based on what I saw on the live cam in terms of lighting.

That cam was still live with that person walking from the Night Safari to Asia to Dinoland and there was problems with lighting in some areas to put it mildly.


Well-Known Member
People seem to feed on disappointment. I have seen any number of instagram posts saying how great the nighttime safari was, and the biggest share of negative posts about the Jungle book show have been based on internet video. You miss the feel of the theater, the energy of the dancers, the sway of the lights... just don't know how it can judged without being there. I loved walking through DAK at night before there was any place to go.

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