Interesting WDW Survey Questions


Liker of Things
Premium Member
I told you I'd be late @ShookieJones , but I'm earlier than I thought. Anyway, the survey is legit. I think (@marni1971 or one of other insiders, I'm not going to tag everyone even though you should note that by now I could've tagged most of the insiders with the amount of text I'm typing at this moment) there has been a shying away from certain types of questions since I've gotten the impression that some would be in trouble if survey responses weren't fairly superlative. Perhaps, there has been a cultural change. Perhaps, someone noticed actual guest opinions in real life seemed different than the survey data would indicate. Most likely, over a decade of sarcastic comments from me to various people and essays of excellence back when I could fill out a large rectangular box with various deep WDW related thoughts, has caused this sea change.


Well-Known Member
Disney has me looking too much for the trap now. The second question scares me. "The WDW parks haven't kept up with the rides and attractions that are offered at other places?" While very true, my cynical side sees it as a way to quantify and demonstrate the "need" to replace some 40 year old attractions with brand new ones. "Guests think Disney is too stagnant, so it's out with the old, in with the new." Which wouldn't be an improvement, as there are quite a few 10-15 year old attractions that need help more than the 40 year old ones.

Pixie VaVoom

Well-Known Member
I didn't have conspiracy theory in mind at all, but, with the recent photo-shopped participation of a number of people that have appeared recently, it isn't a wild idea to think that someone is playing fast an furious with our sensibilities. I don't believe in conspiracy theory's which is why I cannot think of any reason why that particular questionnaire had any reason for existing. If you think it's a real survey, then hopefully you will get a chance to take it. I, just don't happen to believe it has any validity. Sorry if that is what you thought I was driving at. Not the case though, if I had I would have told you why I thought it was done and what it hoped to accomplish, however, I am at a loss to figure it out. And no, I don't think that Disney is turning over a new leaf and really want to know or care about what we think about it. If you do... well, who knows, maybe somebody spilled a large bottle of pixie dust all over the offices in California and now they are ready to use common sense. Hey, it could happen!

Wow, I think that would take a LOT of "pixie dust" !! Can we get Tinkerbell a transfusion!?!

Pixie VaVoom

Well-Known Member
I never said you created the survey, I merely question where it came from. Not once did I think that you did it, just that I didn't believe it to be legitimate. It could be, but, it would be the first time that they cared to know what was happening and I'm not sure what they would change when they found out. You never did answer about the e-mail location/site that originated it and received the answers. I would very much like to believe that all of a sudden they really care, but, I'm cynical enough to be suspicious of such a radical change of attitude. Just because something says Walt Disney World on the top, does not guarantee that it came from Disney. Of course, it isn't legal to misrepresent themselves, but, again it wouldn't be the first time illegal activities have existed on the internet.

"again it wouldn't be the first time illegal activities have existed on the internet"

Yeah - a Nigerian Prince wants me to help him distribute 85 BAZILLION US dollars to CHARITY !! Isn't that awesome ??


Well-Known Member
"again it wouldn't be the first time illegal activities have existed on the internet"

Yeah - a Nigerian Prince wants me to help him distribute 85 BAZILLION US dollars to CHARITY !! Isn't that awesome ??
That's great... with any luck you will be able to keep a million or so for your help. Win-Win!


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys - I really wish I had the time, creativity and drive that you think I have. My life would be a whole lot different.

I assure you this was a legit survey.

I didn't get kicked out after answering these questions negatively, which I did honestly do on the ones you see here. I will also add there were a few more questions, VERY similar to these types of questions, that I did not print.

Also I don't know about the 19% progress that was pointed out, but I can tell you that it was long survey and the questions seemed to be grouped in types, so perhaps the percentage did change until I completed that group of questions. Who knows?
Again, I didn't make this up and I would bet my house this was a legit survey.

What was the original email address of this survey? Did you mouse over the link to the survey to see where the link was taking You? It just doesn't sound like a Disney public relations worded survey to me.


Resident Curmudgeon
I told you I'd be late @ShookieJones , but I'm earlier than I thought. Anyway, the survey is legit. I think (@marni1971 or one of other insiders, I'm not going to tag everyone even though you should note that by now I could've tagged most of the insiders with the amount of text I'm typing at this moment) there has been a shying away from certain types of questions since I've gotten the impression that some would be in trouble if survey responses weren't fairly superlative. Perhaps, there has been a cultural change. Perhaps, someone noticed actual guest opinions in real life seemed different than the survey data would indicate. Most likely, over a decade of sarcastic comments from me to various people and essays of excellence back when I could fill out a large rectangular box with various deep WDW related thoughts, has caused this sea change.

Did the rectangular box have a layer of granular absorbent material ??? :devilish::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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