Interesting Article on Manners at Hong Kong Disney


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I did a search and didn't find anything on this... If this is old news, my apologies...

Here's an interesting article about some of the problems being encountered with Disney in this new culture... The basic plot line is major line-jumping is rampant, people stealing glasses from Philharmagic, and even kids __________________ in the water by the castle.

Also interesting is the hatred between Japanese and mainland China that comes to the park. I wonder if Walt thought THIS one through!!

Follow the link to the story...


Well-Known Member
In the Parks

Intersting read...thanks


Buried20KLeague said:
I did a search and didn't find anything on this... If this is old news, my apologies...

Here's an interesting article about some of the problems being encountered with Disney in this new culture... The basic plot line is major line-jumping is rampant, people stealing glasses from Philharmagic, and even kids __________________ in the water by the castle.

Also interesting is the hatred between Japanese and mainland China that comes to the park. I wonder if Walt thought THIS one through!!

Follow the link to the story...

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Buried20KLeague said:
I did a search and didn't find anything on this... If this is old news, my apologies...

Here's an interesting article about some of the problems being encountered with Disney in this new culture... The basic plot line is major line-jumping is rampant, people stealing glasses from Philharmagic, and even kids __________________ in the water by the castle.

Also interesting is the hatred between Japanese and mainland China that comes to the park. I wonder if Walt thought THIS one through!!

Follow the link to the story...

The aticle looks a bit harsh to me and rather exaggerated... It might have been an incident... While I was there, I never saw these kinds of mishaps like that...
The CMs usually did their jobs very well... always very friendly and on the other hand pretty strict...

The Genii

New Member
I've been to China a few times. Here's my most vivid impression: bathrooms in most places, including restaurants, have no toilet paper, no hot water, no soap, no paper towels, no hot air dryers, and no toilet seats. The men ________ on the nearest wall they can find, spit all over the place, and are avid public nosepickers. They push, shove, have no sense of any kind of privacy, and cutting in line is a way of life. The woman aren't much better. It's the complete antithesis of Japan.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Corrus said:
The aticle looks a bit harsh to me and rather exaggerated... It might have been an incident... While I was there, I never saw these kinds of mishaps like that...
The CMs usually did their jobs very well... always very friendly and on the other hand pretty strict...

I actually thought the same thing, that it seemed to be written a bit harsh. Then again, it's possible that it was written by someone from the island about the mainland, therefore being biased... Although either way, the line jumping and public "relief" I found interesting.

That's a whole different kind of "Magic Your Way". :brick: :p


New Member
Wow...this all sounds rather harsh...

But if that's how things really are, don't you the The Walt Disney Company would have looked at the attitudes of mainlanders before they considered putting a park in Hong Kong.

Or maybe WDC didn't think that it might be an issue. *shrugs* If this is how mainlanders act in the park, how long do you think it's going to last?

Tim G

Well-Known Member
robynchic said:
Wow...this all sounds rather harsh...

But if that's how things really are, don't you the The Walt Disney Company would have looked at the attitudes of mainlanders before they considered putting a park in Hong Kong.
It was thoroughly tested and surveyed, and it seemed that the Chinese Disney Guests didn't behave any different from western culture guests.
Or maybe WDC didn't think that it might be an issue. *shrugs* If this is how mainlanders act in the park, how long do you think it's going to last?
No, they really took everything in consideration...


New Member
I think I'd rather trust the word of people who have actually been Corrus, than what appears to be a sensationalistic internet newspaper/magazine.

There probably is some fact in that story....the question much?

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
TiggerRPh said:
I think I'd rather trust the word of people who have actually been Corrus, than what appears to be a sensationalistic internet newspaper/magazine.

There probably is some fact in that story....the question much?
I'm with you. I'll trust Corrus's opinion over a writer. Lets face it an article on how well things are going at Disneyland does not sell magazines.

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
Master Yoda said:
I'm with you. I'll trust Corrus's opinion over a writer. Lets face it an article on how well things are going at Disneyland does not sell magazines.
I'm going to have to agree. It seems like the best choice is usually to trust Corrus anyway.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Mr Bill said:
I'm going to have to agree. It seems like the best choice is usually to trust Corrus anyway.

C'mon everyone!!! Join in the Corrus love fest!!! :lol:

Just kidding. I may have under 100 posts, but I've lurked for a couple years, and I'm well aware there's a small group of people you can take at their word on this site... Corrus being one of them.

I vote we get "Vote for Corrus" t-shirts like Napoleon Dynamite. :lol:


New Member
Old news being reported in a new article.

I don't think this article would help a bit about the growing tension between Japan and Mainland China....

and secondly, Hong Kong is NOT Mainland China.


New Member
The kinds of behavior they describe in the park is similar to behavior I saw in mainland China, so I'm not surprised if it's accurate.

Lining up is definitely not a treasured practice in China. Discarded cigarettes butts and garbage were rampant (although it's the same at overlooks at the Grand Canyon). Napping in public in the middle of the day was also common-place. Kids without pants isn't a surprise either.

Everything I read in guidebooks before heading to China said that people were rude, but I didn't find that at all. I enjoyed the people. It's just a different way of living, different cultural norms. For example, when purchasing a subway ticket you drop your money in the little window and when the lady behind it sticks out a ticket - you snatch it. If you don't, someone else will. It's too over-crowded to be orderly. When trying to get off an incredibly crowded subway - you push. No ill feelings towards anyone, it's just the only way to get off (Tokyo is similar).

I don't think "ill mannered" is a fair term. It's just different.


New Member
With all due respect to Corrus

I was visting family in Hong Kong this past October and I had the opportunity to visit HKDL while I was there. Having experienced the park on October 12 first hand, I can say the article in question is absolutely accurate.

I am a Chinese-American born in San Francisco and both of my parents were born in China. Ever since I was young I was always taught to be proud of my race, however, my visit to HKDL made it very difficult to do so.

Although the park was far from full that day with little or no waits in line, many of the locals nevertheless felt compelled to take "cuts in line" as we call it, whenever the opportunity presented itself. Queuing up and waiting your turn meant absolutely nothing to these people. As I waited in the line for Winnie the Pooh, there was a chinese speaking man of about 30 years of age with 2 young children. In the 25 minutes that I waited in line for this ride, he made no less than 3 attempts to cut ahead of me with his children in tow everytime I allowed more than 12 inches of space between me and the party ahead of me. It was rude and annoying and abolutely not necessary.

This was just one example of many that I experienced that day.

To be clear, I have been to WDW over 25 times in the past 15 years. I was also raised going to Disneyland every summer as a youngster since the age of 8. In addition, as a flight attendant, I have visited Disneyland Paris as well as Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea over the past 5 years.

I am well aware of the annoying cigarette smoking that exists in DLP as well as in the Japan parks. I have also experienced the obnoxious South American Tour groups that overwhelm the Florida parks seasonally. I can even put up with the southern California locals who act like they own Disneyland, however, nothing in my experience can match the offensive quality of the behavior I experienced by this visit. It was terrible and that article from Japan is dead on.

I do not have an axe to grind with Disney, Hong Kong, China or the chinese people. I just thought you all would like to know. It's true and it's a much bigger problem then Disney or the local government would have you believe. Apparently China has a lot riding on this financially and they really need to make it work.

I suppose this park would be okay for the chinese as long as they were being rude to just each other, but as an American born and raised citizen, I can say this place is a shocker and not worth your time and anguish.



New Member
Wendell said:
I was visting family in Hong Kong this past October and I had the opportunity to visit HKDL while I was there. Having experienced the park on October 12 first hand, I can say the article in question is absolutely accurate.

I am a Chinese-American born in San Francisco and both of my parents were born in China. Ever since I was young I was always taught to be proud of my race, however, my visit to HKDL made it very difficult to do so.

Although the park was far from full that day with little or no waits in line, many of the locals nevertheless felt compelled to take "cuts in line" as we call it, whenever the opportunity presented itself. Queuing up and waiting your turn meant absolutely nothing to these people. As I waited in the line for Winnie the Pooh, there was a chinese speaking man of about 30 years of age with 2 young children. In the 25 minutes that I waited in line for this ride, he made no less than 3 attempts to cut ahead of me with his children in tow everytime I allowed more than 12 inches of space between me and the party ahead of me. It was rude and annoying and abolutely not necessary.

This was just one example of many that I experienced that day.

To be clear, I have been to WDW over 25 times in the past 15 years. I was also raised going to Disneyland every summer as a youngster since the age of 8. In addition, as a flight attendant, I have visited Disneyland Paris as well as Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea over the past 5 years.

I am well aware of the annoying cigarette smoking that exists in DLP as well as in the Japan parks. I have also experienced the obnoxious South American Tour groups that overwhelm the Florida parks seasonally. I can even put up with the southern California locals who act like they own Disneyland, however, nothing in my experience can match the offensive quality of the behavior I experienced by this visit. It was terrible and that article from Japan is dead on.

I do not have an axe to grind with Disney, Hong Kong, China or the chinese people. I just thought you all would like to know. It's true and it's a much bigger problem then Disney or the local government would have you believe. Apparently China has a lot riding on this financially and they really need to make it work.

I suppose this park would be okay for the chinese as long as they were being rude to just each other, but as an American born and raised citizen, I can say this place is a shocker and not worth your time and anguish.


I suppose if you didn't come to this park, everything would be just fine!


New Member
In a previous post HKDisneyland writes:

"I suppose if you didn't come to this park, everything would be just fine!"

Actually, quite to the contrary. I was very interested in seeing this Park and possibly disproving all of what was reported in the media regarding the guest conduct in this park.

However, sadly there was nothing to defend based on my observations that day.

HKDisneyland, I don't know you personally but I do hope that you are not actually a Cast Member in training. At the other parks I have been to, Cast Members "in training" wore ribbons that said "earning my ears", attached to their name tags. I noticed that next to your Avatar name that it says the same thing.

If this is indeed true then your comments are not exactly warm and welcoming to someone who spent hard earned time and money to visit the park. Also, I'm not sure this would be the frame of mind Disney would like it's Cast Members to have.

If you are not actually a Cast Member (or in training) then please disregard this concern.

I understand you have created many threads relaying the excitement that some, if not many, may have for this park. It was not my objective to take away from that. I was merely trying to report as objectively as possible to those who may have not had the opportunity to visit this park first hand.

In addition, how many of the other Parks have you actually been to? Perhaps if you experienced more of the other Parks, you too would understand how grossly different this Park compares to its predecessors.

Thanks for your understanding,



New Member
My apologies.

A friend of mine on this Forum said that your Avatar only says "Earning my WDWMagicEars".

This is very different and I apologize for mistakingly holding you to a Disney Cast Member standard.

Thanks for your understanding,



New Member
>>>>> suppose this park would be okay for the chinese as long as they were being rude to just each other, but as an American born and raised citizen, I can say this place is a shocker and not worth your time and anguish.

This is very racial comment!!!

>>>>In addition, how many of the other Parks have you actually been to? Perhaps if you experienced more of the other Parks, you too would understand how grossly different this Park compares to its predecessors.

I have been to all Disneyland Parks in the world..
It is not fair to say that only chinese people are rude in the park, i have seen a lot of rude people(other than chinese) in other parks as well..

I think some of your comments are very racial and prejudicial..and you are generalizing all chinese (mainland chinese, HK chinsese, Taiwan Chinese , etc....) are rude...i don't think it is fair.

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