Interesting Article on Manners at Hong Kong Disney


New Member
Gosh, I re-read my post and also had my friend read it and we're not sure if it was racial as you say. However, don't despair, I fully appreciate that you are entitled to an opinion. It just seems like there's no room for anyone else's observations here including ones that may be counter to what you are feeling. But I could be mistaken.

I'm actually kind of confused about how one can be a "racist or racial" against their own ethnic race. This is a first for me. I have been to Hong Kong many times as well as Mainland China and Taiwan and I can't honestly say that I have never experienced the same level of rudeness and disregard for others as I did at this park. It was very perplexing and offensive to me.

At any rate, my post was not meant to offend or upset anyone. If it did, then please let me offer an apology to everyone. I just thought I was volunteering a unique perspective having been raised by parents born in Mainland China, Guanzghou to be exact.

And for what it's worth, when I was growing up, I was told that no matter who you are, everyone should always show respect and courtesy to others (friends as well as strangers) regardless of where you're from. Even my grand parents insisted on this as a part of the values and culture that our family was raised under.

Very simply, as my earlier post stated, I am not saying that rude people do not exist at any of the other parks. In fact, they do. The difference with my experience at HKDL was the intensity and frequency with which the rudeness occurred. I can accept a few occurences over the day, but it was more like the norm whether I was waiting to purchase a souvenir, waiting to buy some food or simply just waiting for a ride.

And for the record, I have to stand by my comment and observation that I suppose this conduct and behavior is okay for the Chinese interacting with each other. My point was that it probably didn't bother them as much as it did me, and probably didn't and wouldn't make a difference in their day. However, if someone was saving up money and time from work to travel there from another country, I was just trying to save them some money and grief. There are many other wonderful things to see in Hong Kong and/or in China, but trust me, HKDL by other Park standards is not one of them.


New Member
Wendell said:
Gosh, I re-read my post and also had my friend read it and we're not sure if it was racial as you say. However, don't despair, I fully appreciate that you are entitled to an opinion. It just seems like there's no room for anyone else's observations here including ones that may be counter to what you are feeling. But I could be mistaken.

I'm actually kind of confused about how one can be a "racist or racial" against their own ethnic race. This is a first for me. I have been to Hong Kong many times as well as Mainland China and Taiwan and I can't honestly say that I have never experienced the same level of rudeness and disregard for others as I did at this park. It was very perplexing and offensive to me.

At any rate, my post was not meant to offend or upset anyone. If it did, then please let me offer an apology to everyone. I just thought I was volunteering a unique perspective having been raised by parents born in Mainland China, Guanzghou to be exact.

And for what it's worth, when I was growing up, I was told that no matter who you are, everyone should always show respect and courtesy to others (friends as well as strangers) regardless of where you're from. Even my grand parents insisted on this as a part of the values and culture that our family was raised under.

Very simply, as my earlier post stated, I am not saying that rude people do not exist at any of the other parks. In fact, they do. The difference with my experience at HKDL was the intensity and frequency with which the rudeness occurred. I can accept a few occurences over the day, but it was more like the norm whether I was waiting to purchase a souvenir, waiting to buy some food or simply just waiting for a ride.

And for the record, I have to stand by my comment and observation that I suppose this conduct and behavior is okay for the Chinese interacting with each other. My point was that it probably didn't bother them as much as it did me, and probably didn't and wouldn't make a difference in their day. However, if someone was saving up money and time from work to travel there from another country, I was just trying to save them some money and grief. There are many other wonderful things to see in Hong Kong and/or in China, but trust me, HKDL by other Park standards is not one of them.

of course that is yr subjective opinion.

I don't agree with what u said...particularly yr statement "My point was that it probably didn't bother them as much as it did me, and probably didn't and wouldn't make a difference in their day. However, if someone was saving up money and time from work to travel there from another country, I was just trying to save them some money and grief. "

How u know that it didn't bother them as much as you did?? it bothers me as well!! It really does make a difference if people are very polite and well behaved. Thats very ideal but nothing is perfect in this world!!
I am not going to defend them, but they are not the only persons who are rude.
I don't think it is a good and effective approach to deal with problems by mainly accusing. Most Chinese Newspapers and Internet Portals have already reported on this issue, not all of the chinese in Mainland are ill-behaved.
It takes time for improvement.

I understand you might be upset about rude behaviour.....
but you don't like the park (HKDL) doesn't mean other people don't.
Although i don't like to see people being rude, the park is small and not enough attractions, HKDL is a lovely park....there would be other people who like to visit this park.

It sounds like you are the only victim here?

i would rate yr case as very extreme....


New Member
Hi HKDisneyland and thank you for your response!

I was glad you could understand that my "comments" are a subjective opinion. In the rational world, most comments generally are.

At the same time, I also understand that it is not necessary for you to agree with any comments or observations I choose to post. I was simply participating in what I thought was a "Forum" by making an offering of what I experienced first hand at HKDL. If this is not acceptable, then please let me know because the definition of a Forum may have changed when I wasn't looking.

HKDL says, "it bothers me as well!! It really does make a difference if people are very polite and well behaved."

I'm also glad to see from your response that their rudeness bothered you too. I was beginning to think that you didn't believe the rudeness existed.

But please don't be mistaken, I was never trying to "deal with the problem" as you say, there was nothing for me to deal with. The rudeness that existed was just their way. All I wanted to do was to provide fair and valuable warning to anyone else who may feel concerned about this issue.

Like many other's here, I also felt the newspapers were exagerating till I got to experience the Park for myself. I wish I didn't underestimate their reports.

In all, I was never 'upset" as was stated, that's for people who take things personally. Instead I am just merely reporting my first hand observations and experience which according to some of the preceding posts, was lacking.

Since 2001, I have been an avid reader of the WDWMagic Boards. I have learned many valuable tips of advice from others through their journeys and experiences. It's a great place to belong to and my only intent was to provide others with useful knowledge and insight.


Well-Known Member
HKDisneyland said:
>>>>> suppose this park would be okay for the chinese as long as they were being rude to just each other, but as an American born and raised citizen, I can say this place is a shocker and not worth your time and anguish.

This is very racial comment!!!

>>>>In addition, how many of the other Parks have you actually been to? Perhaps if you experienced more of the other Parks, you too would understand how grossly different this Park compares to its predecessors.

I have been to all Disneyland Parks in the world..
It is not fair to say that only chinese people are rude in the park, i have seen a lot of rude people(other than chinese) in other parks as well..

I think some of your comments are very racial and prejudicial..and you are generalizing all chinese (mainland chinese, HK chinsese, Taiwan Chinese , etc....) are rude...i don't think it is fair.
Easy now... you're being fairly rude while trying to say the rudeness doesn't exist. :lookaroun

There was nothing racial in Wendell's comments.

Edit: guess I should have kept reading... Now you say the rudeness does exist, but people will learn to improve how they act? I don't believe that's the case. Actually, I would say the opposite is true. People will see the rude behavior and act similar if not controlled better.

I will say this... I noticed quite a bit of rude behavior while at WDW last week, so it happens everywhere. Loud, rude and obnoxious people will take their behavior with them and their surroundings probably won't change their behavior.

Tim G

Well-Known Member

This thread is getting way too serious... and starting to get out of control..

Too much Yes / No...

It's getting us nowhere...

Let's end this thread... shall we???



New Member
I remember one time at Magic Kingdom, I went to a Fastpass machine for Splash Mountain and saw a man standing there by the machine. I got my Fastpasses(4) and turns out they were the last ones. The man then approached me and said " I was here first, please give me those tickets" I explained that since he wasn't trying to get one, it gives me the right to get one. He then gets ed and starts saying that he was waiting for his wife since he can't get one without her ticket. Needless to say, I gave him one of my Fastpasses and backed off.:lookaroun Then, I went on with my brother and dad.:cry: My mother was shocked at this behaviour and opted to sit out.:( You can't judge people by their culture becuase rudeness happens everywhere, even at the Happiest Place on Earth.

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