Just got back from work at Epcot and while there I noticed that the sign/structure out front of Innoventions West (seen here: http://lh5.ggpht.com/_SNda-ZaTjsg/SkozISFp92I/AAAAAAAAGtY/vJftjRZOGXY/s640/DSC00879.JPG) has been removed.
They must have removed it overnight because it was definitely there yesterday. Sorry I don't have pictures, but I didn't have my camera with me. I'll try to get some pictures tomorrow. I think it looks really good without the sign/structure there and the space feels alot more open, but it does kind of make that entrance door to Innoventions look kind of bare.
They must have removed it overnight because it was definitely there yesterday. Sorry I don't have pictures, but I didn't have my camera with me. I'll try to get some pictures tomorrow. I think it looks really good without the sign/structure there and the space feels alot more open, but it does kind of make that entrance door to Innoventions look kind of bare.