Indiana Jones

Green Lantern

New Member
Original Poster
I'm a huge fan of Indiana Jones, much like I am with Star Wars. I love the fact that Indy is in a Disney park. The stunt show is great fun at MGM< but I do admit, I wish they would put the ride there instead.

With the new movie coming out, I wonder if MGM has any plans for any refurbs for the park?

I still have my Raiders of the Lost Ark action figures from when I was a kid. I have: Indy, Cairo Swordsman, belloq in normal clothes, Belloq in his ceremonial robes, German mechanic, Indy desguised as a German officer, the Arabian horse, the Well of Souls play set, Toht and I think Salla. I also have the 12 inch Indy doll from Raiders, with gun and whip and coat, minus the coat and hat. I have my near complete set of Marvel Indiana Jones comics, a few odds and ends I got here and there, as well as the pins they sell in WDW.

Any other Indiana Jones fans on here?
I am a big Indy fan too!

i am not a fan of the stunt show tho, i wish it was more of a show than "what you are watching is a fake production of how we would make a movie...but we arent" kinda thing

I wished they'd take it down and build the ride!!!!!
I am a big Indy fan too!

i am not a fan of the stunt show tho, i wish it was more of a show than "what you are watching is a fake production of how we would make a movie...but we arent" kinda thing

I wished they'd take it down and build the ride!!!!!

Or better yet, build the ride and leave the stunt show:) The stunt show could use an update, its been the same for a LONG time.

Would love to see an Indy ride down at the world

Green Lantern

New Member
Original Poster
The stunt show was fun the first few times I saw it. Now, I skip it when we go down. Every couple of years we might watch it once, then, that's it again for another few trips. Usually I skip the show and check out the merchandise.

I would absolutely love for the ride to be built. It would have been cool if they were building it right now and premiered it when the new film came out.


Agreed. They cheated us by buidling Dinosaur at AK instead of building Indy at MGM. Dinosaur uses the exact same track and vehicles, and I would assume had a similar budget. I've ridden both and Indy is much better due to the theming. I'm assuming that if they ever build an Indy ride at WDW, it would have to be different from DL's version, since that version is so much like our Dinosaur.


Agreed. They cheated us by buidling Dinosaur at AK instead of building Indy at MGM. Dinosaur uses the exact same track and vehicles, and I would assume had a similar budget. I've ridden both and Indy is much better due to the theming. I'm assuming that if they ever build an Indy ride at WDW, it would have to be different from DL's version, since that version is so much like our Dinosaur.

Same exact tract lay out too, if I'm not mistaken.

If they do build a new Indy ride I just want it to be an original ride, not a clone of Crystal Skull or Forbidden Eye.


New Member
I'm happy with the way the Indy Stunt Show is now. I love the movies, and I think Disney did a great job making it seem like you're watching them create the stunts for "Raiders." It, unlike that awful LMA, is a show I love to see every time I go, and considering it still plays to a full stadium, I don't think it has gotten old for the majority of vistors, either. Could they also use an Indy ride? Sure, but as stated by others, preferably not the one at Disneyland because Dinosaur has exactly the same track layout and cars. Maybe something more along the lines of the mine car chase scene in "Temple of Doom." The last thing Disney-MGM needs to do is remove one attraction for another. They need more attractions...though I wouldn't be at all upset if LMA was removed for something else.
And, yes, Green Lantern, I was just as geeky with Indy as I was with "Star Wars" as a kid. I still have the action figures, the Well of Souls playset, a couple of fedoras, a bullwhip, the novelizations of the movies, the VHS tapes (pan-and-scan and widescreen), the DVDs, and all of the episodes on VHS of "Young Indiana Jones" from its initial run on ABC. I can't wait to get the DVDs of the episodes just released, but the cost is so outrageous I think I'll be waiting until Paramount stops being so greedy.


Active Member
Well, I reckon that two stunt shows are too many for one park, and that whilst LMAX stays, something new and Indy-related could be done in the space of the Epic Stunt Spectacular. I for one would like to see a mine cart ride ala Temple of Doom as mentioned by the previous poster.


Active Member
I'm a huge fan of Indiana Jones, much like I am with Star Wars. I love the fact that Indy is in a Disney park. The stunt show is great fun at MGM< but I do admit, I wish they would put the ride there instead.

With the new movie coming out, I wonder if MGM has any plans for any refurbs for the park?

I still have my Raiders of the Lost Ark action figures from when I was a kid. I have: Indy, Cairo Swordsman, belloq in normal clothes, Belloq in his ceremonial robes, German mechanic, Indy desguised as a German officer, the Arabian horse, the Well of Souls play set, Toht and I think Salla. I also have the 12 inch Indy doll from Raiders, with gun and whip and coat, minus the coat and hat. I have my near complete set of Marvel Indiana Jones comics, a few odds and ends I got here and there, as well as the pins they sell in WDW.

Any other Indiana Jones fans on here?

I'm a big fan too!

The ride is awesome in Disneyland, but I still love the stunt show and would hate to see it go.

As for the park, there have been rumors that the stunt show will be updated to incorporate some of the new things from the upcoming fourth film, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. :)


Active Member
Agreed. They cheated us by buidling Dinosaur at AK instead of building Indy at MGM. Dinosaur uses the exact same track and vehicles, and I would assume had a similar budget. I've ridden both and Indy is much better due to the theming. I'm assuming that if they ever build an Indy ride at WDW, it would have to be different from DL's version, since that version is so much like our Dinosaur.
I totally agree.
Was it me, or was Indy much bumpier than Dinosaur?


Active Member
Really? I thought the opposite since Dinosaur is in the dark for the majority of the ride, it seems rougher because you can't brace yourself for anything.
They both jerk you around a LOT, but I felt more whiplashed after Indy.
But I see your reasoning about Dinosaur...
Hmm, well its been a while since I've been on either.
Only been to DL once (2005), and my last trip to WDW (August 2007) we somehow never got over to Dinosaur. So, I haven't been on Dinosaur since 2004. :lol:

Peaches Magee

New Member
Ah, Green Lantern.... you knew I would show my face in here eventually.

Indy is a hero of mine...
and Harrison is a bit of a legend to me for a few reasons...
one of them rhymes with 'Han Solo'... :animwink:

Green Lantern

New Member
Original Poster
Ah, Green Lantern.... you knew I would show my face in here eventually.

Indy is a hero of mine...
and Harrison is a bit of a legend to me for a few reasons...
one of them rhymes with 'Han Solo'... :animwink:

Hey Peaches, was wondering when you would join the party. Welcome! Shall we continue geeking out?

Cthaddeus, I agree with the Young Indy DVD's being pricey, I really want those. I heard though that the Old Indy beginnings were edited out of the DVDs. I wonder if they also got rid of the episode where Harrison Ford played Indy in the beginning? Did you read the Marvel comic?

I had the fedora and bullwhip as well, though my mother always hated me having the whip. For years I went trick or treating dressed as Indy.

I met Harrison Ford once years ago in NYC. I had him autograph a still from Temple of Doom.

I mentioned this in the Star Wars thread, but in the Dark Horse comic Star Wars Tales #19 Indy and Han Solo's paths cross. It's a pretty cool little story. I recommend it to anyone who loves both Indy and Star Wars.

Peaches Magee

New Member
Hey Peaches, was wondering when you would join the party. Welcome! Shall we continue geeking out?

Cthaddeus, I agree with the Young Indy DVD's being pricey, I really want those. I heard though that the Old Indy beginnings were edited out of the DVDs. I wonder if they also got rid of the episode where Harrison Ford played Indy in the beginning? Did you read the Marvel comic?

I had the fedora and bullwhip as well, though my mother always hated me having the whip. For years I went trick or treating dressed as Indy.

I met Harrison Ford once years ago in NYC. I had him autograph a still from Temple of Doom.

I mentioned this in the Star Wars thread, but in the Dark Horse comic Star Wars Tales #19 Indy and Han Solo's paths cross. It's a pretty cool little story. I recommend it to anyone who loves both Indy and Star Wars.

Yeah my internet has been acting like a real jerk the past couple days, so hard to be around as often at the moment... grrr..
But yes.... geek on, I beg of you. hehe
There really is nothing like a guy dressing as Indy... I saw the interview they did of all of them from ComicCon and he still looks great, and he is my dad's age... still has that charm and rugged good looks about him. I am so happy to see him reprising the classic role. How was he in person? He seems very cool... but pretty private as well... which a very much respect.

Yes, I have to look into that issue... must be pretty entertaining. :)
Oh btw, found myself poking around in Borders of all places (worst place to get comics btw, totally out of order, there and all their books... eh!) But I found Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall... I WANT!! It's going on my Christmas list actually cause with the Disney trip coming up... gotta thrift for now.
Also wanting Batman Secrets... because I am pretty much in love with Sam Keith's style.

ok jacked another thread with comics... go figure! haha


New Member
ok, lets just say I used to work in the business. I know HF but have not crossed his path in many years. I have had a few dinners and parties at his home when he lived in beverly hills in the mid 1980's. True true!

Skipper Dan

Active Member
I’m sure it’s obvious that I’m an Indiana Jones fan :king: , the “Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular” was my introduction to Dr. Jones. I can rationalize it’s removal, and especially, it’s residual, but I - like many others - believe that an Indiana Jones attraction, would be a wonderful addition to “the world.”

I completely disagree with, and don’t understand the mentality of the, “… it’s the same ride system as ‘Dinosaur'” statement that I’ve heard on so many occasions. :brick:Here’s my theory:

“Expedition Everest” is a rollercoaster, and so is “Big Thunder.” “Pirates of the Caribbean” is a boat ride, so is “El Rio Del Tiempo,” and “It’s a Small World.” If not creating multiple attractions of the same ride system, was the Imagineering mentality, we would only have one ride per each track system, and I don’t know about you guys, but I like “Big Thunder” and “Everest.”

I can understand placing an Indy Adventure in Animal Kingdom as being a little strange - though I still think it would rock :D - but preventing an Indy ride being placed in Disney, just because it uses the same ride system as “Dinosaur,” has just never made much sense to me. :hammer:

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