In Search of the Purple Cat & Other Wild Goose Chases

Introductions...and Day 1: Getting settled, getting snacks and heading Dowtown

Well, it's been about a week since we got back...I'm almost done editing and uploading pics...and I've channeled my inner Jennings Osborne and covered my house with lights as best as I, I guess it's time to get this trip report rolling. I don't have many pics for this early section, but I promise you----I have a TON of please be patient.

If you had a chance to read my PTR, this trip was a surprise for my younger daughter's (Sammie) 4th bday. We also have a 6 yr old daughter named Kendall who got her own surprise WDW trip back for her 5th bday. Sadly- the surprise for Sammie kind of fizzled, but by our departure day (Nov 14th) they were bouncing off the ceiling with excitement.

First things first...I had to get our Daisy Doggy to doggy camp.

Yeah, the girls thought it would be fun to put an 'Ohana lei on her...that didn't last long.

There was MAJOR drama with boarding, "am I going to miss my vacay for this?" kind of drama. Essentially, the girl who took my reservation booked me for October instead of November, and they were booked solid b/c my dates included Thanksgiving. It all worked out in the end, but it was a very ugly 45 minutes. Still, with the dog boarded, we were pretty much ready to go.

We hit the road from the Houston area around 8:15pm. The girls were so excited that they actually stayed awake much longer than expected, but they were both out before we crossed into Louisiana. They woke up each time we stopped for gas, but that was fine b/c it served as bathroom breaks for them and the people with the graveyard shifts at the various gas station convenience stores got a kick out of the girls' road trip bed time attire. They were both in Christmas pjs...Kendall an elf and Sammie as Santa. Kendall also had big furry bunny slippers and Sammie had her ladybugs.

I drove from Houston to the Alabama state line. I couldn't even tell you what time it was when DH took over for me. I went a bit crazy between eastern Louisiana and through Mississippi. I was drinking Diet Mountain Dew and had a couple 20oz diet Red Bulls + peanut butter M&Ms. Let's just say I was WIRED! Around midnight, several stations switched over to holiday just picture me all energized, having a holiday sing a long in the driver's seat, dancing in my seat...and all while everyone else slept! Yeah- it's a good thing there was next to nobody on the road.

The rest of the drive was pretty uneventful. DH and I switched off a lot after that just so I could get in some naps. The griping came as we got closer to Orlando...he hates tolls. Still, it was the sign that we were almost there. I was hoping to get some great video of our arrival, but this was the trip where nothing choreographed would work for us. So, you have a pic just before we see the glorious Maingate...

Even my first arrival pic at Yacht Club was pretty pathetic...

I guess at least the pics I was able to get improved...

What really happened, DH and I had a misunderstanding about signs, where to go and what I'd be doing. In a nutshell, I didn't know he was expecting me to navigate. I did take a video (deleted), but it wasn't fit for all audiences.

We parked my vehicle and went to check in. I didn't want to mess with the bags if the room wasn't ready. It was about 3pm and I'd listed our estimated arrival time as 11:30am when doing online checkin. Not sure if it helped, but our room was ready. Which was good because I was a little let down that the guy who checked us in wasn't very enthusiastic or personable. So, since the room was ready we opted to check out the room before figuring out the bag situation. i.e. if it was close enough, we might bring in our own bags. Too bad our room was a million miles away...I swear, any farther and we'd be staying at the Dolphin.

The room was really nice though...a corner room on the 1st floor with a quiet pool from our patio view and a nice water area and lush greenery from our two side windows.

(Sammie likes wearing crazy mismatched socks)


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As I'd noted before...I've been on the Backlot Tour before...but it was also in the early days of the tour. Ya know, back when the Golden Girls' set was a big highlight and the silly kid in me thought it might be fun if Rose and the girls were around so we could discuss St. Olaf and nosh on some cheesecake. Now, I knew the tour had been changed quite a bit, and I didn't even totally love the original, so I was really good with whatever they had to show us.

In fact, I adore this thing...

...although I get a pic I REALLY like of it later on in the tour.

Funny, I remember driving into WDW for one of our trips in the 80s, before MGM opened, and I have these faint memories of seeing the Earful Tower from the road and being all excited to see the new park once it opened. It's so long ago though that sometime I feel like it was all just a dream. Sorry- not trying to get into the whole I feel old...just tired. LOL.


So really, I just shot pics of a little of everything...





And here it fave pic of the tour...


I call it "Two Earfuls." Thought about Dueling Earfuls, but it just didn't have a ring to it. OK - cheesy- ringing in ears. I know...these cold meds are really getting to my head.

Hi Herbie!


Love the plane...




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I would get nervous all trip each time Sammie got measured. I wanted her to be safe, but I also know she'd be heartbroken if she measured up once and then didn't measure up after that. Thankfully, it was a non-issue and she was cleared for her 2nd ride on Star Tours. The standby wait still wasn't too bad so we jumped in line.

Like father like daughter...

How all the cool kids are wearing 'em these days...

And she had such big fun on her second time riding Star Tours that she begged us to ride a third time. So, we got right back on line after this. Thankfully, it was the same CM doing the measuring and he remembered her, so that was a non-issue. She actually begged for a 4th ride, but the rest of us felt it was time to move on.

So, we moved onto the Great Movie Ride. I'm mixed on this ride...there are some parts that I really could do without or feel need a true upgrade, while there are others that I find at the very least -charming- each time I ride.

Light fixtures!!!

It wasn't long before we were loaded onto the ride...

...and away we go...

Kendall got a bit scared in the Alien part, which surprised me because she never had before. Sammie also got kind of shaky. For that reason, I didn't get much in the way of good or even semi-good pics in here b/c I was trying to hold onto her and help ease the fear. This is one of the few OK shots I did get...

I think she had to hold me a bit at this point because this is kind of creepy looking...

Yeah- and the girls were scared again as soon as they realized the Wicked Witch was going to make her appearance...

All in all, my fave part is at the end with all of the movie clips. I know you can't have a whole ride full of clips and they probably could add a few more current movies, but I still really enjoy that whole part.


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So, you'd think that the girls would never want to set foot the Great Movie Ride ever again...or at least a long long long time...well, with as scared as they were. No...not the case. Sammie begged...yes, ride again. And when everyone else rejected the idea, the waterworks started. It was a long shot...especially since I didn't plan on getting any closer than we already were, but I could see the parade from where we were standing. I offered to put her up on my shoulders to watch the parade...and it worked! DH and I wound up taking turns with her and also dealing with a pouty Kendall who didn't like hearing she's too big to be up on our shoulders for too long. At least we were far enough back that there was nobody around us...i.e. no blocked views.








So, while we watched it from did the trick and little girly had no desire to go back on...


Nope, she's just happy to be hanging with daddy...




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I had this crazy idea that I'd get to ride RnR this next thing ya know, I'm dragging everyone off to that side of the park.

I really didn't think standby would be practical, so I grabbed a fastpass.


I was really hoping the timing would work out around the second showing of Fantasmic! since the plan was still to try and catch that...even though the prospect of walking back to Yacht Club did not sit well with us (i.e. if we missed the last boat). And not sure what's going on here...but here's some more filming going on outside RnR...


Well, there really wasn't anything else for us to do down there, so we started to head back...


And's starting to feel a bit crowded...


Funny, but I guess I'd forgotten to some degree about dinner, but this reminded me that we had our dinner coming up at 50s...


We still had time to burn, so we decided to do some shopping... or really, more browsing.


As a Donald fan...I LOVE if only I drank coffee...




I tried one of these last trip, but wasn't really up for the rice crispies this time.


Then DH decided that the best thing to do before dinner was fill tubes with flavored colored sugar.




Really not a bad deal for a snack credit though...


And a light fixture before we head back out...


Lovin' the lights!


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I couldn't believe it, but it was actually time for us to head over to 50s. Now I ate here a LONG time ago, but this would be a first for everyone else in the family. The good news, we're all pretty good sports. The even better news for anyone who isn't me or DH...I totally psyched the kids up for the meal, so they did their best to try and make it an even more "unique and fun" experience. It's good though, because Kendall is normally pretty shy in unfamiliar settings and between pin trading and meals like this - she really found a lot of confidence and had fun with it at the same time.

Snapped a blurry puppy...

...and a turned around Mouse along the way...


...and next thing ya know, we had arrived...


...and how festive it is too!


Sammie was getting really hungry and was beyond the "my tummy is about to growl" I was just trying any trick possible to entertain her while we waited.

We found the Mickey's on the tables...


Watched a little tv...


Looked at the mags...


And even talked about the bar (hey- I was running out of options and it's a neat bar)


At some point I gave up and gave her my phone...


...and thankfully, the buzzer went off right after that and we were escorted to our super cool table.




And now crayons solve any other ants in the pants going on right now with the girlies...




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Really, I'm just happy when I can sit back and watch Dick VanDyke...hey, it reminds me of what was showing on Nick at Night back when I was home on summer breaks from college.

Although, all of the little details are very cool as well...


Now, our server wasn't exactly what I pictured when I think of 50s, but I was fine with it as long as he helped make the meal fun. We put in our orders, and it was around that point that Kendall started wondering why he wasn't being silly. We'd later find out that he usually starts off more reserved at tables with little ones and then tests the waters since those tables tend to be less receptive to antics. Needless to say, I gave him the green light.

The girls had their fruit come out first. I don't know if it was a coincidence, but I'm pretty sure that's a hidden Mickey in Sammie's grapes.


I also got the onion rings...


...and a vanilla milkshake.


The milkshake was awesome...nice flavor, thick...pretty much ice cream. The onion rings were a bit of a letdown though. They weren't bad, but they weren't what I think of when I think onion rings to rave about. The horseradish sauce, however, we really good. Although it apparently made Sammie's mouth hot. Imagine that.

Speaking of hot...DH tried a cocktail of some sort. At the urging of our server, we all had fun mocking Daddy's poison fire water.

In the meantime, we watched tv...




Entrees were out next and DH got the fried chicken...which he loved...


I know the girls had more than mac & fries, but I can't seem to find anything but this pic for them...


I had the was good, but I think I would have liked the pot roast better...



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It was around this point that everyone got VERY silly...


Well, it turns out that everyone got into their candy tubes that we'd just bought...hence the blue teeth (I'll spare you the blue tongue). I think some of it was the lack of nap. Kendall doesn't normally nap and Sammie doesn't like to nap, but we usually take midday breaks at WDW. Still, DHS is usually a shorter day, so we opted to skip nap/rest time. So, I think everyone is just kind of crazy at this point.

It was around this time that the girls also realized they could get mom and dad in trouble. DH was up first...he hadn't eaten any of his veggies and it was time the girls got some retribution. So, the choo choo train and airplane ensured that daddy got some veggies for the night.




(I think he's done)

The shenanigans stopped briefly while Walt was on tv...





And as soon as that ended, Kendall was out to get mommy in trouble...even if it meant lying. Out of nowhere, she blurts out "MOMMY HAS HER ELBOWS ON THE TABLE!" And of course our server was within earshot. I really didn't, but she wanted to see what would happen.

Yea...Mommy has to stand with her nose on the wall...that's what happens.



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We were offered dessert, but the girls were the only ones up for it...

This was also an easy one to make safe for Kendall. As we've already established, we've had good luck with WDW's ice cream, so all they had to do was remove the M&Ms from hers.

We finished up with dinner and headed out. While we had seen drizzle the last two days, today was the only day with a real chance of rain...and it looked like that chance of rain was about to become a reality...



I was kind of nervous since our plan for the early evening was Osborne Lights...specifically, the turning on of the lights. But, I put on my poncho (as did DH), and the girls got on their raincoats and we made the best of it.



blurry and rainy...


Thankfully, it didn't rain all that much and we were able to have some shelter in that little shop along the Streets of America. The streets were filling up with more and more people as we neared 6pm, but it was the same phenomenon we experienced the last time we saw Osborne Lights...everyone was in really good spirits.

The kids eventually ditched their coats as the rain (very brief thankfully) let up and were also in good spirts (always a plus :))...


***Next up for this day...Osborne Lights, Hidden Mickey, Dancing in the Streets, and the Search for the Purple Cat :D


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I absolutely love you TR!!! Your girls remind me of me and my little sister while we're at WDW :) lol. I can't wait to read more

Thank you! It's been really fun watching their experiences in the parks over the last few years. It's amazing to see how it changes for them each trip and how they enhance each other's experiences. Thanks so much for reading!!! :)


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I was really shocked that I was OK with the clown in person. I see it in my pics and it freaks me out a bit, but in person - no issues. I was expecting it to be like Tilly - the funhouse face on the old Asbury Park Palace (creeps me out too much to post it, but here's a link ... ) . Still- definitely worth a visit to BW.
I think I saw Tilly back in college when my boyfriend (now hubbie) took a ride to Asbury Park. I read a magazine called "Weird NJ" and I think I read that someone had taken down Tilly but kept him intact with the hope of restoring him and putting him back up someday. He is creepy but still an iconic figure of the old Jersey shore. It's a really neat magazine if you ever get a chance to pick it up. Its published 2x a year. They have a cool website too. It has a lot of forgotten weird things that make Jersey "special". :D

Cassie S.

Active Member
Omigosh, I LOVE the way your cake turned out! Sooo pretty. And I really like your avatar with your girls and it looks like the Fairy Godmother. Can't wait to get to that part in your TR. :)


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I think I saw Tilly back in college when my boyfriend (now hubbie) took a ride to Asbury Park. I read a magazine called "Weird NJ" and I think I read that someone had taken down Tilly but kept him intact with the hope of restoring him and putting him back up someday. He is creepy but still an iconic figure of the old Jersey shore. It's a really neat magazine if you ever get a chance to pick it up. Its published 2x a year. They have a cool website too. It has a lot of forgotten weird things that make Jersey "special". :D

Love "Weird NJ." It's been some time since I've been on their website though. It used to be organized by county and really easy to find all of the creepy and crazy things. In saying that, you also reminded me of the other NJ fixture that made me worry about the clown in Luna Park. Not sure if you've ever seen or heard of the Evil Clown of Middletown ---> It wasn't until several years ago when I saw it on Weird NJ's site that I discovered that I wasn't the only one with a deep fear of this clown. My mom's parents lived pretty close to it and we'd sometimes pass it when going shopping. eeeeek!!!!


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Omigosh, I LOVE the way your cake turned out! Sooo pretty. And I really like your avatar with your girls and it looks like the Fairy Godmother. Can't wait to get to that part in your TR. :)

Thanks! They really did such a great job and I love that the Contemporary is just so easy to work with when it comes to cakes. Actually, I should be covering BBB tonight after I finish up with our DHS day. I think between me and Photopass...I have something like 250+ pictures from that short period of time. :D

I am so in..loving the report so far..your girls are so gorgeous!
I had the same reaction when we stayed there in Sept.. I was shocked that the pool isnt the least bit creepy in real life! to me anyway!

Thanks!!! It's just sooooo strange how that pool could photograph so creepy yet be a non-issue in person. All in all, I really loved that pool area. I think between your stay there and a few other people's, I'm sold on staying there for a warm weather trip. Thanks for reading! :)


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So, picking up where I left off...the nice thing about Osborne Lights...there are so many good vantage points and so many amazing things to see that nobody was really pushing or shoving for a good spot. Everyone pretty much seemed to pick an area and camped out. And then, that glorious voice came over the PA system and we knew the lights were about to start. It was all kind of a blur to me...I know there was a little more to the maybe a family honored and I think Santa Goofy helped turn them on, but like I said- it's a bit of a blur. All I know it that they turned on...

...and it was even more wonderful than I'd remembered it.


Now I love lights...almost an unhealthy love of lights. My electrician had to pay us a visit last year around this time for unrelated issues and he was really hoping I'd take him up on the offer to work up a plan for their own dedicated power board. So, needless to say, I am a huge fan of the late Jennings Osborne. I had followed his story prior to WDW getting the lights and while I was sad for him when he lost his battle, the reality- I'm much more likely to see them in person at WDW. It is for this reason I also have a TON of pictures of 'The Lights."

As people who are half and half...I love that they also celebrate other religions.

I haven't done a count yet, but I have a TON of pics of the big tree. So don't worry- you're not seeing the same pic twice...I just love it so.

Now, kudos to DH on this one...we hadn't really introduced the girls to the concept of hidden Mickeys, but since there are so many within the Osborne Lights...he took it upon himself to get the girls started on this. I don't know if we found all of them, but we found TONS and my job was to take pics of every one.

So, you'll probably see a number hidden Mickeys creep in here and there.

The changes to the canopy are pretty spectacular...

All of my 2010 photos just show it in red...and I seem to recall that last year was the year it shifted over to full LED with animation. It was amazing before, but it's just WOW now.


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So, we continued our search for Mickeys...

...while also marveling at how EVERYTHING was decked out with lights.

Better watch's the Santa Police...

And another Mickey...

And aside from being right in front of the tree, this is probably my fave spot to be in the lights.

Now, I don't know how everyone else does Osborne Lights, but we like to sing along to the Christmas music during the times when the lights aren't dancing. Loud enough that we can hear each other, but quiet enough as to not disturb anyone else. And it looks like we've found some people to sing with us...

Although, I think Sammie was kind of ticked off when Kendall decided to take a solo...

She'll get over back to the lights. More Mickey...

And even one of the many cute tiny ones...



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One of my favorite things is how everyone just seems to stop in place for the dancing...

I can't remember how many times we watched them dance. I mean, we wound up spending over an hour and a half in the we saw them dance A LOT! Yeah- going to see Fantasmic! and going to ride RnR pretty much took a back seat to the Osborne Lights. I look at it this way...I can come back over the summer and see Fantasmic! and ride RnR, but Osborne Lights is only at holiday time. So, that was the choice we made.

So, we made our way over towards the globe...and just spotted a Mickey I didn't notice before.

Due to the rain earlier, not all of the lights were lit (or took a little while to cooperate). The angels flying in this area had the biggest issues with the rain. I can relate, some of my home display hates the rain as well. Due to the weather, we also had no faux snow.

Now at this point, DH has wandered away with the girls a bit in search of more Mickey lights...and I'm just happily snapping away pics...

It was about this time that I realize that DH and the girls are over near where they're setting up for the Santa Goofy M&G and they're taking to a CM. I initially assume that it is related to the M&G, but I guessed wrong. I can hear a challenge being issued by the CM and the girls are both standing there with that wide eyed excited look on their faces.

...up next...the Search for the Purple Cat!

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