Ah, another great stroller debate...and that's just it, this topic will forever be "in a debate." Honestly, there's no right or wrong answer, only opinions. And, unless you are of the divine nature, humans will continue to err. Granted, a vacation is no excuse to lose sight of common sense and courtesy, but understand that that guest might have other important things on his/her mind (both stroller and sans-stroller guests) the next time a near stroller collision occurs. Alas, whether a child 'needs' a stroller is a parental issue, not a societal one...you may shake your head in disapproval (because let's face it, all of us probably have) when you see an older child being wheeled around, but resign yourself to the fact that you don't know all the details of their family dynamics.
Now, as to the comment that families with littler kids should not even consider touring the parks until said kids are older, obviously has an opinion....and so do I. I love my children dearly, and Disney has made for some terrific memories for me, my DH, and our DD's (7 and 4 y.o.). We made the conscious decision to tour the parks when our children were only months old AND we knew that they "wouldn't remember it," but that wasn't the point. We were traveling as a family, plain and simple, making our own unique memories...and those memories necessitated a stroller. My DH and I have our own reasons for being "those people." You tour the parks your way, and we'll tour the parks our way...tomato, tamato. However, we don't leave common sense and courtesy at the gate simply because we paid thousands of dollars to be there...yet, we are lumped into a category of guests with strollers, some of whom could care less about you and me, and that's not entirely fair to let one bad egg stink up your experience touring WDW.
Lastly,what people fail to remember is that when Disneyland and Disney World first opened, the parks were not as big as they are now...guests were not rushed to see and do as much as possible...but, you know when you look thru some of those old photos, I bet you see families with younger children, with and without a stroller. Parks could be toured in a day's time and the pace was slower. Fast forward to the '90's when Disney World became a destination, not just a theme park, families with young children were still invited to flock to central FL...but there was one glaring difference than in the 70's & 80's: WDW was much bigger. What this all boils down to is: touring, how fast and how much can get done before the vacation ends. And if guests with young children want to take part in the fascination that is uncle Walt's dream, even with a stroller (single or double), then so be it.
Rant over, and possibly in before 'the lock?'