In Defense of FLE


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I think the new FLE will be amazing. Once it is all said and done. Everyone will be fully impressed with the expansion. Little girls AND LITTLE BOYS will like the new expansion, which then will please all the families that visit. Like I've always said on here, it seems nothing pleases a lot of guests anymore, they always want more more more.

As for alcohol in MK, keep it AWAY. I enjoy have a drink like the rest of the guests, but MK doesn't need it. It's already in HS too, but it should just be in Epcot. Alcohol is already ridiculously abused in Epcot as it is. Nothing bothers me more then seeing guests completely trashed in line for an attraction. I don't even have kids yet, and I cant stand it. I still wish there was some kind of way to control the amount of alcohol each guest can consume per day in a park. It's still a family resort. I have no problem with having a few drinks, but I've seen so many guests feel so uncomfortable with other guests completely wasted in lines or on the bus back to the resort at night

The alcohol argument brought up before was a non-starter, and quite frankly promoted by someone no longer here. Alcohol will never be served in the MK precisely for the reason that it is truly the family park.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I don't see Hercules or Tarzan happening either, as much as I think Hercules would be a good fit for Fantasyland. I merely responded because I thought you implied Tarzan wasn't a sucess dispite box office numbers saying otherwise so I'm glad you cleared up your point.

Both films used to be a part of the half-hearted, short-lived "Disney Heroes/Adventurers" franchise that was likely meant to be the counterpart to the Disney Princess product line.

I just feel it's a shame a film that was popular on it's own merits is forcefully forgotten because it doesn't fit into some neatly defined franchise, but that's a topic for another discussion.

Yeah, I wasn't clear in my original post. Tarzan was most definitely a hit in its day. And Hercules performed solidly. I remember being very surpised at the time that Hercules was in theaters that it was considered a disappointment by some.

I wouldn't necessarily say the films are forgotten. They still run frequently on the Disney channel. Tarzan even got a direct-to-DVD sequel and I think a TV show. And Disney re-releases and promotes them whenever they can get a buck in DVD/Blu-ray sales.

But with regards to theme park attractions, you're right. It's a shame properties like Tarzan and Herc probably will never get serious consideration for theme park attractions beyond meet and greets.

The one that blows my mind is Aladdin. That movie was a blockbuster in it's day! It's still highly regarded as part of the second golden age of Disney animation. And the best they can give it is a spinner? These days, Jasmine eclipses Aladdin and the Genie since she's a princess.

But like you said, that's a conversation for another thread.


Well-Known Member
The one that blows my mind is Aladdin. That movie was a blockbuster in it's day! It's still highly regarded as part of the second golden age of Disney animation. And the best they can give it is a spinner? These days, Jasmine eclipses Aladdin and the Genie since she's a princess.

But like you said, that's a conversation for another thread.
DHS needs Aladdin's Musical Spectacular.


New Member
I would love to see Disney do something in the parks with the Marvel properties. But I wouldn't expect anything soon. For the foreseeable future, just enjoy Marvel Super Hero Island. It's better than anything Disney is likely to do with the characters any time soon.

You know I have to tell you. I'm one of the few people I know that really like is incredibly into Comic books knowing characters and storylines and powers,etc. The last time I went down to Florida was in May of 08. I finally got to see Islands of Adventure due to the people we were with. I waited all day to go to Marvel , I was just so ready for it. And I came out of there incredibly dissapointed. The music was epic , some of the building looked cool. But I felt like it was incredibly halfarsed.

See I'm not a looping coaster fan , nor am I fan of heights. I'll do space mountain and yeti and whatever. But nothing like the Hulk and that Dr.Doom Drop thing. I loved Spiderman however and it did infact live up to his amazing rep. But honestly , no characters around , lack of rides and nothing but shops upon shops and some random arcade. Listen I love a good T-Shirt or Comic book more then most people I know. But really I'm there to be ingaged in a marvel universe. Instead I felt like I had one ride , and a t-shirt and I was on my way. Kinda dissapointing. I could only hope Universal drops it (never thought i'd say that EVER) and let Disney have their awesome way with it. And while we're at it. Wanna make money Universal? 1 word. CYBERTRON. And none of that Micheal bay crap.

No slam intended on Tarzan. I liked the film and it did very respectable box office. On the whole, a solid hit.

I was just responding to the idea that Disney might add something like Hercules do the parks to lure in the boys the way the princesses are meant to appeal to the girls.

While Tarzan and Hercules were good films and both performed reasonably well at the box office and had mostly positive reviews, neither one is suitable as a franchise the way Cars and Toy Story currently are.

Don't get me wrong. I'd love a well-done Tarzan attraction (preferably at AK). I just don't see it happening.

Yeah I figured they both did well in theaters. Who knows ya never know what they're planning. It took them this long to make a Little Mermaid Attraction rather then a show.

I don't see Hercules or Tarzan happening either, as much as I think Hercules would be a good fit for Fantasyland. I merely responded because I thought you implied Tarzan wasn't a sucess dispite box office numbers saying otherwise so I'm glad you cleared up your point.

Both films used to be a part of the half-hearted, short-lived "Disney Heroes/Adventurers" franchise that was likely meant to be the counterpart to the Disney Princess product line.

I just feel it's a shame a film that was popular on it's own merits is forcefully forgotten because it doesn't fit into some neatly defined franchise, but that's a topic for another discussion.

Yeah honestly that bothers me to this day, I even consider Quasimodo apart of that concept. They really should be used in something.

Yeah, I wasn't clear in my original post. Tarzan was most definitely a hit in its day. And Hercules performed solidly. I remember being very surpised at the time that Hercules was in theaters that it was considered a disappointment by some.

I wouldn't necessarily say the films are forgotten. They still run frequently on the Disney channel. Tarzan even got a direct-to-DVD sequel and I think a TV show. And Disney re-releases and promotes them whenever they can get a buck in DVD/Blu-ray sales.

But with regards to theme park attractions, you're right. It's a shame properties like Tarzan and Herc probably will never get serious consideration for theme park attractions beyond meet and greets.

The one that blows my mind is Aladdin. That movie was a blockbuster in it's day! It's still highly regarded as part of the second golden age of Disney animation. And the best they can give it is a spinner? These days, Jasmine eclipses Aladdin and the Genie since she's a princess.

But like you said, that's a conversation for another thread.

Yeah right? Why is Aladdin reduced to a carpit ride clone of Dumbo? Again , "want to buy" a dark ride.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
You know I have to tell you. I'm one of the few people I know that really like is incredibly into Comic books knowing characters and storylines and powers,etc. The last time I went down to Florida was in May of 08. I finally got to see Islands of Adventure due to the people we were with. I waited all day to go to Marvel , I was just so ready for it. And I came out of there incredibly dissapointed. The music was epic , some of the building looked cool. But I felt like it was incredibly halfarsed.

I get what you are saying about Universal's Marvel. It's a small part of a theme park. It's only got 4 rides. And only 2 of them are really worth doing. 1 if you're not an coaster fan. And the characters were hidden away when I was there too (I did see signs pointing to various meet and greets but we didn't follow them because we were in a hurry.)

Even so, if Disney were to try to do anything with Marvel in FL right now, it would be even more half arsed than Uni. For one, they'd have their hands tied with the legal entanglements of the Uni deal. But also, they have too many other things going on.

What could Disney do right now? Maybe they can find a loop hole and have Iron Man or Thor walking around DHS. No thanks. Maybe build a single ride based around one of these characters. Pass.

I'll be patient. Let Disney focus on FLE and building up DHS and AK. Let them go back and fix TL and AL in MK. They have lots they can work on before dealing with the Marvel characters.

10 or 15 years out, it should be pretty easy to get back the Marvel rights in FL. By then, Disney should be ready to give them proper treatment. Maybe a 5th gate. Or at least their own land somewhere.

I know it sucks to think about waiting 10 years or more for Marvel to come to Disney parks. But wouldn't you rather see them done right?


New Member
I get what you are saying about Universal's Marvel. It's a small part of a theme park. It's only got 4 rides. And only 2 of them are really worth doing. 1 if you're not an coaster fan. And the characters were hidden away when I was there too (I did see signs pointing to various meet and greets but we didn't follow them because we were in a hurry.)

Even so, if Disney were to try to do anything with Marvel in FL right now, it would be even more half arsed than Uni. For one, they'd have their hands tied with the legal entanglements of the Uni deal. But also, they have too many other things going on.

What could Disney do right now? Maybe they can find a loop hole and have Iron Man or Thor walking around DHS. No thanks. Maybe build a single ride based around one of these characters. Pass.

I'll be patient. Let Disney focus on FLE and building up DHS and AK. Let them go back and fix TL and AL in MK. They have lots they can work on before dealing with the Marvel characters.

10 or 15 years out, it should be pretty easy to get back the Marvel rights in FL. By then, Disney should be ready to give them proper treatment. Maybe a 5th gate. Or at least their own land somewhere.

I know it sucks to think about waiting 10 years or more for Marvel to come to Disney parks. But wouldn't you rather see them done right?

Well I never said I was in a rush :) , good things come to those who wait (except for Kingdom Hearts 2.....god that was an awful game. But off topic).

Personally I think it could even happen in a few years to come , due to movie rights ending for some companies soon. I know Fox is trying to shove out an Xmen Reboot restarting the franchise , and rumors are floating upon a Daredevil flick. In other words, Universal can't be far off right?

I'm not even like spoiled , I'm happy Marvel even got an "island" and a couple of rides and whatever. It just hit me that they really didn't do that good of a job as advertised. Would I go back? Sure , IOA was pretty awesome. I just don't think it's really gonna heighten my enjoyment of that section in perticular.

This is what's gonna go down. Heed my words rofl.

When it's all said and done and Disney gets everything back in order (because FLE,AK,Tommarowland,DHS need some love) and the ability to create Marvel rides,etc. Hands down there is going to be an Avengers ride. There is no way they can't do it. The movie is rumored to be 3-4 hours long and it comes out in 2 years pretty much starring the all stars of marvel aside from Wolverine and Spidey. An Avengers ride is like a given. What I really hope for is either

A)A Slot in DHS containing Marvel with actual rides I and others can enjoy
B)Dare I say this? A Marvel Theme Park....gonna go ahead and probally go with A but hey I can dream right?

Anyways all I can do is wait it out :p. Also I'd probally consider Dr.Doom if it wasn't out in the open. I loved ToT because it was enclosed in a building structure etc. I know that sounds weird but not seeing every ounce of high heights makes it better for someone like myself. When that day comes I'll be the guy making the nerdy threads.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In other words, Universal can't be far off right?

My understanding is Uni has Marvel for pretty much as long as they like. But there are restrcitions. I suspect one day they may decide it is better to sell the rights back to Disney than to hold on to them. Either that, or Disney will find a legal loophole to invalidate the contract. But that will most likely be a long, long time from now.

Which is fine by me. I dare to dream of a Marvel gate. Either here or in CA. (My understanding is Disney could build a Marvel park in Anaheim right now if they wanted to. But that ain't happenin' till after DCA is done.) I fully expect that one day I will be able to take my grandkids to a Disney/Marvel park... even if I'm too old to ride anything.


Well-Known Member
I think your points are interesting back there, lebeau. My main concern is that Toontown will be gone. Now, most people would dismiss this idea, but this deprives people of a great way to meet with Mickey and the gang. What's going on there? In my opinion, they don't belong on Main Street, which is where they've been rumored to be relocated. But they don't have a home now.


Active Member
I think your points are interesting back there, lebeau. My main concern is that Toontown will be gone. Now, most people would dismiss this idea, but this deprives people of a great way to meet with Mickey and the gang. What's going on there? In my opinion, they don't belong on Main Street, which is where they've been rumored to be relocated. But they don't have a home now.

Wow, aren't you Californians supposed to be all yippidy about Mickey's "home" being in California?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I think your points are interesting back there, lebeau. My main concern is that Toontown will be gone. Now, most people would dismiss this idea, but this deprives people of a great way to meet with Mickey and the gang. What's going on there? In my opinion, they don't belong on Main Street, which is where they've been rumored to be relocated. But they don't have a home now.

I'll miss the idea of Toon Town more than what we actually had. Although we had some great times in Minnie's house. We took lots of pictures on our last trip since we knew it was our last time.

Since the last time this thread was current, PH has apparently gotten the axe. I wouldn't mind at all if a good version of Toon Town took its place (as long as Tink's M&G is preserved somewhere).


Well-Known Member
But they do have "vacation" homes in Florida. What about that? Wouldn't Mickey need someplace to live while "vacationing" in Florida?

There are about 34 hotels on Walt Disney World property. I don't see why he couldn't stay in one of those when he takes his trips out to Florida.

That, or he could get himself a house at Golden Oak.


Well-Known Member
There are about 34 hotels on Walt Disney World property. I don't see why he couldn't stay in one of those when he takes his trips out to Florida.

That, or he could get himself a house at Golden Oak.

But they don't have private homes or anything. And it would probably hurt the young'uns to know that and that they would have to guess what hotel Mickey and Minnie are staying at if they wanted to go see them.

And Golden Oak is out in California, not Florida.


Active Member
But they don't have private homes or anything. And it would probably hurt the young'uns to know that and that they would have to guess what hotel Mickey and Minnie are staying at if they wanted to go see them.

And Golden Oak is out in California, not Florida.

It's being built in Florida. Try doing research before acting like a know-it-all.


Well-Known Member
But they don't have private homes or anything.

They didn't have private homes in Florida for a good 20 years, and people seemed to manage just fine.

And it would probably hurt the young'uns to know that and that they would have to guess what hotel Mickey and Minnie are staying at if they wanted to go see them.

Who said anything about going to the hotel to see them? They have meet and greets in every park, it's not like you have to go out of your way to find them.

And Golden Oak is out in California, not Florida.


A Long Time DVC Member
Give it a rest. You can't get champagne at Cinderella's Royal Table either. In fact, there's no alcohol served at MK, so no, I'm not finding it a "tad bit weird."

This is not altogether a fact. MK does have an alcohol permit and does serve alcohol at private parties and events. I for one think that it is time for the MK to serve alcohol at the MK sit down food service locations.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
This is not altogether a fact. MK does have an alcohol permit and does serve alcohol at private parties and events. I for one think that it is time for the MK to serve alcohol at the MK sit down food service locations.

Why so? I see no compelling reason to change this long-standing tradition but I'm interested in your argument.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Why so? I see no compelling reason to change this long-standing tradition but I'm interested in your argument.

Same here. Plenty of other places to buy in the other parks, or at the resorts. It doesn't kill MK or its visitors to have an alcohol-free park.....

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