That's a beautiful story. It's what Disney (maybe) used to be, and should always be about, these moments of emotional impact brought on by the artistry of these physical, lovingly-crafted places.There are way to many to list but everything that was operating from February 1983 to September 2019 I experienced at one point of the other. I'm pretty sure I never missed any because I made it my quest to ride and see everything. Some were better than others but all had there high points.
Just one minor story... When I went to WDW with my wife and two young daughters (age 6 and 8) in 1983 we went to the Carousel of Progress when the attraction theme song was "Now Is The Best Time of Your life" and it truly was. It was the high point, emotionally, of my life. My memories of the entire trip are in my mind and easily accessed. I guess they have their own special file.
Forward ahead to 2002 and I was there solo. I had a job I hated and also had just gone through a divorce, my girls were grown, married and building their own families and I was alone. I sat there on one of the benches (yes, they had them then) watched families walk past and generally was completely engrossed in self pity. I moped for a little while and then decided that I had paid for a ticket and I could just sit on a park bench at home for free so I should make some effort to snap out of it. I got up and walked to CoP because I had such nice memories of it and singing the song all the way back home with my girls. At this time the theme song had changed back to "There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow". I listened to that song and something unexpected happened. I started to believe it and immediately started to formulate the plan that I needed to deal with and improve my life. Before I got home I knew what I was going to try to do and was determined to do it. I did do it and after a lot of work accomplished my goal and have lived my live according to my plan since then and have never really fallen back into the funk I found myself in that day. Of course, nature didn't always follow my plan, but I've accepted the limitations brought on by age.
Somehow, that timing was flawless. The song "Now is the best time of your life" was true. That was indeed the best time of my existence and when I needed a kick in the derriere years later "Great big beautiful Tomorrow" gave me the hope that I could fix things. Pure coincidence, I know... but to me it was amazing.
Also I think you may have accidentally noted the biggest lost thing the Disney Parks used to have... Benches! Imagine being able to rest and enjoy the ambiance instead of being caught in a bustling highway 24/7! I miss those good old days.