impact of xmas parade taping at MK?


Well-Known Member
I was tentatively planning a trip to MK on Saturday, December 1st. How much of an impact does the parade taping have? How long does the process run and does it affect the rest of the park or just Main Street? Just trying to figure out if I need to make other arrangements.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Very crowded on mainstreet, in fact I dont think you can even get access to mainstreet as you either have to sign up to be involved with the parade taping or a cast member or member of family. The taping I believe takes up a significant chunk of daylight hours as they often have to reset and retake scenes. Its not like they just tape the parade as it goes by.

The rest of the park, not sure. I would assume it might be a little more crowded than norma???:shrug:
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Account Suspended
I went a few years back..

They don't tape everything all at once. If they're doing castle-stage performances, only the hub is really effected. Similarly, if it's the parade itself, the parade route is clogged.

Aside from the immediate area though, the park is relatively slow. Probably more people then would be there the start of december, but totally manageable.
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
I have been there quite a few times on the days when they are taping. A lot of it is usually done very early in the am so the crowds will depend on when you arrive in the parks.

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Account Suspended
So maybe taking the train to the back side of the park and getting off and doing things back there would be a good idea then?

Many people do that. I remember nothing in the park having exceptionally long waits.

Also, if they give away free entrance for being a parade extra, those people wont have tickets and can't use FP. Thus, FP lines tend to be extremely short.
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Premium Member
We've measured the wait times on parade taping day over the last three or four years. Other than a large part of Main Street being roped off, the park is relatively unaffected. Those people who get in the park for "free?" Stuck on Main Street until late afternoon when the parade's done taping. Not a big net effect on crowds.

Hope this helps!

Len Testa
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Simba One

New Member
Train question: does the train stop at Toontown before Toontown is open? We'd like to start that morning in Fantasyland, but didn't know if you could get off at the TT station or not.

LEN--is there any noticeable increase in crowds/wait times at the attractions after the parade taping ends for the day?
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks for the info! Makes me feel better. I was worried it was going to be very invasive or slammed like a sold-out crowd level day. Sounds pretty reasonable.
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Simba One

New Member
Train question: does the train stop at Toontown before Toontown is open? We'd like to start that morning in Fantasyland, but didn't know if you could get off at the TT station or not.

LEN--is there any noticeable increase in crowds/wait times at the attractions after the parade taping ends for the day?

Does anybody know the answer to the train question I asked? Thanks!:wave:
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Well-Known Member
I have to differ with those who say it is not bad. For the past three years we have been there on that Saturday and it has been insane. During our annual trip we are also there on Thanksgiving and find Thankgiving to be much less crowded. An example last year is we tried to go to Columbia Hardor House to grab lunch before we head to the airport. Well, the lines were out the door and around the corner and ended by Hall of Presidents. Then across the street at HM the queue was run down behind the FP machines to the rivers edge and looped around the docks. This was about 1:00 PM in the afternoon. To get into and out of the park you also had to go backstage behind Tony's and came out the oath beside the Galaxy Palace theater. Needless to say we just left the park. Each year has been similar, and the only reason we go is because it is the last day of our 2 week vacation and we like to make our last stop at MK before the airporrt. We will be there again this year. Good luck M, but I personally would recommend another Saturday.
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Active Member
We were there last year during the taping. Even though the crowds were not insane like they are on a holiday weekend, the Saturday of the taping was the most crowded day at the MK of the whole week by far (however, I realize this could also have been to the fact that it was a Saturday....we were there Wednesday-Wednesday, so we only experieced one Saturday at the parks). There was a pretty big difference between that day and the rest of our vacation. However, we were only there from opening until early afternoon, so I can't speak for what the crowds were like the second part of the day. The thing that messed our day up was being routed behind the shops on Main Street. It was not a huge deal for my immediate family, but it was my grandmother's and cousin's first day ever at the MK, and their only day at the MK for that trip (they only joined us on our vacation for three days). They missed out on the experience of stepping onto Main Street and seeing the castle, which was so sad. And getting from point a to point b in the park was difficult....the hub and Main Street were pretty much blocked off the whole time during the hours we were there.
But with all that said, I'd take the parade taping day in the MK over a summer day or Holiday anytime!
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Well-Known Member
We were there last year for both the entertainment taping on Friday and the parade on Saturday. We had tickets for the entertainment taping (AP holders). You will be directed "backstage", behind Main Street and come out at the end of Main Street (think Plaza Restaurant). So if taking that walk down Main Street is important on arrival (it is to me) you won't get to do that. The hub is jammed also. But the rest of the park was relatively uncrowded. The taping does go on till early afternoon at least.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The park is open until midnight that night so I'm hoping that we'll have enough time to get what we want done that day given the very late hours. (Especially since we're not morning people anyway.) We had to let our AP's expire back in May and haven't been since so we're really craving a day out. A friend arranged as a gift to me a day in through her friend's silver gate pass. So it's not like we haven't been to MK before it's just we haven't been in over six months which is a long time for us. :lol:

We didn't want to go the Saturday after Thanksgiving because we'd done that before and the park was beyond slammed. And I'm so eager to go I don't know how many more weekends I can wait. ;)
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New Member the live performances will be being taped that Friday (30th) night and the parade portion on Saturday(1st)? Just trying to get our schedule figured out. Thanks for all the help everyone. I didn't even realize that this was going to be happening while we were down there.
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Was there last year & it was terrible!

My family gets to the park around 8:20 to see the opening show and hit the rides before everything gets crowded. Last year, there were already a few thousand people there at that time. They expected over 55,000 people in the park that day. The lines were horrible and we ended up leaving before noon which was also a nightmare. We had trouble just getting into the Main Street shops to get past the crowds and avoid the parade. I would try to avoid the MK during the taping if I were you. This year, we purposely booked 12/6-12/8 just to avoid the parade taping.
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Simba One

New Member
OK, so I keep hearing from people saying it was insanely busy, but they all say they left by early afternoon. Is there anybody out there who was there on taping day who stayed through the evening? We planned on going on the 30th, but changed our mind to go on the 1st since the park is open so late (not closing for the MVMCP like it is on the 30th).

Somebody help us, please! We are meeting up with family who will only be at WDW on the 30th and 1st, so those are our only days to choose from.
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Well-Known Member
Just realized from reading this thread and another thread that the taping was going on during the weekend my family will be there. Just going for the weekend because my folks love the candlelight processional at epcot and we want to go to MK the morning of the first to see the changes at HM before going over to epcot for the rest of the day. We plan on being there at opening but do those who have been there on taping day before think we should be there alot earlier than that? Also what performances are taped on Friday? It would be cool to see Josh Groban but is he only there for the Friday tapings or is he there Saturday as well?
Should we avoid MK in the morning and spend the day at epcot until it closes and then try to head over to MK til midnight and ride HM then?
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Naturally Grumpy
I have really not found a problem during the tapings.
Main street is pretty well shot for casual strolling, but once you get past that, the rest of the park is fairly empty.

You are kept moving in taping areas, so you really can't hang to take pictures, meet people etc. You can have your camera ready and shoot as you are walking, but it isn't easy.

Taping usually goes into the afternoon, but afterwards, it is pretty much back to normal.
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