ImagiNations Design Competition 2011


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Does anyone know if there is going to be an Imaginations Design Competition 2011? I know it is a yearly contest but I can't find anything about 2011.



As far as I know, they always post one, and there have been no plans otherwise. they usually always post info within a month or two before (start looking in november, if not, december)

My advice, being working on it ASAP anyway, just because. Even if they dont have one (which i doubt) you still start working on something awesome... :)


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As far as I know, they always post one, and there have been no plans otherwise. they usually always post info within a month or two before (start looking in november, if not, december)

My advice, being working on it ASAP anyway, just because. Even if they dont have one (which i doubt) you still start working on something awesome... :)

Yeah I kinda figured that they would wait. I was just wanting to see it so I could be like "Thats what I'm doing!" haha

I have started bringing together some ideas and am really excited about it. :sohappy:


never worry about someone doing what you do; if it comes to it, jsut try to improve it...

i've got a list of ideas that i've had, that the imagineers themselves ended up revealing, not to mention IN teams, so it happens.

just keep thinking of new or different ideas, it's your best bet. and always, always check the site. Like i said, they usually do it pretty close to the deadline. I think this current page came up in the beginning of december.

good luck and just have fun!


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never worry about someone doing what you do; if it comes to it, jsut try to improve it...

i've got a list of ideas that i've had, that the imagineers themselves ended up revealing, not to mention IN teams, so it happens.

just keep thinking of new or different ideas, it's your best bet. and always, always check the site. Like i said, they usually do it pretty close to the deadline. I think this current page came up in the beginning of december.

good luck and just have fun!

Thanks for the advice. It sounds like you have entered the competition was it?


Um, well, I've done it twice, and it's great, but I'm usually so busy, our product isn't the best it could be (though, if fully utilized, I bet they'd be awesome...) I've only made it as a participant. I've never gotten farther; however, alot dont. There's approx 100 or so teams each year.

And all the ideas I've had taken are from my own list, not for IN. (however, this year, we're doing something we had started developing last year, that I've heard a friend of mine in WDI had been working something almost identical.) So we're just gonna do what we can and see what happens.

My advice is find those that are definitely interested and willing (you need at least two people in a group anyway), and dont hesitate to look outside your major interest (like looking for an art or theatre major to work with an engineering, etc). Always make up many ideas, and end up choosing one you know you can work with. Last year, my team made up about 10 things and developed a few to a degree (like this year's), but chose one in the long run.

Also, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to send them to the Imagineers; theres an email for a reason. most of the time they get back to me, but sometimes it takes a bit.


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Um, well, I've done it twice, and it's great, but I'm usually so busy, our product isn't the best it could be (though, if fully utilized, I bet they'd be awesome...) I've only made it as a participant. I've never gotten farther; however, alot dont. There's approx 100 or so teams each year.

And all the ideas I've had taken are from my own list, not for IN. (however, this year, we're doing something we had started developing last year, that I've heard a friend of mine in WDI had been working something almost identical.) So we're just gonna do what we can and see what happens.

My advice is find those that are definitely interested and willing (you need at least two people in a group anyway), and dont hesitate to look outside your major interest (like looking for an art or theatre major to work with an engineering, etc). Always make up many ideas, and end up choosing one you know you can work with. Last year, my team made up about 10 things and developed a few to a degree (like this year's), but chose one in the long run.

Also, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to send them to the Imagineers; theres an email for a reason. most of the time they get back to me, but sometimes it takes a bit.

Alright, thanks! yeah i bet there are a lot of similar projects and ideas...thats WDI's job anyway haha im pretty sure I have a very original concept, but who knows.

I heard from someone else that when you submit your project you send it in with a powerpoint presentation and if they don't like the powerpoint, then they won't even bother looking at anything else.


Yes, that's true. It's not even really a powerpoint, so much as 5 (i think?) images that you feel best and accurately portray your project. it's basically down to that.

the way it goes, you have three levels:
and, technically, the winners (however, I found that the three finalists teams are basically the 'winners', but they do give awards for best this and that, and there is what one would say a 'winner')

As long as you have what they need for requirements to sign up, and have a competent mentor to say you're actually students or org members, you make participant. Apparently, that's an honor in itself tho, as they say that you can now mention you've been a participant in IN, etc.

Then, you turn in everything you want them to see; they limit this, like so many posters, one presentation (you can make a powerpoint in addition to the ones on the form, I believe), props, models, etc. however, you are correct; they give you a submission form that asks for those images, and those are what they judge from there. they look at that first, to even see what they like. if they choose you from there, you become a semi finalist, and then they begin to look at your other submissions (the models, storyboards, etc). that's how they choose finalist.

then if you've made it that far, they bring you to glendale to present to them. basically, you spend some time with imagineers finetuning your submission, making it better and working it out to impress them. its pretty much all or nothing then. the best ones i've seen actually make it into a kind of skit, to better introduce the idea or story involved, however, its up to you. maybe you dont have a story; they allow any submission, so maybe you have this awesome tech or process, or a product that doesnt really require a story. then you basically just create a presentation from tehre.

now, that's in in a nutshell. most of that i pieced together from stuff mentioned on site and articles, plus just deduction on my own. As i mentioned before, I hadn't gotten that far lol. so yeah, there's a big process to it.


Yes, there will be a contest this year. WDI always takes a while to update the website with all the new information.

Currently they're out promoting the contest to various Universities. Once they've hit the big schools they come back and update the site with all the new information...

I won 1st place in 2005. My friend won most creative in 2007, and I mentored a team last year that won 1st place. ImagiNations is simply amazing.

Some of the stuff mewhunter says is true. . .

But the contest usually changes each year, from how you enter to even what Imagineers are looking for when it comes to your concept.

As of last years contest this is how it went down for entering the contest:

The steps are:

Qualifications: which is where the make sure your college degree is in line with who can enter the contest.

Prelims: Based on a simple powerpoint slide you make, they determine if your idea is worth seeing more.

Semi Finals: Your entry is sent into Glendale to be judged to see if you make finals.

Finals: Out to Glendale to present your idea and compete with other teams.


:) I'm glad to have someone who actually knows, post!

I'll be honest, all my info is on conjecture, which I only get from what I've found out, been told, and then figure for myself.

It's nice to see someone who's gone far as well, I've talked to a few through facebook groups, it'd be great if you had anything you're allowed to share!

I'd forgotten about their 'pitch' tour... they always go to particular schools, never mine :lookaroun

And I've noticed on what you mentioned about changes and what they look for; since there's not much info readily available, I tried doing some digging for my own benefit and saw how its changed some, but the current system seems to work. As for what they look for, I always figured they look for certain things, but still had some key ingredients that made a difference... if what you said is true, how did you manage to hit on that key bit of info, and lead another team to it later? :veryconfu ;)


Unfortunately I have nothing I can all belongs to WDI and I would be breaching a contract that finalists have to sign not to disclose your ideas and designs. If you search deep enough you can find information on what past winners have came up with. . .

I've helped not just one, 2 other teams really.

They never came to my university when I entered. I found the contest on accident...I called a year in advance to see if it was still going on since I was so excited.

It's about story, innovation and knowing the demographic. Not to mention diversity.

The demographic isn't hard for us Disney Dorks. We are the demographic so that's pretty simple. But as for story and innovation, well that depends on how BIG you can dream.

Sometimes being too much of a Disney Dork can blindside you because chances are if you're thinking your concept is's probably not, WDI has thought of MOST everything.

The innovation is really about what's going on in the world of technology and how it can be applied to the theme parks to better guest experience. Not to mention what other theme parks and amusement parks are creating and how you can plus those ideas, as Walt would say.

As for the Diversity well that comes into play many ways: the members of the team, the different areas of study and skill level they bring to the project and so on.

I read that you entered twice? You plan on entering it again? It seems like you can enter one more time.

Me and my friend wish they would let people who have won enter again if they're currently not working for disney. That would be killer. When I entered they still have the individual category so I was all by myself. I can't imagine what would happen if I was on a team!!!


I understand the nothing to share; I know that ideas and what not can't be, as well as some processes, etc; they make everyone follow that now.

I have occaisonally found stuff done in the past, and heard stories, etc, but, as you mentioned, tastes and needs change; i always figured there was still a set approach, but then you had more to plus it.

your story is a lot like mine. I came here because I figured my school would have ties to disney, etc, and found that not to be the case. I found the contest in the middle of my junior? year, and went nuts. Unfortunately, there was no longer an individual category, and I missed out on that. The past few years have met with disappointment or excitement based on what's happened. I'm a 5th year senior, I have two years left (unless we make it this year, i'm still going to do it the year after i grad...) My first year discovering it I let it slip by, we only did enough to get in really. Last year, I did a decent amount of work, but issues in team and other things only produced a half done project (our idea was fantastic; our presentation, not so much). this year, I have new memebers and hopefully new blood, we'll see...

You mention those three things; I've tried to keep story and innovation to the front; I'll be honest, I always keep in mind demographic, but I'm not sure if I ever really keep to it. Diversity may be the biggest issue for us. with such a big school, we really only know engineers. I guess it would be possible to branch out; my intention was to create a club for enthusiasts and use it as a front to create diverse teams that may be interested (i wanted to field several teams in the long run and have WDI take notice); unfortunately, another club existed else where in my school and by laws have been an issue. I still hope though. I would hate that to be our detractor.

I understand on the thinking of new things part; as mentioned before, I've found many of my ideas have been used or looked over, and some not known by the public as well... I kick myself sometimes. even our current idea is one that has been looked over for sure, and I found recently a friend of mine has posted it as one of his submissions in wdi; I wrote my idea before him, never shared it, but he created an almost exact replica... i went crazy! I'm still pushing forward with it tho :P my thing has been taking our 'original' ideas, and somehow finding ways to plus them... it's been some fun trying to include new ways of doing things...

I just hope we don't let it get too far out of sight again...


Diversity is a key to success, while it's great to have a group of all one type of person/major of study, you can totally get stuck in what you produce, while having an illustrator or graphic designer with a different set of eyes and skills could totally benefit you.

I suggest you make some generic flyers and go post them in various like disney? every wanted to be an imagineer or design theme park experiences? University team seeking other disney lovers for an upcoming design contest. Want to know more, contact blah blah blah blah...

I like the idea of your club but you need to be all about inclusion. WDI does!!! I think it would kinda suck to go to your university and here's this awesome group of people who all about WDI and NO OTHER MAJORS ALLOWED! :( LOL.

Yes I've heard stories from the inside how various departments will send lower imagineers out to see what us fans are talking about, like on various message boards and what not. I have also heard of interns doing the same. I've learned to only share my wdi dreams and ideas with a few select people, none on the inside.

I wish you good luck in the contest again and please let us know how you do!


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Thanks for all the insight! I have a friend that did the contest last year and he said that they really push the diversity part. I think thats the only part i'm worried about. My team will probably consist of just two people with the same major. However, I think that if our project is as good as i'm hoping it will be, then it won't matter. did you intern with them after you were won? are you still working for imagineering?


Nope alas, I did not merit an internship. Only 2 kids outta my year landed internships. Both at WDI's campus in Orlando. Luckily the contest has changed so much over the past few years that more and more finalists are getting offered internships nowadays! Which is awesome!

I tried but there was nothing open in the area I would best fit into at the time. They didn't have the bluesky internship back then....

I'm only an on-call/contractual freelancer for WDI. I did get a call back in september from a key imagineer who was interested in me for some upcoming work, then he asked if I could meet him and come in to the office to discuss the work to be done, when I told him that I was not based in LA he was like OH...where you at? I told him Indiana and that all my previous freelance work that I had done with WDI, was done here from Indiana. I have yet to hear back from him...

I hope to get a few more gigs but you never know....

The team I helped with ImagiNations this past year, 2 of them got offered internships. Both where juniors so they had to go back to school this fall, so nothing like a full time position was offered. They both hope to go back after they graduate and either do another internship in hopes that it could lead to a full time job.

One thing to think about is if all the team is made up of the same skill sets/majors how can YOU and your contribution to the team and concept be clearly seen by Imagineers. One team I know of had 2 members that where the same major. One carried 95% of the weight while the other well...not so much....what if that happened to you?

Then lets say the other person was offered a job or an internship when clearly they road coat tails....just make sure that all the work is STRONG and that it's clear on who did exactly what!


I should try that method; i have two ME's and a CE in my group, we all pretty much pull equal. However, I am a pretty good illustrator and artist on the side; I prefer design and ideas over engineering really. so we have a lot of other skills than the stereotypical science and strict engineers. i'm hoping it'll still work out. for our idea, theres a few things i'm not sure about, but we haven't developed that far, so who knows... I just know some groups have had theatre for shows, and business majors for other aspects, and i'm like, i just wanna design and make something! lol we may try that for another member, i dunno.

as for that club, it was meant to be for everyone... i wanted everyone to have fun and be a part, so they could all join in IN. however, due to the rules, we may have to be selective, unfortunately, maybe all engineering :P we'll see.

I also never really post or share my ideas... it sounds selfish, and it does mean theres only my thots, but I like to develop them myself without ppl taking them. especially on this forum, so many people post so many great ideas, and its like... wow, people can just run off with it. the only time i ever post some of my ideas was when i did that one contest, the imagineer. I was pretty proud of some of the work i did, and I saw many great ideas. but it happens.

sorry about the internship.... i've talked to quite a few who won but never got it. i heard that they do have more open, but what sucks, is that means theres usually none open for outsiders. I always look for any internships open, and theres rarely any, which makes me believe they reserve them all (or most) for IN members. the thing i've gotten from it is, even if you dont win, you may have a chance. I guess they look at everyones indiv. work

i have a friend that does the same you do. he told me he's part of creative consulting, and turns in work occasionally. he's the one i mentioned that wrote up our current idea. he works with them in shop, but the only issue is, he's not an 'official' imagineer in the common sense. it still sounds fun; however, i agree, with bluesky internships opening, i'd love that. they usually disappear as soon as i see them.

i know its too late now, but you mentioned you were contacted by the one imagineer about work; it reminds me of a story that jason grandt told me when he was first getting into wdi. he was contacted to just come in and talk, but he lived in the midwest; he made an excuse to them(since they knew he wasn't close), like having to go to a funeral, to give a reason for why he'd be around, and he flew there to just see them. i know it's hindsight,but try that next time :) i'm sorry if it's too late. NEVER LOSE HOPE! :D

and that's really cool about the teams... we don't really have much here, i'm just going off anything i hear or learn really. just have to go it alone really.

I don know about shining individually; the thing is, we're all pretty awesome, if similar in skills. i try to do what i can. we do tend to have certain things we do overall tho, so it may help... here's oping overall tho


New Member
Hey guys.

I just stumbled upon this forum today and am really excited to be reading this thread. I've been hoping to enter the competition since I started college. I am now a junior and had planned on entering the competition both this year and next year to give me a better shot/ give me some learning experience. However, timing and various other circumstances have led me to believe that I should work on building some more of my technical skills and experience this year and give myself more time to search for team members with enthusiasm, etc.

I saw that you guys were discussing diversity when it comes to qualifications for the competition, and it seems that I am in the opposite position that you are.

The school I go to is a liberal arts school and we do not have an engineering program. Just recently I pitched the idea of teaming up with me to a classmate of mine who is a digital arts major. I myself am a Public Relations major with a double minor in Theatre and Graphic Design (and I am trying to focus on theatre and design experience when it comes to internships and other experience as well). Both my major and his major are out of the well-renowned film school at my university.

I suppose then that leads me to my next questions:

- I've been worried that even though I am minoring in a qualified area of study, I still might not be looked at seriously enough because I am not majoring in it. If this is a problem, do you think it's possible that if they see I/we know what we are doing, they may overlook it? If my resume displays sufficient experience in areas of writing, theatre, and design, do you think that will also help?

- Since we do not have access to engineering majors, what do you recommend? I was thinking we could look for someone who is majoring in set design or production design, or something else that displays technical ability, but I want to make sure that I can cover what bases we can before we start getting to work.

- Finally, since it appears that I would be at the largest disadvantage because of my major, how do you recommend I maintain a key role in the team once I finish putting things together? I would be the one recruiting team members, as I am not sure anyone at my school has ever entered this competition. I'm very good with story concept and design work, but not so much with technical skill. How do you recommend I showcase that and maintain something of a leadership position within the group (or I guess I really mean a 'Team Captain' sort of thing)?

Thanks so much! Sorry for the long post!


That is a tough question. Not sure if you will be DQed if your major isn't what they want but minors are....I know of a few ways around it.

You don't NEED to have any engineers on your team, I mean you all could be creative writers or all graphic designers, etc. It's just that having a diverse team will help you cover many different aspects of attraction design and development. Also it helps even out with the work load.

I mean what if you all where graphic designers, and with no real way of telling who designed what on your entry, how would imagineers know who to possibly give a internship to? It makes it easier for Imagineers to see what strengths the team was and whatnot.

I'm not sure about your last's worded oddly and I'm confused at it. Feel free to hit me up off the forum and I can maybe answer your questions in greater detail.


New Member
Thanks mucho.

I feel a little more encouraged that there seems to be that flexibility within areas of study (or at least no definitive word against it). I'll give it a shot.

Sorry about the last question being confusing. I suppose I was really just looking for any suggestions on how to make sure I stand out amongst my team members once the project gets submitted, or to at least make sure that each team member stands out individually. However, that also applies to the diversity that's being discussed. Plus, now that I think about it more, I really think that it's an issue I'm just going to have to deal with as things move along.

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