Ummm.... everything about Disney is a cliche. Love at first sight, good vs. evil, happily ever after. For you to say that the villains are a cliche is kind of hypocritical. They are the ones with the back story, who cares about the over-done princess who falls in love? Okay, a lot of people, but that still doesn't make it less of a cliche. We went with the villains because we were inspired by them and we did something that was diverse enough for the competition (not JUST a ride, or JUST a restaurant). We put it together in a package and hoped for the best, yeah we didn't make it to finals but I have a tremendous amount of experience in this industry now just because I had it in my portfolio. Thanks for the criticism though.
AS far as I can tell, he didn't mean it that way; he means, in terms of disney attractions, as well as an idea that many teams, or individuals, etc, turn to for a concept, plan, idea, etc, are the villains.
He didn't mean the villains themselves as cliche, (don't get me wrong, you're absolutely right, disney is full of cliches) but the fact that so many try to use them is. Everyone feels they have backstory, everyone feels they are under represented, everyone feels that the cliched princess is overused. As such, there is an influx of entries using villains (and other cliches; villains just happen to be the topic here), that to really show yourself off, you have to think of a novel idea using them, or as terp mentioned, a team that had a ride concept that really played well with it.
I myself have had a strong idea with villains, that I wanted to use this year, as I mentioned to you earlier in this thread; and I used some inspiration from one of the many ideas for a villain land, or themed attractions, that run rampant through just this forum. It just seems to be an easy source, and one that many turn to; I imagine when the team for wdi goes through the entries, they might even groan at whatever cliche has popped in their lap.
Anyway, don't think I'm disagreeing with you, I think you had something great personally, and you were right, it was diverse in itself, and allowed many talents to work well. I just hope i may have clarified a little of what I'm thinking he meant to the idea of villains in particular.
However, on my side, there's nothing wrong with JUST an anything

You can do wonders if you focus on one particular part and really spice it up. designing an attraction or restaurant singly can require as many talents, and also allows you to focus more on it for detail and work. However, I'm usually in favor of an end all be all thing, like a park! :drevil: