I'm Getting A Refund!


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Brian...on a scale of 1-10 how mad is the wife that you guys gotta go back sometime in the next 20 years!!! lol


Well-Known Member
I agree with some kind of compensation when your room, dinner, or other some sort crap happened. Disney is not cheap, and we pay for it. I would expect the same at other places as well though. I just got a refund myself, but will not talk about it, because i dont want to see the system abused for petty things. If you have a problem, and contact the right people for things gone wrong, and be polite, disney will handle it the right way. Just dont expect comps for petty things. As has been said in this post, they want us to come back!! The once a year or twice a year visitor spends big dollars! got have everything while we are there, captive audience.


New Member
The broken link shouldn't come into your thoughts/complaints. It's similar to you going to see a movie, but the movie theater has 1 copy of the film and it breaks. They don't compensate you in any way, but you come away bad mouthing the movie because you didn't get to see all of it (best I could come up with this AM).

This is 2 separate departments that have absolutely nothing to do with each other. If you went over the character limit (it didn't use to tell you), half your comments would be cut off as well.

I'm actually surprised you got anything based on the survey. You should have kept escalating to speak to a housekeeping manager since it was a housekeeping issue you had. If that didn't work, go to the room operations manager. That should have been followed up with letters to guest communications.

I disagree on the broken link. Whether from the same dept or not, it factors into the overall bad guest experience and should be pointed out. Besides, if nobody complains, how many broken links will be sent out?

You're probably right on the escalation, but--to all of those people who recommend that guests escalate, escalate, escalate--WHO WANTS TO SPEND THEIR PRECIOUS WDW TIME ESCALATING ISSUES? I guess the point is that it should not HAVE to be escalated, and if I had to spend my time dealing with that vs. going to the park or whatever, I darn well better get some kind of compensation EVEN IF THE PROBLEM GETS FIXED. When you factor the cost of getting into the parks plus the cost of your room, even two hours "wasted" by having to deal with a problem that should not exist is a costly waste of time. So, I guess I'm not really disagreeing that it should be escalated while you are there--that's really the only way to get into someone's face AND prove what you are saying is true, BUT what a drag on your vacation.

For all the people whose immediate reaction is "they don't OWE you anything", I'd like to see what your reaction would be if circumstances were similar, but it was instead you at a Hyatt in Hawaii. Disney--because it is part of the 'product' that they sell--has a higher bar than most, and, yet, it seems that many here would take Disney's side even if someone were double-booked in a dirt-filled room with no beds. If you wouldn't accept it from Hyatt or Sandals, why would you accept it from the Pop or the Poly?

I say congrats to the OP and to Disney. The OP gets a nice gesture from Disney and Disney turns some seriously bad word-of-mouth to some seriously good word-of-mouth--in addition to virtually guaranteeing that this particular visitor will visit again. More than likely, they will recover that money + they will have someone out there telling other people about how Disney took a bad experience and made things right.


New Member
We satyed at All Stars last October 2008 and had a leaking toilet (on the floor) told housekeeping and told maintenance.Two days go past toilet is still leaking now its getting the carpet wet.The maid stops cleaning our room because she says our toilet needs to be repaired.And now a toilet repair kit is sitting on the toilet tank (for me to fix I guess).So we have finally had enough after the third day and go down and talk to the manager.He says we get what we pay for and shouldnt expect anything more.So we got his buisness card and checked out and was able to check into Riverside that night.We have called Disney and wrote letters and over a year we have recieved no phone calls or e mails in responce.You where lucky getting anything from Disney. Disney wants you to know you get what you pay for!


New Member
I disagree on the broken link. Whether from the same dept or not, it factors into the overall bad guest experience and should be pointed out. Besides, if nobody complains, how many broken links will be sent out?

You're probably right on the escalation, but--to all of those people who recommend that guests escalate, escalate, escalate--WHO WANTS TO SPEND THEIR PRECIOUS WDW TIME ESCALATING ISSUES? I guess the point is that it should not HAVE to be escalated, and if I had to spend my time dealing with that vs. going to the park or whatever, I darn well better get some kind of compensation EVEN IF THE PROBLEM GETS FIXED. When you factor the cost of getting into the parks plus the cost of your room, even two hours "wasted" by having to deal with a problem that should not exist is a costly waste of time. So, I guess I'm not really disagreeing that it should be escalated while you are there--that's really the only way to get into someone's face AND prove what you are saying is true, BUT what a drag on your vacation.

Do icons and wallpaper mean that much? :shrug: To me, that's distracting from the story and the issues the OP had. If the issue had been about the dirty room, etc from the start, I don't think people would have had issue with getting a refund.

Instead, most of the topic was how the link was broken and how he tried fixing it. Then, I took the survey and had something wrong with my room thrown in.

All I was saying is that clear communication to the correct people is necessary for things to be fixed.

By going to the front desk to complain, it work order would have had to been placed in an automated computer system that dispatches the work. It could have been done as a cleaning (full room, or specifics like change sheets, towels, bathroom, trash, etc) or air machine dirty, which was cleaned (what I think was done since it got cleaned or how the order was at least interpreted).

This order could have gone either to housekeeping or maintenance. If maintenance, they wouldn't have cleaned the room and likely wouldn't have said anything to housekeeping. The front desk wouldn't personally go and look at the room either.

It's like complaining to the front desk at your resort that something happened at an attraction at one of the parks. Did you say something at the attraction? What about guest relations? No, you waited until you got back? Sorry, I can't do anything for you then.

Bad meal? Did you talk to the restaurant? No? Why not? Not much I'm going to do for you either.

Addressing the correct department means any problems can be corrected in the most timely manner with fewer chances of communication breakdowns between departments.


Well-Known Member
The broken link shouldn't come into your thoughts/complaints. It's similar to you going to see a movie, but the movie theater has 1 copy of the film and it breaks. They don't compensate you in any way, but you come away bad mouthing the movie because you didn't get to see all of it (best I could come up with this AM).


What kind of crappy movie theatres are you going to? :lookaroun I had a problem with two different movies in two different theatres. The Fellowship of the Rings and Curse of the Black Pearl. Both movies lost part of the soundtrack and for between 5-10 minutes the dialogue was spotty or just gone.

Everyone in the theatre recieved a pass for a free movie for their next visit.

I would expect Disney could at least provide as good of service as a small town (ond bigger city) movie theatre in Nova Scotia and if they can't...shame on them


Well-Known Member
Someone expecting $30 instead of $28 is just ridiculous in my book.
I don't know if you were referring to me but I never said I was expecting $30. Just that on a $470 a night room in a one-bedroom villa at BLT, getting back $28 that will take 2-3 months to receive was more an insult that had I gotten back nothing.

I think the resolution department has WILDLY different ideas about what's a reasonable way to make the guest feel better about the problems. It took FIVE DAYS and three voicemails before the rep who called me finally got back to me and that was all she offered. Seeing that some people got back 40% of their stay and/or free nights in the future is highly frustrating. Especially when my stay was a very special event for us and not something we can afford to do but once every five years or so.


Well-Known Member
I just wanna say I don't know how it's possible to have a bad time in Disney World.
We had a great time in the parks. We always do. I even said that in the letter. But the quality and care and interaction from the park CM's just highlighted how poor the staff responded at the resort for us.


Beta Return
Maybe I should provide a bit more info. On our first trip, DD was sick the entire time because she has pretty bad allergies and our room was very dusty. When I booked the bounceback, while in our dusty room, I mentioned this to the CM. She suggested we request a deep clean on our room for the next trip (Sept. 09). I should mention here that we did not pay any extra for this deep clean. I don't know if it was due to a medical condition or not.

So, when we walk into our room at POP, we notice an air filter, and thought that was pretty cool. But, upon further inspection, we found some sort of substance spilled on the wall recently (it was sticky), pubic hairs on the bathroom floor, a layer of dust on just about everything, and a layer of dirt on the air filter (as if it was just pulled out of storage.) I complained at the front desk, and the next day we find that the air filter was cleaned, but that was about it. I complained the next day, but nothing was any cleaner whatsover. I complained the day after that, and still nothing was done. After that, we kept the privacy sign in the card reader and cleaned the room ourselves. This whole situation left us quite miserable. Here we are, paying to stay at this resort, and can't even get a clean room. I could understand if it was a Motel 6 or something, but this is Disney and the room should be clean. Throw in some rude CM's at the parks, and we left not ever wanting to go back.

When I come home to find that e-mail with the broken link, it was like a slap in the face. It was like, "OK we know you had a miserable time, so here's a thank you e-mail to some goodies you can never see because we sent you a broken link."

So, when I took the survey, yeah I went off a little. I took my frustration and anger out on the responsible party. And, I will reiterate, I never once asked for nor expected a refund. But, you know what? I feel I am entitled to it, along with a very nice apology, for having to clean my own room, because housekeeping was too incompetent and lazy to get it done right.

I could see if the infraction was minor, but having to clean ones own room when there is housekeeping that should be doing it is not minor. :rolleyes::hammer:

Well, you definitely shed new light on your story. See, details make all the difference.:p

However, I DID disclaim that I wasn't upset with you at all. And now that we've all heard the rest of your story, I think we'd all agree that you were indeed entitled to some compensation.

You were "harmed" in the fact that you paid money for a service you did not receive. Had they apologized and groveled and cleaned your room top to bottom and left an Ultimate FastPass or something cool in your room - they'd deserve an attaboy for making it right. But they appear to have neglected your complaints, which puts them in the wrong. In my book.

Sorry to hear about the experience. We stayed at BLT last week (which I probably won't do again) and there were stains (spilled substances) on the island and table, and there was a Zurg action figure in our 2nd bedroom. It wasn't a disaster, but does go to show that Mousekeeping has been declining in the last few years (we've had similar experiences, but NONE like the nasty underwear ones!)

I don't know if you were referring to me but I never said I was expecting $30. Just that on a $470 a night room in a one-bedroom villa at BLT, getting back $28 that will take 2-3 months to receive was more an insult that had I gotten back nothing.

Oh, no, sorry. It was just that $28 was the random number stuck in my head when I was ranting! :wave:


New Member
Original Poster
Brian...on a scale of 1-10 how mad is the wife that you guys gotta go back sometime in the next 20 years!!! lol

Well, she's definately more excited about the monetary refund, that's for sure!

We're...well, I'm shooting for a return in 2011 or 2012. 2010 is shaping up to be a rough year since she'll be out of a job come the end of Jan. with Braddock closing.


woo-hoo! I just got an email from southwest telling me I'm getting $100 credit for a future because of an email I sent them 2 months ago. I thought they just ignored me but I guess not.


New Member
Original Poster
woo-hoo! I just got an email from southwest telling me I'm getting $100 credit for a future because of an email I sent them 2 months ago. I thought they just ignored me but I guess not.

That's great Kimmy!:sohappy:

Mind if I ask what happened? I love SW and wouldn't fly anyone else.


That's great Kimmy!:sohappy:

Mind if I ask what happened? I love SW and wouldn't fly anyone else.

I love southwest also, being able to rebook your flight if the fare goes down or if you make a mistake is wonderful.

for our last flight back to pittsburgh we boarded the plane as usual, but we sat on the tarmac for an awful long time, around 45 minutes. and yes I know people sit for longer. and it didn't help they wouldn't turn the air conditioning on in the cabin, the stewardeses response as to when it would be able to be turned on was "hopefully soon". not real comforting to me.

so when I got home I sent them an email, never asked for a thing, left that up to them.


Well-Known Member
Disney is in the "magic" business and their standards are held way higher than any other hotel or resort and is normally why they can charge "resort" prices.

If someone has a legitimate problem with their room and cannot get it cleaned after 3 attempts, why WOULDN'T they be entitled to compensation? How hard is it to get glasses replaced? Given the price of a vacation to WDW, if someone spends thousands of dollars to go there, Disney needs to do everything in its power to make that guest REASONABLY happy. The guest didn't ask for anything outside of what is expected, a clean room.

I complained last year while staying at the WL for 10 days. I didn't expect anything in return and it was more of me venting. I complained that the ridiculously small Roaring Forks eatery had like 3 things on the breakfast menu. The Nescafe saga was unbearable, IMHO. I'm at a deluxe hotel at $300/night and I can't get fresh brewed coffee? You can stay at a Days Inn and they have pots of it in the lobby! And while trying to get a bus to Epcot, it took 85 minutes to get there. Missed my ADR at Le Cellier and when the bus was half way to Epcot, it turned aroudn to go to FtW becuase they apparently were in the same predicament with no bus service.

I sent an email to Disney about it. I told them that I really didn't feel like I got any sense of value from the "deluxe" hotel price. Sure the pool and landscaping is beautiful, but it doesn't make up for the lack of creature comforts.

I didn't ask for any compensation or expect anything other than a standard corporate reply of "Dear Guest, we take your concerns very seriously......". But I ended up getting THREEE 4 day park hopper tickets sent to me! So yes, sometimes the squeaky wheel does get the grease.


New Member
You all know that e-mail Disney sends you when you get back from your vacation with the icons and wallpaper? Well, the link that was sent to me was broken. At the time, I was having problems with my internet, so I dumped my cookies and whatnot and tried again. Still broke. There was another link that took me to a survey site, so I take the survey. In the comments box, I tell the tale of our trip and how lousy a time we had, due in part to the cleanliness of our room, and the fact that I complained three times with no results, and top it off with the broken link, ect.

So, the other day, I wake up to find a voice mail and check the caller ID. ID shows "Hollywood Studios." I listen to the message, and it says that we will be recieving a 40% refund on our room. In addition, we are also recieving 3 2-day passes good at any of the 4 parks good until 2030!:sohappy:

I never asked, nor expected any kind of refund. This has come as sort of a shock and a pleasant surprise! Now we have to go back!:sohappy:
Congratulations. It looks like your worked.


I think when the complaint gets to the "right" person Disney does everything in their power to make things right. It's getting the "right" person that's the problem.

We had a horrible stay at the BC a couple of years ago, and we finally got a manager at the front desk that actually listened to everything we were saying. She made everything right and we wrote a letter about her when we got home. What was even more impressive was that she remembered us the next year, and her concern was that we'd be coming back again. She new that when she made things right the 1st year that we'd come back. Her concern was that we'd keep coming back. We sent another letter the second year.

I only hope that Disney acknowledges these CM's when they go above and beyond, they embody the value that Disney sets forth.

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