There is no question that you and I have disagreed on a number of things in the past. To a point I agree and disagree with Marvel. It was a risky acquisition, and for now doesn't seem like it is returning well. I am hoping that there are plans for that in the future since they will have it until they decide otherwise. For now I am not thrilled, but let's see what happens later on.
Well. I wouldn't say it was a bad move. It has a lot of potential, and this year, Marvel had three movies which were all generally well received. Thor has a 74 on RottenTomatoes, Captain America has 77, and X Men First Class has an 87.
As for the box office, revenues of $450 million, $360 million, and $350 million on production costs of $150 million, $140 million, and $160 million. I'm not sure what kind of cut Disney gets from Marvel movies (so far, they've all been produced outside of Disney, I think Disney starts producing them next year), but they seem happy enough with Marvel's box office performance to make Thor 2, Iron Man 3, and a new Spider Man series. I'm not counting Avengers, because that's been in planning for quite some time, to my understanding.
So far, it hasn't been a horrible move. Not worth $4 billion, but there is potential. Give it a few years to work its way into parks, Disney to take full control of movies, and maybe they will rework their publishing the way DC has. If they're careful to avoid box office bombs and get lucky with a Dark Knight sized success, this deal could pay off. The odds of either happening aren't great, but it could happen. XD
Another thing Marvel can do: Fix Disney Interactive. I discussed how Disney Interactive is leaving console games (let me emphasize this: $60 in revenue per disc) for iPhone games ($0.99 a download, or if you're really lucky, $9.99 a download) and Facebook games (free, unless you want to pay). The Batman Arkham Asylum game is considered to be a very good game, and it's not impossible to give X-Men or the Avengers a similar treatment. I don't know how much money they make, but evidently Arkham Asylum broke 2,500,000 sales. And that was 2 years ago, a couple of months after launch. I'd venture a guess that they brought in at least $100,000,000 in revenue, probably more, depending on where the games were sold (Steam games are really cheap).