Iger Says Avatar Most Likely 2015, Hints at Marvel, More Pirates and Cars


Well-Known Member
Or maybe JC wasn't thrilled with the proposal WDI gave him of a "new" attraction that 95% uses the same mechanics of an already popular attraction that would make every fanboy feel cheated?


New Member
A shareholder meeting is not where you would bring up a minor redo like Test Track. Disney is a large company with many businesses going on and minor details are unimportant in the stock world. Will Avatar land really make that much money for Disney?? No. One or two blow out movies or a series like Pirates is much more important money wise then a single land in a park. It is a surprised Avatar got completely skipped, it is a major park project and it should at least come as a foot note to continual improvement to the parks, blah, blah, blah. BTW I trade stocks for a living so I have heard many a mind numbing shareholder meeting. Going through the paper work is no fun either. The problem may be with dealing with Cameron, bet he has a big head and he very well may be difficult to deal with. I noticed the other Avatar movies seem to be running behind so maybe Disney just doesn't want to get to far out a head of it's self. Maybe Cameron doesn't know what he's doing at the moment??? Last I saw Avatar 2 wasn't coming out for another 4 years or so which in the movie world is a long time.

Who knows but I can tell you Test Track is being redone to focus on the Chevy brand name which going forward is a big push for GM (government motors) from distancing itself from Chevy. Believe it or not with some ads, smoke and mirrors, most people won't even know GM owns Chevy. Don't expect much from that remodel.

My guess is Tom Swayer's Island is next up as far as MK. Basically an under used attraction of days gone bye. Wasted space needs to be filled up and that's the next place. Just my guess.

This is my feeling too with the mention of pirates, however it would be interesting to see how they would be able to tie in potc and a Pirate's island if that is the direction...maybe its a pirate hideout (?) i dont know, seems like toms sawyer could be an interesting thing and relatively easy to hide the work. Except from peering eyes like ours.

However I would prefer something done at studios first, either with backlot or the hot set by pixar

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I don't think the project has to be "dead". I personally think it is being revised and watered down. We haven't heard about Downtown Disney in months either - and Tom Staggs reported last year that an announcement would be weeks or months away. Well, so far nothing. Is it dead? No. Are the MBA's looking at the plans and cutting every corner possible? Most likely. I am sure the same is happening with this project.

Revised and watered down, maybe... I'll side with you on that one cause in all likely hood that is what is going on... And if that is the case, I'd rather the plans die... If you are not going all out, then don't go out at all...

El Grupo

Well-Known Member
So an honest question. Ignore the reality.

Say the rumors are true that Avatarland isn't going to happen, but instead WDW gets an Avatar E-Ticket level attraction. No land, just attraction.

What is your reaction?

Fine with just an attraction. If the rumor regarding support within Disney for updating Tomorrowland with more of an alien theme is true, it seems like such an attraction could fit in there.

Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Fine with just an attraction. If the rumor regarding support within Disney for updating Tomorrowland with more of an alien theme is true, it seems like such an attraction could fit in there.

Just a thought.

But WDW has managed to keep outside franchises out of Magic Kingdom. I think if it's a stand alone attraction minus the land of Pandora, the only place it could go is somewhere in DHS. Perhaps toss it in Disneyland, but not Magic Kingdom.

P.S. where are these Tomorrowland rumors coming from?


Well-Known Member
Eh... Depends on the type of E-Ticket...

A true E-ticket is a groundbreaking fully immersive attraction. A real E-ticket defines awesome.

What "kind" is irrelevant to the question.

If they scale back to a single true E-ticket - amazing queue - fully themed building - groundbreaking innovative ride - do you still say meh?


Premium Member
I mean, two threads are going on about another project that is a least a year away from happening, and people are saying no concept art = dead project, no mention at shareholders meeting = project dead.... So, I guess we have to include TT in there too...

The source of avatar trouble rumors is not because of 'lack of concept art' - but rather insider conversations. Maybe some people latched onto this concept art bandwagon - but that's not the source of the rumors and inconsequential.


Premium Member
Thing is, this refurb is only a month away and we have no set in stone dates, no concept art... so, since Disney hasn't released concept art, we must put this on life support.. that is the thinking these days, isn't it?? I mean, two threads are going on about another project that is a least a year away from happening, and people are saying no concept art = dead project, no mention at shareholders meeting = project dead.... So, I guess we have to include TT in there too...

Yes, this is sarcasm... But, it doesn't stop the fact that people are calling a project dead because there is no concept art for a project that is a least a year away from beginning construction.. Meanwhile, we have seen no concept art for any refurbishment of TT which is supposed to start next month, and not one person is crying IT IS DEAD...

If I recall, the Winnie the Pooh and Haunted Mansion updates didn't get concept art either, so I don't see why TT would be different


Well-Known Member
Too bad Six Flags has DC not Marvel...

Same thing to me.

Well, you're obviously not a comic guy. Six Flags is DC comics (batman, superman, etc).

The fact is its going to be hit or miss for some folks for the type of attraction or the brand of the attraction (ie movie, characters, or some original concept). You can't please everyone. Although Im looking forward to seeing the FLE (the nighttime pics look awesome), there is NOTHING about the FLE that is a draw for me. Well, I'll probably ride LM and eat at the restaurant, but it is by no means the Indiana Jones rollercoaster/darkride/restaurant that I had requested. Oh well.

I understand the reluctance to having spiderman on MSUSA but at DHS it would be welcomed. It will be a bit weird at first but you can't stop progress. Besides, my opinion is that DHS is the absolute worst disney park and needs a big time upgrade on the level of DCA (which was not that bad to me).

Its all a matter of tastes.

No, I'm not a comic "guy". I'm not a guy at all. I happen to be a girl and am not a comic girl. Have a great day..


Well-Known Member
So an honest question. Ignore the reality.

Say the rumors are true that Avatarland isn't going to happen, but instead WDW gets an Avatar E-Ticket level attraction. No land, just attraction.

What is your reaction?
It better be at AK and at least it would be some sort of window to that world. I want it in some way shape or form.


WDW Fan Since 1973
Good catch, and a brilliant summary of the situation.

I'm now firmly in the camp that Avatarland is at best on the back burner (and the burner is turned way down and won't make that 2015 opening by a long shot), and at worst it's about to have it's plug pulled and filed away with the Mt. Fuji coaster for World Showcase and a monorail line to DAK.

With Kodak in deep trouble, maybe those Mt Fuji plans could come back to life.....just dreaming.


The source of avatar trouble rumors is not because of 'lack of concept art' - but rather insider conversations. Maybe some people latched onto this concept art bandwagon - but that's not the source of the rumors and inconsequential.

Are these the same 'insiders' that insisted it was a done deal that the parks were being put on the market? ( the meetings that prompted those rumors were actually the Avatar meetings )

Cameron is likely to be as involved in Avatar land as Lucus is with Star Tours.

To understand Disney's Avatar's schedule it would be beneficial to pay attention to Cameron's future schedule.

It would be greatly beneficial ( money wise ) to both Disney and Cameron if Avatarlands opening and Avatar 2/3 ( the movie ) could coincide as much as possible.


Premium Member
I'm going to throw this out there....I don't think this is actually the case, but...

What if Avatarland is going to focus on the next 2 movies and James Cameron doesn't want the concept art out before the movie previews come out?

Just a thought, probably completely wrong


Well-Known Member
They’re also “kicking around ideas” to enhance the presence of Pirates Of The Carribbean and Cars at the parks. “It would be tough to do walk-around characters” for Cars, Iger said."

The merchandise sales for Cars are huge, and now an entirely new generation of boys who weren't even born when the movie was in theaters in 2006 are now hooked on the Cars franchise.

With that, it would make sense to improve the presence of Cars in the parks. The past five years they have just had some very static displays where the only action is slowly moving eyes across the windshields of Mater and Lightning.

Cars Meet N' Greet - Disney Hollywood Studios Circa 2012


Even the 12 acre Cars Land expansion at DCA doesn't have anything unusual as far as meet n' greets go for these characters; they'll just park Mater and Lightning near the Cozy Cone Motel and queue folks up for static photos.

Something more interactive and sophisticated for meet n' greets would seem to be in order for these very popular characters and stories.


Well-Known Member
Nope.. And no mention of the Test Track refurbishment that was announced with no concept art either... So, maybe the Test Track refurb is on life support too...

The test track refurb is nothing more than a redone queue/post show and some small elements and changes done to the show. It's not the major overhaul that was originally talked about/hoped for. Why would we expect concept art on a new queue? We don't get concept art for any refurbs (it's really not needed). BTMRR, SSE from 3 years ago, Space....

You're argument doesn't pass the logic test.


Well-Known Member



exactly. When WDI is building a new land, park, or attraction, they release artwork...no matter how blue sky that artwork is. That's why we always get a disclaimer that says *Artist Rendering does not acurately represent the design and can change at any time* or whatever it is.

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