Well-Known Member
Of course Disney uses cameras that can recognize faces. But as we’ve mentioned (and shown evidence of), people routinely break into WDW property without being caught.This was back in 2017.....
Disney Theme Park Researchers Unveil Face-Tracking Video Surveillance Software
Disney theme park researchers reveal a new software that can follow the same subject across a network of surveillance cameras.www.commercialintegrator.com
This article is all about facial recognition and tracking of specific people across all parks.
If you think WDW, one of the most attended parks in the world, has the same security as your local mall, you are the most naive and ignorant person.
Think about it.
WDW has a lot to loose if they let in a known dangerous person or escaped fellow.
Get your heads out of the sand.
[I refuse to link to Matt Sonswa’s YouTube channel, but it’s found easily enough. His is not the only “urbex” channel there.]
People who have received a “lifetime ban” continue to circumvent security and gain access to the parks. The video I shared above showed a guy talking his way into DCA with some lame story and a photo of himself at MK!
Fights happen all the time at the parks, and it takes FOREVER for security to show up and do anything about it. Unruly guests are eventually removed from public areas, but it’s by people who are clearly not equipped to deal with dangerous people who might post a serious threat. (This is why local police stand by at the parks.)
The only evidence of your claims is “look up into the sky and see the silent helicopters that your cousin told you about conducting thermal imaging sweeps of the parking lot.“