if posible would you have someone else pay for the trip


New Member
Original Poster
as I have mentioned me and my mom are on our way to disney in july of 09. We live a very comfortable life as a middle class family but I happen to be good friends with someone who has made quite a bit of money, and he has asked to allow me to let him pay for the trip. I have ben friends with the guy through middl and highschool and have kept in touch after graduation which was 13 years ago. My mom has uneasy feelings about him paying but he has done it for all of our other friends and enjoys being able to offer things to his friends.


It's nice that he's doing nice things with his money instead of keeping it for himself, he sounds a nice guy.

But to let him pay for the entire trip, i'm not sure i'd let somebody do that for me, to pay for the hotel or tickets or something yeah I would but not the entire trip.


As long as he offered and you are good friends I see no reaseon to say No. But does he or has he then used this as a way for the other friends he payed for to repay the "gift" somehow?


New Member
Original Poster
As long as he offered and you are good friends I see no reaseon to say No. But does he or has he then used this as a way for the other friends he payed for to repay the "gift" somehow?
No, he has never asked for any of our other friends to repay in anyway, always says that if he is paying then yuo must have a good time. Thats his payment! He is just a good guy that likes to give since he is able t!


Well-Known Member
As another poster said, if it's a close friend who offered without you asking, I'd agree to accept a gift of *part* of the trip... Hotel, tickets, etc. I'd feel a little uncomfortable accepting the entire trip. (Even more-so if the friend wasn't going on the trip, too)

But then again, I have a hard time accepting gifts in general. I much prefer being the one giving the gifts... (Though nothing as extravagant as a trip to Disney...) ;)



As another poster said, if it's a close friend who offered without you asking, I'd agree to accept a gift of *part* of the trip... Hotel, tickets, etc. I'd feel a little uncomfortable accepting the entire trip. (Even more-so if the friend wasn't going on the trip, too)

But then again, I have a hard time accepting gifts in general. I much prefer being the one giving the gifts... (Though nothing as extravagant as a trip to Disney...) ;)

That's the key IMO. If he were going on the trip, it would be a completely different thing. I can afford the trip on my own, so I wouldn't accept it and would feel uneasy about it (especially with both of you being male).

I'd point him in the direction of the nearest charity. They'd need it more than I would :animwink:


If he wants to pay for the trip invite him along unless you just want to have a nice time with your mum well saying that if he wants to pay for the trip invite him along for this one, then with the money you saved go just with your mum or vice versa.


Well-Known Member
Geez that is a tough one...

I would take the cynics point of view on this one that there is no such thing as something for nothing. Maybe the world has jaded my perspective but there it is...take it or leave it.

At 31+or- I would say to save like a maniac and take pride in having paid your way 100%.


Nice friend!!
I personally would feel weird about it, but I can't really say why. I guess like a PP stated, I just feel strange about accepting gifts in general. The last time I went to WDW, our trip was paid for, but it was a wedding shower gift from a close member of our family. We were very appreciative and I think it was OK with me then because it was a gift for a specific occasion. While some of us here might feel uncomfortable with it, it isn't necessarily something that you should feel uncomfortable with, or say no to.


Well-Known Member
No, he has never asked for any of our other friends to repay in anyway, always says that if he is paying then yuo must have a good time. Thats his payment! He is just a good guy that likes to give since he is able t!
If he is not a close friend (think boyfriend) then I would have a hard time accepting a trip as a gift. I really think I would say "thanks but no thanks" but to each his own. Was he planning on going too? Is he fishing around and wants to go but thinks he needs to buy his way in? No matter how many ways I think about it I still think I would have a hard time taking such an expensive gift from a friend, he sounds lonely to me.


Well-Known Member
I would thank him politely, then say no, then let him know that you would really like it if he could take the gift he offered you and offer it to a poor family in town who can't afford to go to Disney World. Then offer to help him find a needy family.


In the Parks
I agree with an earlier poster. If he is VERY persistant, let him buy the tickets or maybe go half. If you're still uncomfortable, tell him he can pick up the dinner tab one night or maybe get the Fireworks cruise and let him pick that up.
H may not be lonley, just LOVES to give. I'm that way. I'm not lonley at all (although I am single :ROFLOL:) I just LOVE giving to my friends!


Well-Known Member
as I have mentioned me and my mom are on our way to disney in july of 09. We live a very comfortable life as a middle class family but I happen to be good friends with someone who has made quite a bit of money, and he has asked to allow me to let him pay for the trip. I have ben friends with the guy through middl and highschool and have kept in touch after graduation which was 13 years ago. My mom has uneasy feelings about him paying but he has done it for all of our other friends and enjoys being able to offer things to his friends.
Ask yourself why it would make you uneasy to have him pay for the trip. If the answer is pride then you may wnat to try and see past that. Not to get all scholarly but pride has generally been considered a vice and not a virtue in much of the world. I do not mean to bash anyone who mentioned pride because I would agree that I personally might feel a little uncomfortable with it. However, if he is a good friend then why begrudge him the joy that he would get from doing something nice for you.


New Member
Original Poster
before the offer came I had already planned to pay for the trip myself with the money already saved up. i also brought up the idea of doing a half payment but he was against it. His thought is that he will not be able to spend the money himself he already has the rest of his family set so he is doing things with or for his friends. he also has donated to charity Cancer research and the WWF are soem that he has given to.


Well-Known Member
How about if you accept it and then you donate the money you saved up to a worthy family (I'll PM you my address!) - kind of paying it forward?


New Member
My solution: Pay you're own way. But every time you pass by Cinderella's Royal Table, Cali Grille, Chefs de France, etc., make a not so subtle comment as to how hungry you are.


Well-Known Member
If Bill Gates phoned me and offered to pay for a lifetime worth of WDW trips I would snap his hand off. If it was a friend then I would feel a little differently, no matter how much money they had.

It would be very tempting to go on somone elses money but there is a little part of me that would feel a little uncomfortable but I suppose this really depends on your relationship with the guy.

If he does pay for you them make sure you get him something nice!

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