Originally posted by meeko_33785
I like the idea, but it seems a tad redundant with Storybookland in the park. Personally, I think Storybookland would pull of the concept much more effectivly that a walk-through attraction. I would still like something in the Castle, but I don't think this is quite it.
I thought that too after I had posted it, but I was thinking of this more as an update to the Storybook Canal boat experience, it's a charming ride but I thought it would seem a little silly to put something like that in if you build the ride in the 2000's. It to me just has that 50's look to it. If we go ahead with the Canals I hope we can atleast put some more modern features into it, like a monstro AA that comes up out of the water and so on, still keeping the dioramas though.....