ICS Weekends: Disney Debates


Well-Known Member
@spacemt354 do you mind updating the first post with the following standings, based on points awarded during the two live shows.

(tie) 1. @JokersWild 5 points
(tie) 1. @spacemt354 5 points

(tie) 2. BlueDragonFive (1 point)
(tie) 2. SandyClaws (1 point)

Both you and Jokers got a first place and a second place finish through the two live versions while Sandy and Dragon picked up a participation point for coming in third. As soon as we finish this current round on the boards we can add @tcool123 and myself on there as well and have the points act the same way. Should be a really fun way to keep track of the leaderboard :)

Just for clarification in case I forgot to post it in this thread, the points to get on the leaderboard will be distributed as such.

1st Place-3 points
2nd Place-2 points
3rd Place-1 point

Nice and precise and gives everyone who plays at the very least a participation point but encourages people to participate in multiple debates to boost their score :)


@spacemt354 do you mind updating the first post with the following standings, based on points awarded during the two live shows.

(tie) 1. @JokersWild 5 points
(tie) 1. @spacemt354 5 points

(tie) 2. BlueDragonFive (1 point)
(tie) 2. SandyClaws (1 point)

Both you and Jokers got a first place and a second place finish through the two live versions while Sandy and Dragon picked up a participation point for coming in third. As soon as we finish this current round on the boards we can add @tcool123 and myself on there as well and have the points act the same way. Should be a really fun way to keep track of the leaderboard :)

Just for clarification in case I forgot to post it in this thread, the points to get on the leaderboard will be distributed as such.

1st Place-3 points
2nd Place-2 points
3rd Place-1 point

Nice and precise and gives everyone who plays at the very least a participation point but encourages people to participate in multiple debates to boost their score :)
Sure! I think @DSquared posted the thread though so he will have to update it.

I'm also going to make that ICS Weekends Hub thread that you and Jokers were talking about soon - so I'll keep all the points for all comps organized there too!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm a bit busy with the What If finale, so this will be quick. If you guys want me to go more detailed I can post after I finish up What If.


good job defending your parade, but I was also when the other 2 said that parades are often time wasters

space -

good job pcking at the other two, but they got you , Food Rocks isnt the most memorable attraction like the others said

tiki -

good job picking at the other 2, but they got you on the whole microscope thing that was brought up a few times.

Now, i give this close round to...



I'm a bit busy with the What If finale, so this will be quick. If you guys want me to go more detailed I can post after I finish up What If.


good job defending your parade, but I was also when the other 2 said that parades are often time wasters

space -

good job pcking at the other two, but they got you , Food Rocks isnt the most memorable attraction like the others said

tiki -

good job picking at the other 2, but they got you on the whole microscope thing that was brought up a few times.

Now, i give this close round to...

For future rounds could we potentially vet the exact meaning of the questions. Like specifically what your interpretation of the question is.

Because the question has nothing to do with what's the most memorable. (If I remember right I came up with this question) And an extinct attraction brought back should be kept the same...otherwise it's not an extinct attraction. Just my opinion on it.

Can we move onto the Star Wars one?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
For future rounds could we potentially vet the exact meaning of the questions. Like specifically what your interpretation of the question is.

Because the question has nothing to do with what's the most memorable. (If I remember right I came up with this question) And an extinct attraction brought back should be kept the same...otherwise it's not an extinct attraction. Just my opinion on it.

Can we move onto the Star Wars one?
Sorry about the wording and stuff. You have a point. I'll be sure to be more direct.

Disney has a plan to release new Star Wars films that will use characters not in the new trilogy (7,8,9) called Anthology films. Pitch an Anthology film while keeping the film in cannon.


Sorry about the wording and stuff. You have a point. I'll be sure to be more direct.

Disney has a plan to release new Star Wars films that will use characters not in the new trilogy (7,8,9) called Anthology films. Pitch an Anthology film while keeping the film in cannon.
Don't worry about it!;) Just for the future so I dont feel like im misinterpreting my own question :p


Alrighty so my Anthology film will be called:

Knights of the Old Republic

Inspired by one of the best Star Wars video games of all time "Knights of the Old Republic"

The main plot will revolve around Kris - a man waking up from a coma aboard the Leviathan - a massive Republic ship under attack by the evil Sith lord Darth Malak. A Jedi Bastilla Shan and Republic pilot Carthay Onasi rescue Kris and escape to a city planet called Taris.

With Darth Malak on their tail - Bastilla brings Kris to the Jedi Council on Dantooine where we get to see how Jedi were trained (something we rarely got in the prequels) and the budding relationship between Kris and Bastilla.

For now I'm about 40 mins into the film...

There's an M. Night style twist towards the end of the game -for anyone who has played it you know what I'm talking about - but I will save the rest of the plot for later. ;)


Well-Known Member
My pitch is for a film called "Godfathers of the Galaxy", which will focus on the seedy mob underworld of the Star Wars universe and specifically on Jabba the Hutt passing the torch to his son Rotta in a storyline that mirrors the famous Corleone family dynamic. The film will be directed by Francis Ford Coppola in an epic return to the director's chair. The depiction of the Hutts will be a combination of CGI and practical effects, and there will be numerous human characters to balance things out.

The film basically takes place during the timeline of The Empire Strikes Back and shows everything from Jabba's point of view right up until Han Solo is delivered to him in the finale. We see that Rotta the Hutt is a defender of the rebels and has a loyalty to the Jedi from when he was rescued as a young child during the Clone Wars movie. Rotta much in the same way as Michael Corleone is trying to distance himself from the family lineage. Rotta is sharp with technology and served as a communications expert for the rebellion during the time period of A New Hope. After having half of his tail sliced off he has retreated to Corosant to make a humble living as the owner of a lodge which secretly houses rebels.

Over on Jabba's side, we see things are going poorly as his wife is on her deathbed. Realizing that Jabba has no one to pass the Hutt lineage off to, he summons Rotta for a very uncomfortable family reunion which is where most of the movie will center around. In the background you'll have Bobba Fett as a character caught in the middle between his duties to Hutt and his fear of Vader. There's a yet to be named black-furred Wookie who will act as a childhood friend of Rotta's and now a loyal servant of Jabba, those two will have some conflict.

We are also introduced to O-O-O, an evil and deadly bounty hunter droid who happens to have similar mannerisms and the hoyty-toyty British accent of our favorite Human/Cyborg relations droid (the character will also be voiced by Anthony Daniels) Maz Kanata will also be in the film as the leader of a band of pirates warring with the Hutts.

Essentially though, throughout all the colorful characters and weird alien creatures, the movie comes back to a very human story about inheriting the sins of the father. We see a thoughtful and somber Jabba the Hutt having to deal with feelings of morality after his wife's death and feelings of being a distant and ineffective parental figure, and we see through Rotta's eyes first hand what being the son of one of the galaxy's most infamous gangsters can do to you even when your whole life is about trying to do the right thing.

Much in the same way The Force Awakens was an homage to A New Hope, this will be an homage to another iconic classic of the New Hollywood era and introduce a completely different spin on the galaxy far, far away with both a cast of eclectic characters and a heartfelt and dare I say "human" story at the core of a movie about a family of giant slugs.

That is how you do a Star Wars Anthology film.


Well-Known Member
For my Star Wars Anthology I chosen the character Ashoka Tano one of the few Jedi to escape the Great Jedi Purge. Here's my pitch for my film -

Ashoka : Jedi Knight

Ahsoka will be played by Ashley Eckstein, and will get similar makeup and costume that Orli Shoshan needed to play Shaak Ti. Emperor Palpatine will return, and will continue to be played by Ian McDiarmid. Bail Organa will return, and will be played by Jimmy Smits. New characters introduced to the universe will include First Mate Crank a Corellian pirate working with Captain Smelex, Captain Smelex is the Kuati captain of the M-Cruiser 2 and Maz Kanata's most trusted of her workers, Kalakashi aka Kal is a Bothan the senator of Bothawui that has information on the Empire's secret weapon, and the last major character being Zuthrain a Zeltron and a galaxy renown bounty hunter only beaten by her nemesis Boba Fett.

Corellian and Kuati are species of human in the galaxy. Kal will have a costume that will work in similarity to Chewbacca's costume. Zuthrain will use makeup to achieve the iconic Zeltron look of a light pink.

The film takes place parallel to A New Hope. The film starts off in Castle Organa as Bail is hard at work on a secret Rebel project. Suddenly he gets a hologram message from Kal who alerts Bail that he has been captured by the Empire. As Kal attempts to tell him the secret plans storm troopers barge in Kal ends the message right when they do. Bail now alarmed contacts his top spy Ahsoka Tano. Bail explains what has happened, and Ahsoka agrees to go in and attempt to save Kal. After his conference he sighs, and hopes Ahsoka can fulfill her mission. The scene cuts to Ahsoka aboard her GS-90 Salvage Ship she is seen talking to herself inputting the coordinates of Kal's last known whereabouts.

As Ahsoka kicks into hyperspace she arrives right behind an Imperial Star Destroyer. She lands in the loading bay of the Star Destroyer, and is in fear as she feels a strong presence never before felt. As she prepares to leave her ship she hides her lightsabers, and puts on a cloak to hide her identity. When leaving her ship she uses a Jedi mind trick on a stormtrooper to take her to the prison cells. Upon arrival of the cells she attacks the stormtroopers guarding the main control panel with her two lightsabers sounding off an alarm. Knowing her time is sparse she decides to open all the cells. Plenty of rebel soldiers are released along with Kal. Ahsoka rushes to Kal, and she finds out the Princess Leia has been taken to what is to be the Empire's secret weapon, the Death Star. As Ahsoka and Kal prepare to escape with the rebel soldiers a swarm of stormtroopers burst into the prison cell corridor initiating a battle. Ahsoka fights off the troopers, but all the rebel soldiers have fallen leaving only her and Kal left.

Ahsoka uses the force to remove a vent cover so that she and Kal can sneak back to her ship. Ahsoka and Kal successfully make it back as they drop in on a group of stormtroopers. Ahsoka fights them all off as Kal hurries to get the ship open. Ahsoka joins him as she uses the force to destroy the Tie Fighters. As the two leave the Star Destroyer and enter hyperspace Emperor Palpatine watches everything from the safety of his throne room. He proceeds to make contact with his most trusted bounty hunter; Zuthrain. He informs Zuthrain that she is to capture the two who has escaped, and when she finds them to alert the empire.

We cut back to Ahsoka and Kal. As they about the woes of the empire, and the fact Ahsoka is a living Jedi. As Ahsoka gets out of hyperspace they see Alderaan blowing up from the Death Star. Ahsoka and Kal are in a complete state of shock of horror as a signal of a larger pirate ship comes onto the radar although neither notice. Ahsoka finally decides to change course, and go to Bothawui. However it is too late as Ahsoka's ship is put in a tractor beam by the M-Cruiser 2.

AFter getting caught Ahsoka and Kal panic she adorns her robe and lightsabers once more as Kal grabs a stored ELG-3A blaster pistol. The ship's door opens to reveal Captain Smelex walking in with no weapons, and right behind him is First Mate Crank with a DC-15S blaster carbine. He informs that they are to leave the ship, and join his crew since many of the members have recently perished on Alderaan. Ahsoka and Kal with no other option reluctantly agree. All four walk into the briefing room where awaits the only other member of the M-Cruiser 2, Zuthrain. The captain briefs them in that they work for Maz Kanata, and that were on their way to Alderaan to pick up the rest of their crew as they stole from Organa Palace. Zuthrain walks rudely away as she contacts the Emperor that she has both of the fugitives on board the ship, and the Emperor congratulates her with the fact that he is on his way.

Within moments the Captain notices the incoming fleet of Imperial Shuttles. The shuttles dock in the bay of the ship, and out come at least 100 stormtroopers, and finally the Emperor. The Captain now aware of this grabs his electrostaff, and tells his crew to head to the escape ship. However they are stopped by Zuthrain, and she gives enough time for stormtroopers to block all possible exits. The group of four begin to fight with their blasters, and in Ahsoka's case her two lightsabers against Zuthrain and the stormtroopers. Zuthrain retreats seeing how strong they really are.

In her retreat she encounters Palpatine who is disappointed in Zuthrain's weakness. He proceeds to inform he always like to practice before he kills a Jedi. Zuthrain begins to fire from her two blasters as Palpatine blocks each fire with lightsaber. Tired of her antics he uses the force to throw her into a wall, and proceeds to kill her with force lighting. The group of four run into the hallway to see Palpatine with a dead Zuthrain. Ahsoka knowing that the only way that her friends escape is if she sacrifices herself. She tells the others to get to the escape ship, and if she isn't there in 10 minutes to leave without her. They reluctantly agree as she and Palpatine get ready face off.

Ahsoka and Palpatine fight, and all the way he mocks her and tempts her into the dark side. She refuses as she overpowers him, and runs to the docking bay. She fights off a squad of stormtroopers protecting the Emperor's shuttle. This fight lasts long enough to give the Emperor time to reach Ahsoka. They once again fight another. Ahsoka is attacked by Palpatine's force lighting although she blocks it off with both of her lightsabers. They fight once more with lightsabers, but this time she uses the force and pushes Palpatine into a stack of crates. She boards the shuttle and hijacks it. After escaping the M-Cruiser 2 she contacts the others letting them know that she is going to hiding. Although sad they agree that it would be best for now. The screen fades.

The last scene is shown with Ahsoka on her home planet of Shili, and her looking to the sky seeing the Death Star blowup. With that the credits role.



Well-Known Member
I wish you would've gone into more of the plot because honestly what seems like four sentences doesn't really help, and leaves me wondering of what's the point of the film, and then seeing surprise there's a twist at the end, but nothing mentioned else about it.

For a second I thought the title was Guardians of the Galaxy, but I looked at it again. With Star Wars trying to go back to more practical effects this just sounds like a CGI bonanza. There's going to be the Hutts, Kanata, O-O-O which all will undoubtedly be done with CGI. Also it seems like the film will be 75% subtitles since you know the Hutts aren't famous for speaking in English or in that matter any language understandable by the common moviegoer. And to quote Kermit the Frog - 'I don't think Americans watch subtitled films'. Also how entertaining can a film of giant slugs really be?


Well-Known Member
On the contrary Tcool, I'm attracted to the idea of doing something with Jabba specifically to push the boundaries of practical effects even further than they already are. There's no reason why O-O-O couldn't be a guy in a suit with Anthony Daniels doing the voice dubbing. There would be a Wookie who would be all practical, and in general the whole film would kind of be like a next generation Dark Crystal where there's a ton of practical puppetry that's done in a completely dark and serious tone.

Rotta actually does speak English in my version, so that's how the language barrier would break down. Jabba would speak the typical "Hutt" language while Rotta would be more familiar with different types of languages and cultures being among the rebel alliance.

My rebuttal is basically the fact that my pitch is the Goldilocks "just right" pick of the bunch. Tcool has too much detail, and to me his pitch feels more like an Asoka fan fiction than a movie pitch. I'll also contend that Asoka's storyline will most likely be wrapped up full circle with Rebels, so while she is a great character and I'd like to see her in an Anthology film (hell, even Rogue One...that definitely fits the timeline!) I think were getting so much of her story in the TV shows that a stand alone movie starring her might not have much direction to go.

Space, I think inevitably Knights of the Old Republic will definitely be used. I actually think it'd be well suited to a Game of Thrones style Netflix series. I don't think it's very creative to point to this IP and I think you have only very loose ideas to tie everything together.

My pitch is using another iconic film as a blueprint in much the same way Force Awakens did. I'm taking a proven successful formula and applying it in a creative way to the Anthology universe. Like I said, the varied mix of CG and practical puppet creatures could give the film an incredibly unique look that uses practical effects in an even more effective and groundbreaking way than Force Awakens did.



That's my opening statement...and much like a trailer for a film (which is what we are designing) I wouldn't wanted to give away my whole film in the trailer/opening statement. That's just to get you intrigued for more...i save the full movie for the grand finale.


I think Jabba the Hut and his son is on the weak side for a film. First of all...Jabba has a wife? That goes against his scum of the underworld character who holds women as slaves. Godfather and Star Wars are two totally different styles of ganster...so trying to emulate Godfather just doesn't fit..and I really don't like the title...as it sounds like Guardians of the Galaxy.

As for the rest of the film...Im not very interested in it. Jabba works as a side character...not as a main one, so the plot to me, while definitely different, just doesn't do it for me.


You made Emperor Palpatine way too weak...he stood with Yoda in Ep 3 but then gets defeated here? He felt really out of character. And your plot never gives any of these characters proper intorductions. You shouldn't have to watch Star Wars Rebels to understand who everyone is.

If anything is the "goldilocks" option ...Knights of the Old Republic is, as Tiki thinks it will definitely be used in the future...and since we are pitching films...based on that statement... mine is the most realistic option out of these 3.

He says mine its not creative though...but what isn't creative? You're going back 4000 years to see the best of both Star Wars films - you get to see Jedi and Sith in their primes (like the prequels) but you also get characters you care about and well balanced stories (like the original trilogy). And some of the most successful films in history are based on previous works ex: Harry Potter...and two video game films are coming out just next year...Assassin's Creed and Warcraft...it's definitely not uncommon to go this route in the current day, so it shouldn't be a negative. Having the best Star Wars game ever be the backbone for a film I think is a great choice.

Lastly, out of these 3 options...my film is the only one that opens up a realistic potential for several future films and a whole ton of merchandise with all the new characters - which in the Disney realm...means a whole lot if we are pitching a film...again showing why Knights of the Old Republic is the way to go.


I see nobody wants to go first :p

While against my strategy...I will go to move this along.

Knights of the Old Republic not only is the most realistic choice out of these 3, but offers something else that Star Wars fans crave - a captivating plot.

Exploring many worlds we've never seen before, to organize the plot, the film will essentially broken up into these acts

Act I
We meet our main character Kris as he wakes up aboard the Republic ship the Leviathan as it is being attacked by Darth Malak and his Sith armada. A jedi, Bastilla Shan saves Kris by jettisoning him to the city planet of Taris on an escape pod where she says he will be safe for now. On Taris, Kris meets Carth Onasi, a republic pilot close with the Jedi, who claims he is here to protect Kris and explains through a flashback the Mandalorian wars and how Darth Malak recently overthrew his master, the evil Darth Revan, but is vulnerable because the location of the Sith hidden base, the Star Forge, was captured during the recent space onslaught. Kris asks about the Jedi who saved him and Carth explains that she is one of the most powerful Jedi ever and has a power known as battle mediation to manipulate the outcomes of war. The pair eventually meet Jolie, a native of Taris who Kris unexplicibly saves from a band of pirates and C134, Jolie's droid.

Carth gets a message from Bastilla to go to Dantooine as Kris has visions of Darth Malak coming to Taris. They board Carth's ship, the Ebon Hawk, and escape as the planet is destroyed by the Sith armada, however Malak senses a presence on the Ebon Hawk and tracks it's trajectory.

Act II
The Ebon Hawk lands on Dantooine and Kris meets Bastilla, who explains to him that he is a Jedi who was lost early in the wars, and they need to retrain him. During the training, Carth, Jolie, and the droid fly to the planet of Mannan where a Republic army awaits in case Malak was tracking them. As Kris trains he has terrible haunting flashbacks and becomes enrages, to which Bastilla approaches the Jedi Council who say that he must complete his training to save the galaxy. Darth Malak arrives and a massive Jedi Sith battle ensues. Malak goes straight for Kris but Bastilla whips out here double bladed yellow lightsaber and battles Malak. A Sith armada approsches Mannan and a land and space batthe ensue, though all seems lost. Kris slashes through troopers yet all of a sudden, lightning comes out of his fingers as he force pushes, and Malak approaches him "Master, you never change"

It's revealed that Kris, the main protagonist, is Darth Revan. During the war, Bastilla found the injured Revan and tried to wipe his memory clean. Bastilla gets captured and taken to the Star Forge and the remaining Jedi go in pursuit as the battle on Mannan continues. Kris feels the dark sides pull but goes along with the Jedi to the Star Forge. Dusguised, he enters the base as he remembers the locations and he senses Malak's presence as Malak attempts to use Bastilla's battle mediation against the Republic, but before he is successful, Kris enters and confronts him -decked out in his old Sith garments. He goes to Bastilla looking like he will kill her, but throws the lightsaber at Malak, and the two duel to a draw before Bastilla ends up helping besting Malak. The Republic arrives and captures the Star Forge but in the raid, Malak escapes as neither Bastilla nor Revan ended up killing him, because it's not the Jedi way.

In the end, they meet back up with the Ebon Hawk and fly off back to Dantooine to meet up with the Jedi, as Malak finds an apprentice...

To conclude:

This film is the only one out of the 3 that has a serious potential for sequels, something Disney loves. As well as a ton of Old Republic merchandise sales, something Disney also loves. And it works much better as a film rather than a Netflix series because this needs a big budget to be given justice. Netflix is too small a platform.

As said before, even if you have played the game, the plot isn't the exact same, just inspired by, so this is a brand new Star Wars experience in a time period that is probably the most interesting in all of Star Wars lore.

It's the best option out of the 3.


Well-Known Member
Knights of the Old Republic is a video game. Asoka belongs on TV more than the movies. The Hutts have always been among the more memorable parts of the live action Star Wars. Let's get some more dark fantasy puppetry based storytelling, combined with the directorial skills of a legend like Coppola, to adapt Jabba's tale in much the same way Force Awakens did A New Hope. It's The Godfather for the net generation but with evil British droids, rogue Wookies, and an intense father/son dynamic that's the most heart-breaking thing this side of A Goofy Movie. You'd be foolish to pass this up.


Well-Known Member
And the Hutts belong to being side characters. I beg to differ I feel that the Ashoka story line can be improved on further by adding this movie. We also find out where the heck the Emperor is while the Death Star was complete along with a glimpse of not only Alderaan, but we'll see how Maz Kanata ran things back in the day. Perhaps over the years the Emperor as he aged got weaker, and he didn't fight as well. Perhaps he was cocky, and underestimated a Jedi who quit the Order. Don't you think that over time Ashoka wouldn't get better perhaps she was just as good as Yoda. Also I haven't watched a single episode of Star Wars Rebels. I only read a bit of Ashoka to see if she was alive, and how old was she.

All in all I think Ahsoka is a great Star Wars character to get a spin-off film. She's strong, smart, and smart. She'll make for a great love able main character. The characters presented here would be great and possibly loved additions to the Star Wars Universe. So I end my conclusion by saying this film will probably be a fun watch, and a great addition to the Star Wars line up with room for improvement with possibly sequels along the way.


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Original Poster
Sorry. I was having computer problems.


Tiki -

Good job stating what would make your great, but you were caught with the argument that Star Wars doesn't really fit Godfather style stories.

Tcool -

Good job with the plot, but the problems around the tv show stuff made a good point on how many people would be caught up and if we needed any more of this character. For all we know Rebels has a backflash episode, but I won't take if's into consideration.

Space -

You're right when you say that this is the most likely of the three, but I think that this may better suit video games because many people who don't play RPGs tend to get confused in many movies like this.

This one was close, but I'll give this round to...


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