I think the boards are being invaded by n00bs.


New Member
Original Poster
StevenT said:
Yes there seems to be an influx of new members lately, but we just have to bear with it. Everybody was new once. This will pass and the questions about a Harry Potter attraction will fade.

Yes but some people started as newbs and not n00bs. For the person who insulted the way I spelled n00b, you have to understand that I did not come up with the spelling, the spelling itself comes from the 1337 language which is basically replacing everyletter with a word with other simbles forming words which sometimes has 3 simbles a letter. 1337 comes from the word leet which comes from the word elite. People say 1337 is just like n00b talk but I disagree because in 1337, the idea is to make fun of n00bs and take as much time to write a sentence.

For example,
How are you?
|-|0\/\/ 473 j00?


Well-Known Member
themouseman said:
Hmmm, Guy's we have more important Disney stuff to talk about than bad grammar and spelling

It's naked time!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p

I see somebody likes Potter Puppet Pals... either that or there is one heck of a coincidence. :lol:


New Member
I am new to the boards, though I have lurked for quite a while, and if I hear another thing about friggin' Harry Potter i'm going to go nuts. come now fellow n00bs, just let it go!


Account Suspended
Okay. First of all, I think some of you are being a bit defensive about this. When someone comments on any given thread, it's because he/she has an opinion about it. Is it always a popular? NO!!! That's the GREAT thing about living in a free society. You get to express yourself freely, without fear of retribution. Now, having said that, I know some of you like to make fun of those people. To me, that shows a lack of clear thought on the part of the people making fun of others. It shows you don't have a coherent thought on an issue, therefore, just resort to the lowest common denominator, which is to make fun, call names, etc. etc.

One thing I love about these boards is the expression of different ideas that people have for improvement in the parks, resorts, shops, etc. It shows that people care enough to put thought to paper. That they care about the direction of the company, and feel they have something to contribute. While all of us won't always agree on how good these ideas are, isn't it a good thing that people have these thoughts and ideas? Or should we stifle those people and their ideas. I, for one, don't believe that's what freedom and democracy are all about.

How about the rest of you?


New Member
I agree completely with you HennieBogan1966!!! Just because someone is new (or not so new) doesn't mean that you should criticize them or their opinion!


New Member
shopgirl146 said:
I agree completely with you HennieBogan1966!!! Just because someone is new (or not so new) doesn't mean that you should criticize them or their opinion!

That's not what I have a problem with at all! :) I'm more than happy to let everyone have an opinion.

However, my problem is with people who don't take the time to make a properly-typed post. It's just rude to everyone. Also, for all the "is there gonna be a Harry Potter attraction?!" and similar topics, all it takes is a quick click on the search button to find that question has already been answered. A hundred times over.



Well-Known Member
You guys are misunderstanding the difference between n00bs and newbies. n00bs can be extremely annoying even though they don't know better.. newbies aren't, they just think a bit first about following etiquette among other things. That being said I personally don't think i've seen many n00bs around here lately.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Aren't Saabs manufactured by Trolls in Sweden?


yup.. Trollhattan, Sweden.

This means that Trolls make Saabs.

Which has no point whatsoever.


New Member
Unfortunately, it's us "newbees" that keep the magic going. Otherwise it would be stagnant among the current masses. Sorry for being a newbie to the board. Might not be a WDW rookie, but that dont count any, does it?


Well-Known Member
BriJul said:
Unfortunately, it's us "newbees" that keep the magic going. Otherwise it would be stagnant among the current masses. Sorry for being a newbie to the board. Might not be a WDW rookie, but that dont count any, does it?

Sigh.. noone (not even DarkMeasures) is complaining about people being newbies, so there is no need to be sorry. He is strictly talking about n00bs, which are an "annoying" type of newbie..

I'm about to give up on this discussion. :lol:


New Member
:lol: When I saw the title to this thread I just HAD to come in... Sorry I dont mean to laugh but it's funny... I never knew the word "n00bs" even existed on the boards? So at what point to people start getting recognized as memebers and not n00bs DarkMeasures :veryconfu :( ???
MKT.. the whole Saab thingy was FUNNY... I <3Love<3 Saab's!!! :lol:


Account Suspended
Aren't the "they" and "we" some of "you" are referring to really "us"? I'm sure that we, meaning us, don't mean to offend with our annoying questions for you, meaning they. Rather some of us, again meaning we, are trying to obtain information that we otherwise haven't gotten from other sources. A simple answer to said questions from you, meaning they, or we, would suffice.

Now, we, meaning us, could get the information by searching different thread topics to try and obtain our, again meaning us, answers. But where would the fun be in not getting to annoy people, meaning you or they with our incessant questions.


New Member
HennieBogan1966: Aren't the "they" and "we" some of "you" are referring to really "us"? I'm sure that we, meaning us, don't mean to offend with our annoying questions for you, meaning they. Rather some of us, again meaning we, are trying to obtain information that we otherwise haven't gotten from other sources. A simple answer to said questions from you, meaning they, or we, would suffice.
:brick: :brick: Very true!!!! As far as sources go... WDWMagic is my source for everything lol... and I dont care about questions.. if someone says that it's been asked before.. i apologize... if there is a thread with like 17 pages.. im not going to read it all!! Does anyone else? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Rob, love the comment about trolls making Saabs. I actually chuckled at that one. :lol: About the n00bs, I've started to notice some of these lately too. I noticed for sure last night that someone posted on about 7 or so threads in baout 3 minutes, if that. Of course each post was something along the lines of "yeah," "I think so too," "cool." Things like that, are they just trying to get a higher status by posting more, or just being an annoyance by doing so. If you're going to do something small like that, explain why you feel the way you do, that way we know you're not posting just to post. Sorry, I doubt any of that made sense, it's past my bed time tonight (I have to work in 8 hours and I don't want to!). :hammer:


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
If you buy a Saab you support trolls.

Just say no to Saabs.

Buy German.

Everytime you drive a Saab, god puts another troll on WDWMagic. You don't like trolls, do you?


Well-Known Member
mkt said:
Everytime you drive a Saab, God puts another troll on WDWMagic. You don't like trolls, do you?

No, please no! There aren't any Swedish parts on a Lincoln LS are there, because I'm buying one soon and the last thing I want to do is get a troll on here. of course my Chrysler now isn't troll worthy so I'm safe with that. Saab should change their logo from the lion to a troll, that would be hilarious! :lol:


New Member
Lol Rob... :lol: if driving a Saab makes God put another troll on WDWMagic then OMG.. beware because there are tons of Saabs around here... infact there is a Saab/Troll dealer about 15 miles away... :hammer: What is the world coming to? :p

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