I think I might be done with WDW.

My parents took us annually growing up. I have asked them, REPEATEDLY, to do another ‘family trip’, but this time with the 3 generations.

Each time I ask I receive a “No, I have no desire to go to Disney World now.”

My parents loved Disney, but they realize what they enjoy more these days.. and it isn’t a crowded park.
If they went, I’m sure they would say that it felt different than the 70s-2000s.. but the majority of the “different” would be because of them.
I took my parents 2 trips ago, my mother ended up needing a wheelchair for traveling around the parks, VERY traumatic for her. Miss Jazzercise used to OWN those walkways, NOTHING would slow her down, aging SUCKS.


Well-Known Member
I took my parents 2 trips ago, my mother ended up needing a wheelchair for traveling around the parks, VERY traumatic for her. Miss Jazzercise used to OWN those walkways, NOTHING would slow her down, aging SUCKS.

That had to be frustrating for her.
I know that my dad would need one, I also know that he is too stubborn to use one. So what would end up happening is- he would be miserable and regret how much money he was spending to be miserable.

I’d love for them to come to Disney with us, but they take my kiddo on vacation for 10 days every July, so I won’t complain too much. ;)


Well-Known Member
Being able to purchase 3 fast passes and get the 90 days to book them as well as giving you preferred seating for firework shows for only 50 dollars a day is a huge benefit to booking club level now, even though you still have to pay for it.

BUT, I guess there's a hitch (according to the FoxNews article I read on this Club Level pay-to-play extra fastpass option.) There is a stipulation that each guest buy a minimum of THREE days of the extra fast passes. So now you are talking $150.00 per guest, minimum.

In this case, if Disney starts selling additional FPs, how does that affect the current FP inventory? Are free FPs going to be harder to get? OR, will they simply add more FPs to the inventory and pull more guests from the FP line, making the standby line move even slower? Either way, I don't see it as a good change. :(

That's what I was thinking. Wondering how it will affect the regular guest.

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Tell me... if posting here is foolish, what should I do? I've already expressed my concerns in detail to Disney (to their credit, they listened patiently, but nothing has changed). Should I just accept the changes without comment and continue to visit the parks, throwing away my money and rewarding Disney's bad behavior, toasting Dole Whips to Walt's memory while the WDW experience continues to deteriorate?

It may be idealistic and extremely wishful thinking, but my hope is that others think as I do, and that maybe if enough people DEMAND QUALITY, Disney will go back to providing the guest experience they used to provide - which was so far beyond an amusement park like Cedar Point or Universal that a comparison between the two was laughable.

If everyone on this board got together and sent the same unified message to Disney...it wouldn’t change a thing.

You aren’t going to change the minds of those of us who still love it or go with the flow. You can commiserate with other DISgruntleds. (Ha!) But you aren’t going to change a thing whether you go or don’t go, whether all of us go or don’t go. We are a tiny, tiny bunch - possibly a more high maintenance bunch - and Disney goes on just fine, thank you. It will take a self-inflicted wound to take them down, like consistent bombs at the box office or outright failure of a new park.

So what should you do? For the love of Pete, stop bringing the rest of us down who just want to enjoy ourselves chatting about The World. Can we designate a section for the DISgruntleds like we did with the politics thread?

I agree, the local parks are just insane during the summer. Locally I have Six Flags Great Adventure in NJ. I would not even consider stepping foot in the place from June-September. And no, it's not cheap, I could spend 400-500 for a day trip including admission/food (family of 5/6).

Been to that Great Adventure many times. An Aunt used to buy AP’s for the cousins. I think the last was around 1992/3 and may have been $60-ish. You could also get cheap tix with a soda can back then. (Oh, the magic they never had is gone lol.)

To all complaining about big business/Disney: they didn’t change the rules; but the rules have changed (some time ago.) All the huge businesses act like that now - short term payoff, make pretty for Wall Street. If they don’t conform to that, they fail or get portrayed as failing and/or get bought out/taken over. Walt’s days are over and not coming back. Quarterly earnings rule. It’s not their fault, it’s today’s landscape in business. Set your expectations accordingly.


Well-Known Member
Personally guys I like complaints. Maybe it's because I grew up in my family's restaurant and we much rather hear you complain and give us a chance to fix it then to stop coming back.

Next, while some folks see complaints as silly or not doing any thing, they are still helpful information IMO. for example I have always wanted to stay at the Boardwalk resort and villas but everyone complains about the long hallways. that's good information for me especially since I some times travel with an 83 year old MIL who refuses to use a scooter or wheelchair. so when she vacations with us I know not to book the Broadwalk.

Look at it this way, if your a first timer, knowing that when the parks close the buses can be insanely packed can help you arrange your day. I'm going in April with 3 first timers, one is a cancer survivor. I want them to see illuminations so my plan is at the end of the night just chill at France and have a grand mariner slushie while we wait for the hordes to leave.

Lastly, I do think Disney changes. some times it takes a while but they do come around. I don't know if anyone remembers maybe 7 years back when the souvenirs really sucked. every thing was either "hannah Montanna" or the non descript Disney 20XX, fill in the date. There evidently were huge outcries about that. the resort specific stuff had disappeared and Mylie Cyrus's face was every where. Now it's better. I know, I know folks don't go to the world to go shopping but some of us like going into the shops and that was a welcome change.

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Personally guys I like complaints. Maybe it's because I grew up in my family's restaurant and we much rather hear you complain and give us a chance to fix it then to stop coming back.

Next, while some folks see complaints as silly or not doing any thing, they are still helpful information IMO. for example I have always wanted to stay at the Boardwalk resort and villas but everyone complains about the long hallways. that's good information for me especially since I some times travel with an 83 year old MIL who refuses to use a scooter or wheelchair. so when she vacations with us I know not to book the Broadwalk.

Look at it this way, if your a first timer, knowing that when the parks close the buses can be insanely packed can help you arrange your day. I'm going in April with 3 first timers, one is a cancer survivor. I want them to see illuminations so my plan is at the end of the night just chill at France and have a grand mariner slushie while we wait for the hordes to leave.

Lastly, I do think Disney changes. some times it takes a while but they do come around. I don't know if anyone remembers maybe 7 years back when the souvenirs really sucked. every thing was either "hannah Montanna" or the non descript Disney 20XX, fill in the date. There evidently were huge outcries about that. the resort specific stuff had disappeared and Mylie Cyrus's face was every where. Now it's better. I know, I know folks don't go to the world to go shopping but some of us like going into the shops and that was a welcome change.

Most of those are practical, actionable complaints, and depending on the tone, can be portrayed as constructive criticism and as you said, helpful to planning.

What I see as pointless is the “Disney is a business, cash grab, what would Walt do,” all that stuff that is not practical or actionable, just whining.


Well-Known Member
Most of those are practical, actionable complaints, and depending on the tone, can be portrayed as constructive criticism and as you said, helpful to planning.

What I see as pointless is the “Disney is a business, cash grab, what would Walt do,” all that stuff that is not practical or actionable, just whining.

lol, I have never understood the "what would Walt do" line. I don't know much about Walt Disney was he a particularly pious person? every time I see that I think to myself, "I have got to get me a book on dude".


Well-Known Member
lol, I have never understood the "what would Walt do" line. I don't know much about Walt Disney was he a particularly pious person? every time I see that I think to myself, "I have got to get me a book on dude".
Pious, no, I don't think that would be a term to describe to Disney. Highly motivated, talented and with a strong creative vision of what he wanted to accomplish. I know people hate this comparison but he is akin to Steve Jobs. He was not without his flaws for sure but he (with a strong team behind him) completely redefined the world of animation and of course theme parks. True blue ocean thinker, he created a space that has never existed and it is still this day the apex of themed entertainment. Of course he was only around for Disneyland but his legacy is what drove the people that came after.

People argue back and forth on his business acumen and his choices. He obviously was in business to make money but I don't think that he measured his success on yearly revenue. It was more of a means to create further and advance his ideas into fruition.


Well-Known Member
even with fast pass? One thing is Disney world is not conducive to running from ride to ride to ride. I don't think it ever was.
So what we generally do is try and group our fast passes together so generally there is only 40-50 minute wait. I'm the opposite I like to wander and take my time.
for my upcoming trip, on my animal kingdom day I have a Fp at 10 30 am for Dinosaurs, then I have an 11:15 Wild africa trek, a 3:00 fp for Kilamanjario safari and then a 4:15 for Pandora. that leaves enough time for me to squeeze in the festival of the lion king and at the end, "it's tough to be a bug".

Now my evening is free I can either do standby for kali river rapids or expedition Everest or get dinner. Now as I said, I don't go "commando" through the parks so if I get off of space mountain, taking 30 minutes to walk over to POTC is very easy.
Easy to lump your FP+ together if staying on-prop and booking 60 days out. Far more difficult for a local AP holder who decided this morning to go to DAK today.

And by wandering the park, I really mean "Doin' the Disney Shuffle" (shuffling en mass, herd style).


Well-Known Member
Easy to lump your FP+ together if staying on-prop and booking 60 days out. Far more difficult for a local AP holder who decided this morning to go to DAK today.

And by wandering the park, I really mean "Doin' the Disney Shuffle" (shuffling en mass, herd style).

Unfortunately I definitely think the game is rigged for on site, multi day visitors. I do think the days of going like that maybe coming to an end.

sd nana

New Member
I totally agree with so many things that were said. I would like to add I've been going since 1973 I have seen the parks become more about gearing to thrill rides that you can go to amusement parks and find.Disney was suppose to be about family and sharing a magical time with Mickey and his friends. Epcot was suppose to be about learning about the future and science. Now you have festivals that showcase drinking . The atmosphere is bad behavior and language. The rides that were teaching are gone. It's become about money not magic and I for one find that sad.


Well-Known Member
---Seriously, it just doesn’t make sense to constantly complain about things that can’t be changed.----

I will never understand this mentality?
Without voicing your opinion change will NEVER happen?This goes for all things in life, not just theme parks.

If no one complains NOTHING will ever change for the better.

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
---Seriously, it just doesn’t make sense to constantly complain about things that can’t be changed.----

I will never understand this mentality?
Without voicing your opinion change will NEVER happen?This goes for all things in life, not just theme parks.

If no one complains NOTHING will ever change for the better.

Complaining to random people who aren’t Disney managers is not changing anything.

Complaining about the big picture of how big business is run for Wall Street will especially not change anything.

I am the first one to speak up when something is actually wrong, but not to nitpick.

And personally, I much prefer constructive criticism to “complaining.” It’s usually better received and addressed.

There’s a difference between pointing out your personal experiences (hopefully both good and bad, balanced and credible) to other fans who can take that information and do with it what they will, vs. thinking you’re going to build some kind of consensus and change someone else’s company.


Well-Known Member
Complaining to random people who aren’t Disney managers is not changing anything.

Complaining about the big picture of how big business is run for Wall Street will especially not change anything.

I am the first one to speak up when something is actually wrong, but not to nitpick.

And personally, I much prefer constructive criticism to “complaining.” It’s usually better received and addressed.

There’s a difference between pointing out your personal experiences (hopefully both good and bad, balanced and credible) to other fans who can take that information and do with it what they will, vs. thinking you’re going to build some kind of consensus and change someone else’s company.
There is a whole Disney department whose sole job is to read forum comments and complaints across the globe, not just NA......even though you think we are just complaining to strangers - Disney is actually watching and taking notes.

I know this fist hand - -I have a cousin who works in this department. He was hired 2 months ago. He works at the California location that searches North America.

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
There is a whole Disney department whose sole job is to read forum comments and complaints across the globe, not just NA......even though you think we are just complaining to strangers - Disney is actually watching and taking notes.

I know this fist hand - -I have a cousin who works in this department. He was hired 2 months ago. He works at the California location that searches North America.

My God, that must be hell lol.


Well-Known Member
Most people do not complain to the head company of their experience- - they will however post about their experience online.
This is why Disney actually takes notes on these experiences.

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