Now - must admit: WDW has a serious issue.....
Again, All personal opinion - I'm not necessarily right, no one else is necessarily wrong.
Just the opinion of my dear wife and I.... EVERYONE goes to the MK at WDW - because it is literally the only "real" park.
1) EPCOT - partially abandoned.
2) HS (or whatever the name is today) - half park construction zone.
3) AK - Pandora or nothing.
So, a REAL unpopular suggestion. NO MORE MK WORK. Fix, upgrade, the other three parks. MAKE them into something people actually want to go to.
1) HS in progress.
2) EPCOT still rotting - supported by glut&drink events.
3) AK? Pandora. Now what, given the acreage?
Dear wife and I go to WDW, 2x per year, eight days each. About 75% of our time is focused on the MK. When something else of value ACTUALLY appears? We'll hit it
Again, All personal opinion - I'm not necessarily right, no one else is necessarily wrong.