I have a few gripes!!!!

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So I just got back from our trip. 5 nights 6 days at POP. It was me, my husband, and our daughter who is 18 months. My husband and I have been before but, it was our daughters first trip. I was so excited to bring her there with hopes that we would have the perfect trip.

Don't get me wrong.....we had a wonderful time but....there were a few things that got me a little upset.

1. One afternoon we were resting in the hotel and we did not put our DND sign in the door as housekeeping had been there so we figured we were safe. WRONG! While napping, housekeeping knocked on the door....woke our daughter up and after one knock, tried entering our room. My husband and I had declothed to cool off and rest so there we were for her to see....I was a little perturbed about that.

2. Has anyone else noticed that the cheaper the resort you stay at, the farther you have to walk for the buses? I swear every bus stop for us was the LAST one on that line. Ummmm....hello DISNEY, most of the people staying at the value resorts are there because they have kids...most of them several kids. Why on earth would you make it so the people with kids, toting all sorts of extras in a bag and sometimes large or multiple strollers walk the farthest and try to navigate through the crowds?!

3. At the end of the night when the mad rush hits the bus stops....can someone please explain to me when you have thousands of people standing there tired and grumpy with crying kids why on earth you see bus after bus EMPTY driving by all those people. EVERY park we went to did this. I was standing there and at one point counted 10 EMPTY buses leaving the parks driving by all those people. We also watched one bus at our stop, pick up 2 people one with a scooter, one with a wheel chair and their families. They had about 10 people all total going back to our hotel. Why on earth did they not load that bus and pack them in like sardines just like all the other buses.

4. My BIGGEST pet peeve of the trip:fork: .....why on earth when you get on a bus, and you are standing there holding a baby, why cant someone of able body (especially a man) get up and offer his seat to you? Why should I stand there struggling to hold on while holding a sleeping baby while a man in his 40's sat there next to his 6 or 7 yr old daughter and wife who sat and talked on his phone "conducting business". Sorry but he acted as if he was someone important....well guess what....in Disney everyone is important and status makes no difference there. Their daughter was small enough she could have sat on moms lap and he could have stood up and offered a seat to anyone else holding a child (as I was not the only one standing with a baby) or to the elderly lady standing. Them doing that small gesture of putting her on a lap and him standing, would have opened 2 seats for people struggling while standing. I am sorry to sound all old fashioned with men should offer their seat but, if I were not holding my daughter, I would stand up and offer my seat to someone who needed it. The entire time there, only ONCE did someone stand up and offer me a seat when I was standing with the baby.

5. My last gripe....I had read where some people with the dining plan did not get great service at the resturaunts...for the most part our experience was good until we went to Ohanas on our last night. The food was the best that we had down there and when we first sat down they spoke of the menu and stated that desert had bananas and I promptly told the server I could not have bananas due to an allergy so she noted that....a few minutes later the "head chef" came over greated us, made note of my allergy, offered the solution for my desert and dinner began a few minutes later. I was impressed....AT FIRST! Now for anyone who has ever eaten at Ohanas you know it's family style all you can eat. They brought our food, then came around with the meat, then a different person came around with meat again....then that was it! When we first got there our daughter was sleeping and woke up towards the end of dinner and I wanted some more of a few items so she could eat too! The server looked at me like I had 4 heads! She was irritated that we were asking for seconds, and became very unfriendly. I was so dissapointed as her sudden change in attitude really ruined the dinner for me and I am thinking of contacting disney about this experience.

So thats it....still had a great time and cant wait to go back again!!!


Well-Known Member
Something tells me you are not giving us the whole story on your "last gripe". Did you tip your waitress? Sounds like you are being way to picky if you ask me. My biggest gripe at WDW is people who are always looking to find a reason to claim they are a "victim" in some way or another.


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight. You fail to put the DND sign on your door and are then mad when Mousekeeping does their job and dares come to your room to clean it for you?

Riiiiight. :hammer:


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Original Poster
Something tells me you are not giving us the whole story on your "last gripe". Did you tip your waitress? Sounds like you are being way to picky if you ask me. My biggest gripe at WDW is people who are always looking to find a reason to claim they are a "victim" in some way or another.

Listen...I never said I was a victim...I was just venting. As for tipping the waitress...we had the dining plan so gratuity is included. Even if we didnt have the plan, you usually pay after your meal when you are given the bill. Her attitude began well before we were done...even before desert. I am not a picky person I just think that when you perform a service you need to follow through. We were in no way demanding, rude or inconsiderate to this server. It started when we asked for another serving of food. We only asked for more of a few things so our daughter could eat. This place is an all you can eat place. Like a buffett brought to you.

As for my other gripes, would you like it if housekeeping came in your room while you were naked?

Do you appreciate trying to balance yourself while holding a sleeping baby? I do what I have to but, I just think it's nice for people who are able to offer their seat to do that. I know I would and have many times before offered my comfort to someone else who appears to need it.

The reason for my post was to see if other people have had similar experiences. I am in no way trying to stir up people judging me for having a few gripes....which I add in no way ruined my trip.


Active Member
Original Poster
So let me get this straight. You fail to put the DND sign on your door and are then mad when Mousekeeping does their job and dares come to your room to clean it for you?

Riiiiight. :hammer:

Mousekeeping had allready been in our room that day! I guess I am just curious why they would need to enter a second time when they had allready brought towels, soap, vaccumed, and did the beds. If any one knows why they come in twice I would be curious to know...I know that it's my fault for not putting the sign on the door, I dont negate that, like I said I am trying to figure out the reason for a second trip.


Active Member
In the 12 years of going to Disney for our family vacations- I have NEVER stood on a bus unless I wanted to. I usually see men falling all over themselves to let women and children have seats on crowded buses.
Since my children are grown now, I often will give up my seat to a child or a mother with a child.

Sometimes it's an attitude of entitlement that puts people off. That man sitting on the bus had every right to continue sitting there, as he got there before you.


New Member
I always give up my seat, I'm an 18 year old girl, now that I'm old enough. And when I was 9, I think, a man is his twenties gave up his for me. So, I've never had that problem. But Disney itself has no control over this particular matter, so you can't blame them. :shrug:

As for the bus services,the more you pay the more you get. One of those luxuries is having a closer bus stop. But I never minded the exercise when we stayed at a less expensive resort as a kid. I understand that your daughter is only 18 months and can't really walk for herself, but then maybe better planning is in order. And I'm not one of those people who say you shouldn't take your kids when they are that young. Sorry, but everyone is in the same boat and has been for years. The empty buses. Yes, it's frustrating, but we don't know why those buses are empty or where they are going. The drivers probably have to stick to a predetermined route and can't just deveate because they want to, although I'm sure they feel badly. I don't think I 've ever had to wait longer than twenty minutes to get on a bus even when the parks are emptying out. And I don't think many other people have as wel

And on a side note, I'm from Rochester, too. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Mousekeeping had allready been in our room that day! I guess I am just curious why they would need to enter a second time when they had allready brought towels, soap, vaccumed, and did the beds. If any one knows why they come in twice I would be curious to know...I know that it's my fault for not putting the sign on the door, I dont negate that, like I said I am trying to figure out the reason for a second trip.
Hotels often have a follow-up system. Especially with new employees or those in training. A seasoned employee or manager will randomly go back through the rooms that were cleaned to inspect them, ensure all required items were done as specified and to touch up any mistakes.

It could also be something as simple as a mistake. Your room wasn't flagged as being cleaned already and a thorough Mousekeeper wanted to make sure every room was done.


New Member
the value resort bus stops are far away from the parks because they are NEW. Since they were put in after most of the other resorts they had no choice but to put them at the "end of the line." I can understand why you would get upset that someone did not give up their seat for you or an elderly woman, as I always give up mine if I see it necessary. Your other "gripes" however, are pretty much nit picks. Now you know if you don't want the mousekeepers to do their job... put the DND sign up, that is why they give it to you.


Le Meh
Premium Member
1. One afternoon we were resting in the hotel and we did not put our DND sign in the door as housekeeping had been there so we figured we were safe. WRONG! While napping, housekeeping knocked on the door....woke our daughter up and after one knock, tried entering our room. My husband and I had declothed to cool off and rest so there we were for her to see....I was a little perturbed about that.
Arent there saftey latches on the doors that you flip over to keep someone from coming in? I cant remember specifically about Disney, but I know there are on every other hotel room door that I have stayed at, and thats about 100 days out of the year. Second, a very stern "DONT COME IN" would have probably resolved the problem, especially if the knock on the door already woke up the sleeping child.

2. Has anyone else noticed that the cheaper the resort you stay at, the farther you have to walk for the buses? I swear every bus stop for us was the LAST one on that line. Ummmm....hello DISNEY, most of the people staying at the value resorts are there because they have kids...most of them several kids. Why on earth would you make it so the people with kids, toting all sorts of extras in a bag and sometimes large or multiple strollers walk the farthest and try to navigate through the crowds?!
This is one of Disney's ways of adding value to staying at a higher value resorts. Its nothing personal. In fact I know alot of people who have no kids that stay at value resorts, and alot of peopel who have numerous kids that stay at Deluxe/DVC resorts, so it has nothing to do with kids, but has to do with adding value to your dollar for staying at a more expensive resort.

3. At the end of the night when the mad rush hits the bus stops....can someone please explain to me when you have thousands of people standing there tired and grumpy with crying kids why on earth you see bus after bus EMPTY driving by all those people. EVERY park we went to did this. I was standing there and at one point counted 10 EMPTY buses leaving the parks driving by all those people. We also watched one bus at our stop, pick up 2 people one with a scooter, one with a wheel chair and their families. They had about 10 people all total going back to our hotel. Why on earth did they not load that bus and pack them in like sardines just like all the other buses.
You are only seeing a minute part of the overall park closing rush that Disney Transportation deals with 365 days a year. Yes, you may see busses leave empty, but there is someone somewhere with more knowledge about the transportation system at the WDW resort directing that bus. Just because the bus leaves empty, does not mean Disney does not love you.

4. My BIGGEST pet peeve of the trip:fork: .....why on earth when you get on a bus, and you are standing there holding a baby, why cant someone of able body (especially a man) get up and offer his seat to you? Why should I stand there struggling to hold on while holding a sleeping baby while a man in his 40's sat there next to his 6 or 7 yr old daughter and wife who sat and talked on his phone "conducting business". Sorry but he acted as if he was someone important....well guess what....in Disney everyone is important and status makes no difference there. Their daughter was small enough she could have sat on moms lap and he could have stood up and offered a seat to anyone else holding a child (as I was not the only one standing with a baby) or to the elderly lady standing. Them doing that small gesture of putting her on a lap and him standing, would have opened 2 seats for people struggling while standing. I am sorry to sound all old fashioned with men should offer their seat but, if I were not holding my daughter, I would stand up and offer my seat to someone who needed it. The entire time there, only ONCE did someone stand up and offer me a seat when I was standing with the baby.
I personally will give up my seat unless I am holding one of my sleeping kids. Otherwise, I prefer to stand. However, being a man, I can tell you that alot of the lack of "gentleman" being polite is the fact that we are getting real tired of opening doors and giving up seats without even an acknowledgement of thanks. Chalk it up to whatever you want, but its anoying.

So thats it....still had a great time and cant wait to go back again!!!


Well-Known Member
Are you sure that the 40 year old man did not have a "condition" that you could not see? Maybe he has an inner ear problem where standing on a moving vehicle would cause him to fall (and hurt those he would land on), or some sort of other problem that standing would cause pain or endanger those near him? At what age does a man become a Senior and allowed to sit, where those who are younger and more able-bodied give up a seat for him? :shrug:

And if you really wanted to sit on the bus you could have waited for the next one.


New Member

I am not picking on you for your thread as I am sure you were just sharing a few bad experiences on what was overall a great vacation; however, isn't is amazing how much scrutiny we (all of us) give to Disney? Think about it. Is there any other place that you go or visit that you constantly judge to the point that you have to take mental notes of any "bad" experiences to place them on a thread once you get home? Wow--if I knew my customers were coming into my place of business and that they were going to go home and write about EVERY single experience, I dont believe I could handle that pressure! Even on another thread, I read about the seaguls mouths not moving at Nemo--can you even begin to comprehend the attention to detail that Disney offers, and how is doesn't even match up to the scrutiny of the customers that enter the gates! Kudos to Disney for being able to handle it--too much pressure for me! :) :) :)


Well-Known Member
2. Has anyone else noticed that the cheaper the resort you stay at, the farther you have to walk for the buses? I swear every bus stop for us was the LAST one on that line. Ummmm....hello DISNEY, most of the people staying at the value resorts are there because they have kids...most of them several kids. Why on earth would you make it so the people with kids, toting all sorts of extras in a bag and sometimes large or multiple strollers walk the farthest and try to navigate through the crowds?

Acutally POP century has one of the best bus routes of any of the hotels, only 1 pick up location and 1 drop off location. Also the All-Stars most of the time when it is busy have one for each resort coming and going. Which compaired to something like PO, CB or even the Epcot Resort Hotels where they stop ever stop and can fill up a bus at the first stop and then you have to wait even longer for the next one is much worse then the Value hotels. So yes you might have to walk a bit, but you have a better chance of getting to your hotel faster. Plus what it all boils down to is you are getting what you are paying for!


Well-Known Member
Mousekeeping had allready been in our room that day! I guess I am just curious why they would need to enter a second time when they had allready brought towels, soap, vaccumed, and did the beds. If any one knows why they come in twice I would be curious to know...I know that it's my fault for not putting the sign on the door, I dont negate that, like I said I am trying to figure out the reason for a second trip.
We were there last Saturday and had come back to our room to take a nap and there was a knock and someone from housekeeping entered after about a 5 second delay. My wife had gotten up to answer the door and he entered about that time. He was checking to see if the room had been made up properly. This is SOP for hotels. We didn't throw the safety latch or use the DND sign...didn't think about it. I figure the guy was simply doing his job, but I--and you--didn't do ours to keep him out of the room.

As for the buses, I never take them for the reason (and others) you listed. It's just not worth it. I'd rather drive my car.


Sigh. I don't understand the need for much of your post. Anytime you are in any hotel room and don't want to be disturbed, you put the DO NO T DISTURB sign on. Hotel staff have all kinds of maintenance issues that they attend to during the afternoon, when most people are at the parks.

And yeah...the cheaper hotels have longer walks to buses. You pay more, you get more convenience.

The empty busses, well they were probably busses for other resorts. They can't just take on more passengers and take them to their resorts. They have to stick to their routes. Usually they add more busses at night to make it go quicker. As for people not giving up their seats, they just are rude. Remember though, everyone is tired and cranky and not really thinking about politeness. I personally will always give my seat up to the elderly, pregnant, or someone with a small child. Actually, I'll usually give a child my seat as well.

As for you poor service at OHANA, there's no excuse, period. You should have spoken to the manager. Even if you weren't allowed seconds, you should have been given polite treatment.

When you vent like this, it isn't really effective. Most of your vent is kind of silly, common sense stuff. But the part about OHANA is really important. That sort of treatment can't be tolerated. Glad you had fun anyway. If you upgrade to better accomadations you'll probably avoid a lot of your gripes.

Capt. Salty

New Member
First of all, when you're in your room, put out the DND sign - period. You will avoid any intrusion. Secondly, I find it offensive for you to point out that a male sitting in a seat should simply give it up just because you (a woman, and holding a child), think you should have it, just because you're holding a child. Male or female has nothing to do with it. Yes, it;s the polite thing to do, but for everyone. All those people have been walking just as much as you. Also, since you stayed at a WDW resort, you could have had your purchases sent to your resort, and not had to carry tons of bags. And, depending on where you're staying, your bus stop may very well be the last stop. Do a little research when you get there, find out where the bus stops are, find one that may not be the last one, but may still get you back in a resonable amount of time. The buses may leave empty because they're going to a DIFFERENT area than where you need to go...
Yes its WDW, but you also have to realize that the CM's are people too, not Audio Animatronics. They have to deal with thousands of guest's, some nice, some not so nice-my meaning-it wears on you. You need to understand that, as well.
I truly hope you go back and have a better experience, but do some research on the transportation system, You'll be glad you did. We always drive or rent a car for some of the reasons you speak of.
I'm not trying to bash you, but WDW is it's own major city-if you will. You and your family will benefit from doing as much research as you can for your trip. The majority of us on these boards have been to WDW multiple times, and can't say enough about knowing where you're going, how to get around, and what to do. Sounds obvious, but none-the-less is very true.
just my 2 cents.
I agree with the post above (Dali)...While I do agree with some of the stuff the OP stated, most of it is minor stuff to me.

However, the Ohana thing is something to take exception to. IMHO, no matter what kind of customer a CM receives they should handle a matter more professionally. I know that in my day to day this doesn't always happen; people are in bad moods, personal conflicts, etc., but I DO expect better from a Disney establishment. I would have asked to speak to a manager.

I have been going to Disney for about 8 years (first trip at 20 with boyfriend/now hubby) and have been there 9 times. In those 9 times 4 times have we stayed at a value resort. Most of those times I had something to complain about. We are now DVC members and can enjoy some of the little extras that come with staying a moderate or deluxe resort. I realize that DVC isn't for everyone and not everyone can afford it. I guess I just think that the trade off is that I know that if I stay at a value resort, there are some things that aren't going to be as comfortable as staying in a nicer resort. I'm not trying to sound like I'm too good for a value resort, because truth be told, I think kids enjoy the atmosphere of the value resort more than the moderates or deluxes.

Side note: in March of last year I was about 6 and half months pregnant with my second child, and a lot of people didn't offer up seats for me either. This was all while my hubby was holding our sleeping daughter and I held on to the stroller. No one offered a seat to myself, or my hubby and daughter (she was 2). It's a bit sad, but really I just think that there are more important things to worry about. I know that you said it didn't ruin your trip-and I believe you-but the experiences bothered you enough to publicly 'vent'.

Also, in 24 days we will be going with 2 toddlers for the first time, so we'll see how easy our trip will be :lol:.

I really am glad that you did have a good trip though:wave:.


Active Member
man give her a break. It seems that everyone is flaming her for her thoughts. I have seen numerous threads were people gripe about thing and nobody has a problem.
1. I agree that if mousekeeping only knocked once then then tried to enter right away i be upset also. they should give atleast an appropriate amount of time for someone to acknowledge whether they are in the room or not.

2 As for the bus and having to stand, that is just pure decency's. I know that the man has the same rights to sit as anyone else but come on. I have giving me seat to a woman with an infant while i was hold my 3yr old ds hand because she was having a hard time and my ds was able to hold my hand or leg to support himself

3 we all know that empty buses at the end of the night has been a big problem for ever and it probably won't go away anytime soon.
Capt. Salty,

just to avoid confusion, when you stay at a value resort, I don't believe you can have your packages sent back to the resort. they are only available for front of the park pickup.

if this is wrong-let me know:).
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