I too have Halo 2. I bought an XBOX about two months ago for Halo and a couple of other games. Let's just say after playing the first one through, and now that I have beaten the second, I must say I am disappointed in Halo 2. Don't get me wrong, it's a great game, but after 4 years of developement it should be better. The human guns are horrible, the level design of the later levels is down wright bad, and the ending could be the worst I've ever seen. But my biggest beef is the fact that multiplayer just isn't as fun anymore. Me and my friends had Halo 1 LAN parties for about a year before Halo 2, and we had our first Halo 2 party on Sunday. We found ourselves wanting to go back to Halo so we could play the more fun battles. It is impossible to have a shotguns round b/c of the way that the shotgun's rate of fire has been tweaked. Also, you could shoot someone two time in the head, and they won't die, but they'll shoot you once in the side and you'll die. The game is great, but it should be at least 10x better.