I feel like I'm taking crazy pills?!?!


Can we PLEASE put a stop to senseless thread starting. I'm talking about the threads that make absolutely no sense. The ones you have to read twice cause you think you may have missed the question. Or the ones that are just one long paragraph with no breaks making it hard to read.

This bears repeating; when I see a post like these I look at the profile. If there is not birthday/age listed then I look to see if they list a VMK name. If I see a VMK name I make an educated guess that this is a younger person typing as if it was a text message. I agree it is not the easiest to read and I usually skip the post if it is too hard to follow. However, some people just do not write well for whatever reason. Again, if it is unreadable I move on; no big deal.

Can we establish a rule that says you are not allowed to start a new thread unless you have posted more than 100 replies? Please?

I am sure Steve could do this, but I would argue against it. Many people come here for info on their first trip. Do we want them posting 100 meaningless posts immediately just so they can start a thread to get the info they are looking for or their questions answered? Not very friendly in my opinion.

And please search for your answer before starting a thread that was maybe posted just yesterday. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just kind of tired of these sorts of threads. Please THINK about what you are posting before you post it. Make sure its at least a QUESTION or NEWS. Please dont lock my thread, I'm not trying to be mean or start a riot. I just wanted to get my point across.

Some people do search. The search function can be helpful, but it can also leave out posts due to phrasing. I also notice that sometimes you see multiple posts or threads within a short time frame so a search may not have helped. If the mods (who do a very good job as far as I am concerned) see this as an issue they can always combine them or lock the later threads directing people to the open thread.

Maybe I found the reason we dont hear from Grizz anymore?:(

I won't speak for Grizz, but I have a sense that some feelings were hurt. I would like to see him back, but maybe a little less militant. I think his posting style generated some heightened emotions on both sides. Hopefully if he chooses to start posting again enough time has passed where there would be no (or much less) negativity from him and from those responding.

Reporting these does absolutely nothing. I was just venting as well as ask people to just think about what they are about to post and seeing if anyone felt the same.

I beg to differ. It just does not do what you necessarily want it to do, but the reports do get reviewed.
Steve and the mods get the reports and evaluate whether or not to take action. Whether or not you agree with that action or inaction is something you should discuss privately with Steve.


Well-Known Member
I would have to agree that making a new thread to complain about new threads is rather silly. Just click the "Report thread" button on threads you don't think are appropriate and move on. Making threads like this is simply anti productive.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for understanding. I plan on skiping the stupid ones. Although I was'nt really that worked uo about it I just wanted to rant a little. Its so hard to convey emotion through the net:lol:
I agree...sometimes responses seem harsher than you really intended.:o
I know you didn't mean it in a negative sense - you are just trying to prove a point!:D


Well-Known Member
I would have to agree that making a new thread to complain about new threads is rather silly. Just click the "Report thread" button on threads you don't think are appropriate and move on. Making threads like this is simply anti productive.
I don't see any button marked "report thread".:shrug: Could someone point me in the right direction.


New Member

First, let me pass you some anti-crazy pills.

Second, I understand what you are saying about some threads. But my issue is with the minimum number of posts. If you notice, I don't have very many. I like to lurk and read what everybody else has to say. And like someone else said, I can usually get my answer by reading or searching. That was my only beef with your OP - the minimum amount criteria. But maybe you could waive that for me, being as we're from the same area? LOL

Anyhow, I feel your pain....feel free to vent....but realize that it is a public forum and some people may just not read the rules or feel that they apply to them (i.e., please search before posting).

And, one other thing....have a great day and ignore the idiots - they're everywhere!

The Mom

Premium Member
It is a white triangle with red trim under (or beside) each poster's name. Cilick on it, and you will receive further instructions.


Well-Known Member
It is a white triangle with red trim under (or beside) each poster's name. Cilick on it, and you will receive further instructions.
Thanks, The Mom. I always wondered what that was. This site has gone through so many transformations since I first came here 10 years ago, It's hard to keep up!


Active Member
I really don't see any issue here. If you see a repeat thread don't read it if you don't won't to. If you choose to read it that is your choice. I feel like some people are trying to police this board so it suits them personally. Leave the policing to the Mods and move on to the next post.
Atleast that is the way i see it.


Premium Member
Can we PLEASE put a stop to senseless thread starting. I'm talking about the threads that make absolutely no sense. The ones you have to read twice cause you think you may have missed the question. Or the ones that are just one long paragraph with no breaks making it hard to read. Can we establish a rule that says you are not allowed to start a new thread unless you have posted more than 100 replies? Please?

That would be a ridiculous rule. This board is for people who visit the site to come and get involved and to talk Disney and ask questions. Using your rule, how would that happen? You would also create the situation where people would post 99 posts of junk, just so they can reach the magic 100 posts to create their own thread.

Being part of a large discussion board involves being tolerant towards other people asking things that you have seen before, or already know. If that is the case, just skip the threads that dont interest you. Nobody is forcing you to read and reply to every message. :)


Active Member
That would be a ridiculous rule. This board is for people who visit the site to come and get involved and to talk Disney and ask questions. Using your rule, how would that happen? You would also create the situation where people would post 99 posts of junk, just so they can reach the magic 100 posts to create their own thread.

Being part of a large discussion board involves being tolerant towards other people asking things that you have seen before, or already know. If that is the case, just skip the threads that dont interest you. Nobody is forcing you to read and reply to every message. :)

well put


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Maybe I found the reason we dont hear from Grizz anymore?:(

Being friends with that old flea bitten bear, I can assure you that this is not the reason he has chosen to no longer post :)

He still reads regularly, and finds ways to chime in, even if it's not him posting ;)


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
It is a white triangle with red trim under (or beside) each poster's name. Cilick on it, and you will receive further instructions.
It looks like this <img src="http://forums.wdwmagic.com/images/buttons/report.gif">

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