I complained....and I actualy got satisfaction.


Well-Known Member
In many cases, the nicer the hotel the less is included. Motel 6 includes a danish because they have nothing else to lure you there. I have stayed in many hotels on business expense that do not provide anything.

In addition, to complain about the lack of a free meal at a hotel that I cannot even afford to begin to stay at seems rather silly. No one is "entitled" to breakfast which anyone staying at WL should be able to afford.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I used the coffee pot. I brewed that stuff they have in the rooms myself. With its one sugar packet and powdered non-dairy creamer. It was suppose to be French Roast, yet it was weak and had no flavor at atll. And after doing it, house keeping never replaced my coffee packets. Ugh.

Look, I'm saying I demand or deserve a free breakfast every morning. In fact, all I want is a decent cup of coffee in the morning! THATS IT!!

Is there any coffee drinkers among these boards?? my god!
I drink coffee, but not on a daily basis. I don't need it to get me up in the morning. I just drink it when I feel like it...with that being said, it is common Disney knowledge that the coffee on property in most cases isn't very good. Should it be better? I'd say sure...but the fact that the coffee is "terrible" is actually almost a running joke in the Disney online community.

And about the fact that the maid didn't re-stock the coffee fixins, it could have been missed that you needed them restocked, but you could have always called housekeeping or the front desk to ask for the items you needed. That's what I would have done. They're usually more than willing to accomodate you, if you call them.


New Member
Why should you have to call housekeeping to restock the coffee set in a $300 plus a night hotel? It should be done without having to call.


New Member
Sometimes people just look for something to complain about.
A little off topic here but...
I work in automotive repair and some time ago I had a customer first job of the day so I hadn't gotten a spec of dirt on me yet.
I pulled his car in the shop and he come trotting out to me and says "Look you got grease on my door"
My reply was. You're kidding me right? Look at my hands and clothes , do you see any grease? How did I get grease on your car?"
His reply... " Well if you don't do something about it I'll go see the manager."
I cleaned it off to shut him up.


Active Member
Why should you have to call housekeeping to restock the coffee set in a $300 plus a night hotel? It should be done without having to call.
Yes, of course it should be done without having to ask. But humans occasionally make mistakes. When that happens, I'm more apt to call to ask for what I want, than do nothing and steam about it and then blow up later at the supposed insult.


Well-Known Member
Yes, of course it should be done without having to ask. But humans occasionally make mistakes. When that happens, I'm more apt to call to ask for what I want, than do nothing and steam about it and then blow up later at the supposed insult.
Especially since he did not like the coffee anyway..I understand they should have restocked it..but why complain if you were not going to drink it anyway since you did not like it..:shrug:



Well-Known Member
Yes, of course it should be done without having to ask. But humans occasionally make mistakes. When that happens, I'm more apt to call to ask for what I want, than do nothing and steam about it and then blow up later at the supposed insult.
Exactly what I was going to say...you just beat me to it.

People are human and mistakes may get made...

Especially since he did not like the coffee anyway..I understand they should have restocked it..but why complain if you were not going to drink it anyway since you did not like it..:shrug:


I agree with you too.

If he didn't care for the coffee, why get huffy if there wasn't any in the room?

I don't know...I'm always one who would ask for what I wanted while on vacation, if I had the power to possibly change things. It's better than holding onto it and writing a letter when you get back, because holding onto it just makes you more miserable. If you at least tried to change it while there and they wouldn't accomodate you, THEN you have every right to be upset and complain. But to me, it sounds as if some of the problems could have been remedied while on property, but no attempt was made.

I think that's the major issue that people have with the complaints. He had the opportunity to make some of it right while there, but chose not to. Things like not having coffee in the room or colder coffee in Roaring Forks could have been remedied, if steps had been chosen to be taken to attempt it.


New Member
I cleaned it off to shut him up.
Which is exactly what Disney did for the OP.

And for the record, regardless of how much the room cost per night, the coffee that is provided with that little coffeemaker is never any good. Housekeeping was probably doing him a favor not refilling it every night. I've never paid that much for a room, and never plan to, but for that kind of money, there'd better be a Starbucks in the linen closet instead of an "in room coffee maker."

*waits for the apologists to settle in*


I always ask for things to be fixed that are not to my liking no matter where I stay. But, if there are too many things that I need to ask for then I don't stay there again.


New Member
You started out with the statement I'm only sleeping there but you go on to complain about all the things that you want based on spending time at the resort.[i.e. dining ].I spend the money on a deluxe resort for the themeing only.I like you do not go to disney to spend time at the hotel.I could easily spend $50.00 a night at all stars because of this but I don't want to feel like I'm not getting the full experience of disney without the themeing of the hotel.


Active Member
I am probably going to get blasted for this but I dont believe the continental breakfast at these "cheaper" motels is "free". I think you are paying for it in the price of the room. theres no way Disney could do this with all the thousands of people staying there at one time and I dont expect it. I have had problems with busses at all resorts but I expect that,too. I guess its all in how you want your vacation to go. I am at the Happiest Place on Earth and nothing can spoil it for me.......:sohappy:


New Member
theres no way Disney could do this with all the thousands of people staying there at one time and I dont expect it. I have had problems with busses at all resorts but I expect that,too. I guess its all in how you want your vacation to go. I am at the Happiest Place on Earth and nothing can spoil it for me.......:sohappy:

Disney could put a few people on a plane to Nevada to see how the hotels in Las Vegas feed hundreds of people a sit-down breakfast each morning.

When did we start expecting problems with the bus service? For all the good Disney does in exceeding expectations, it's too bad that they have these persistent problems.

I'm not saying that you should lose your cool over a packet of coffee, just don't start expecting less or you'll start getting it.


New Member
Disney could put a few people on a plane to Nevada to see how the hotels in Las Vegas feed hundreds of people a sit-down breakfast each morning.

When did we start expecting problems with the bus service? For all the good Disney does in exceeding expectations, it's too bad that they have these persistent problems.

I'm not saying that you should lose your cool over a packet of coffee, just don't start expecting less or you'll start getting it.
I think a bigger problem is, Disney knows that many people will happily accept any old crap being given to their guests, just because they're on Disney property.


New Member
Disney could put a few people on a plane to Nevada to see how the hotels in Las Vegas feed hundreds of people a sit-down breakfast each morning.

When did we start expecting problems with the bus service? For all the good Disney does in exceeding expectations, it's too bad that they have these persistent problems.

I'm not saying that you should lose your cool over a packet of coffee, just don't start expecting less or you'll start getting it.

Every hotel and buffet in Vegas is connected to a casino, which is how they manage to do a lot of things for "free". It works for Atlantic City too. That would probably solve a lot of money issues for Disney actually. A casino on the Boardwalk. :animwink:
You are kidding me, right? Your logic, or lack thereof, is awesome!

Based on your interpretation of it, they also do not need to provide me sheets, pillows, water, or anything else one would come to imagine you would get at ANY hotel. Since they "didnt say it when you made your reservation", I guess I'm the idiot who should have got it in writing. ;)

And I am not asking them to PROVIDE it for me for free. Duh! Do you not grasp the point that when you are staying at a DELUXE hotel, that certian amentities should be available? Why can I get this stuff at a moderate or even a value resort??

I wasnt looking for a hand out and as I clearly stated (you didnt get my other point so why would I expect you woudl see this one), I was surprised Disney even responded. :hammer:

Well guys, I can't believe you are all were attacking the OP. I'm only on page one reading and I don't want to finish...I'm not going to finish.

Everything else aside,

The OP felt something was wrong, Disney responded to it. Disney doesn't just hand out free park hoppers any day. I would be really upset too if I had to wait over an hour for a Disney bus.

Part of the Disney philosophy is to "plus" the normal experience. The way I was reading it, he wasn't "complaining", it was more so of a "suggestion" if you want to bend the lines that far. If a guest feels Disney doesn't meet up to the high standards they claim to have, then they have every right to suggest ways to make the hotel better.

However, expecting a Boma Breakfast....or any FREE breakfast at a Disney resort is just illogical. Disney would lose tons of money, quality would go down the hill. Disney would cut corners to make up for it.


Well-Known Member
Just stayed 10 days at WL. Always visited the place and always wanted to stay there, but since I spend 90% of my time away from the hotel and on WDW property, I never really wanted to shell out $3000+ for a place to sleep. Granted, its got tremenous theming and since I've been to Yellowstone and Yosemite, its a fond reminder; but I basically will only be sleeping there. Regardless I took the plunge and booked it.

Now that I have done my thing there, I have to say there were a few things that just made my stay awful. I sent these complaints to Disney:

  • Why is it that I can stay at a $75/night motel and get a free continental breakfast, but at WL I would have to bump up to "concierge level" for $400/night to get a free pastry? I actually find this insulting!

  • Fresh brewed coffee? How hard is this to provide?

  • Roaring Forks? Menu could be printed on a postage stamp and there are only 18 or so tables to sit at. When you have a 700+ room hotel, where are we suppose to eat? The only other place is Whispering Canyons and as most people know, there are more non-hotel guests there and you cant eat unless you have a reservation! Compounded by the fact I can't even get a decent cup of coffee, it made each morning dreadful. ONE breakfast meat (bacon) and it was basically the texture and consistency of the Beggin Strips I give my dog. I can get custom cooked omlettes, french toast, and other things at the moderates and values. At this Deluxe hotel, all I can get is cafeteria quality scrambled eggs and 3 pieces of bacon. Ugh.

  • Sharing bus services with other hotels is getting ridiculous. At one point, it took 1 hour and 20 minutes to get from WL to Epcot causing me to miss my dinner at Le Cellier. I got through to the hostess stand and they held my reservation, but the only reason I even got there in 80 minutes was becuase I called the WL front desk to complain. And then once a bus showed up, it literally got haflway to Epcot and TURNED AROUND to go to Ft. W since they had also been waiting forever.

  • Samething happend going to Downtown and coming back since WL shares a bus with GF and Poly. RIDICULOUS!! Took an hour EACH way!

Sorry, but Disney has always been about the attention to details and little things that matter. I just felt that give the Deluxe rating on the place and the money I spent, it just wasn't worth it. The place is beautiful and the grounds/decorations equally stunning, but the lack of "everyday food" and simple creature comforts like a good cup of coffee really were downers.

Disney responded to me by sending me 3 4-day park hoppers and I'm suppose to get follow up calls from each particular section I complained about. Needless to say, I'm super impressed and I guess Disney really does care. Granted it did not make up for the shortcomings I experienced, but its nice to see that I did not get a canned answer from them or any other corporate BS.

This is something that really annoys me, Disney and almost every other company in America now days follow this model for dealing with complaints, apologize and offer compensation. I guess this is what most people want when their complaining, I would prefer if companies would actually deal with the issues creating complaints or accept them as non valid complaints depending on the situation. What most people never think about is that every time a business offers compensation the business doesn't pay for it all the other customers do. If Disney gives out free tickets for someone who had a bad experience the money comes from somewhere, I would assume that each hotel and each individual area have a budget they pull from to cover this expected expense. So when you pay $200 - $400 a night for a deluxe hotel certainly some portion of that covers compensation for people who complain, obviously the more people who complain the higher the rates go. Personally if it were me I would not have been satisfied with Disney's response, I would have preferred them doing something productive. The value of 3 4day tickets could have easily funded a small coffee bar in the lobby.


Well-Known Member
Which is exactly what Disney did for the OP.

And for the record, regardless of how much the room cost per night, the coffee that is provided with that little coffeemaker is never any good. Housekeeping was probably doing him a favor not refilling it every night. I've never paid that much for a room, and never plan to, but for that kind of money, there'd better be a Starbucks in the linen closet instead of an "in room coffee maker."

*waits for the apologists to settle in*
Nice baiting at the end of your post. You forgot Kool-Aid and Walmarting as well...

As a frequent business traveler I have been provided with in room single serving Starbuck's and it is just as bad as the off brand. It is just something about the single serving sizes that don't work.


Well-Known Member
Well guys, I can't believe you are all were attacking the OP. I'm only on page one reading and I don't want to finish...I'm not going to finish.

Everything else aside,

The OP felt something was wrong, Disney responded to it. Disney doesn't just hand out free park hoppers any day. I would be really upset too if I had to wait over an hour for a Disney bus.

Part of the Disney philosophy is to "plus" the normal experience. The way I was reading it, he wasn't "complaining", it was more so of a "suggestion" if you want to bend the lines that far. If a guest feels Disney doesn't meet up to the high standards they claim to have, then they have every right to suggest ways to make the hotel better.

However, expecting a Boma Breakfast....or any FREE breakfast at a Disney resort is just illogical. Disney would lose tons of money, quality would go down the hill. Disney would cut corners to make up for it.
Read the title of his thread..'I COMPLAINED!"..and he knew..once again I state..HE KNEW about the bus service..:brick::brick::brick:

Has the OP even been back in here to defend/explain further??
Umm no...

Why?..Because it was all RIDICULOUS!:D

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