Hygene of water parks ... scientific research

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
When did Penn and Teller become Sociological Commentators?

I watched several of those and they get a little graphic.
That show ran for a while. Most were very good although Penn does let his political views get in the way on occasion, he tends to pretty rational. He is also a common guest at skeptical conventions like TAM.

Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
Isn't that like washing the dishes before you put them in the dishwasher.....I mean isn't that why you are going swimming to begin with?

You go to swim to have fun in the water. You shower to clean. It does make some sense, if you can wash off some of the sweat and dirt you have stuck to you before you get in the pool, it will be cleaner water.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
You go to swim to have fun in the water. You shower to clean. It does make some sense, if you can wash off some of the sweat and dirt you have stuck to you before you get in the pool, it will be cleaner water.
It's just much more expeditious to just skip the shower and bathe in the pool. The floating toothpaste can then be used by the next guest that forgot to bring theirs to the pool. I enjoy sharing.


Well-Known Member
We have been to TL and BB numerous times, and never got sick. We have also been in several of the resort pools, nope... nada, never got sick. Id think Disney is smart enough to test the water, several times a day, because you never know who will say they got sick due to the poor conditions of the water ;)


Well-Known Member
There gets to be a point where I stop worrying about the consequences and just enjoy myself. I've been in Disney's water parks and hotel pools countless times, and to my knowledge have never gotten sick from it, so that's good enough for me. The result of letting that kind of thing bother you is to not go into the pool or water park at all, and that's no way to vacation. :)

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
There gets to be a point where I stop worrying about the consequences and just enjoy myself. I've been in Disney's water parks and hotel pools countless times, and to my knowledge have never gotten sick from it, so that's good enough for me. The result of letting that kind of thing bother you is to not go into the pool or water park at all, and that's no way to vacation. :)
Aye, there are certain things you need to get over if you want to visit public pools. (And many a private one!)

And not just pools. A single cough from a single ill person launches millions of little creepy thingies in the air that make you very ill indeed. You breathe it all in, all the bacteria and saliva droplets. Still I get on a bus or underground wagon.
In fact, there's reason to believe that you can be too sheltered, from which your immune system suffers too, never develops properly.


Well-Known Member
I don't bother with any of the pools or water parks at WDW. I'm too much of a germophobe.

That being said...yes it is a bit hypocritical, being that I don't have the same skeevey reaction when getting soaked on Splash Mountain or Kali.

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