hurt at water park


Premium Member
You are correct that I did blame the cast member directly in my first post and I still think that is a valid scenario. And others scenarios are just as valid as well (even yours!). One example of a valid scenario that was brought to my attention by another OP...riders trying to slow themselves down could also add to the jam up. It could have been a number of things including a cast member not paying attention!! Disney cast members are humans and not perfect. Everyone can make a mistake. Including cast members, my family, and other riders.
Here was my reason again for putting the blame on the cast member...there are 3 slides and I sat at the bottom pool for a good 45 minutes watching it. The space between riders was really off on this one slide. I was not the only family with an issue. One woman was freaking out because there are was big wait for her second daughter to come down. I also saw a brother and sister come close to crashing and then there was of course my family's little accident. Look, I see your point about the red/green light. I did not know about that because I was not at the top of the slide. But I think that as cast member they hold some responsibilty to control the flow of riders. They shouldn't just be standing around not paying any attention.
And once again it is possible that my family did not pay close attention to the lights and add to that people slowing themselves up. I SEE YOUR POINTS! But add to that a cast member as part of the mix.
I only posted this to tell other families to be careful. That's all

The problem with your point is that it is impossible for a cast member to control when the rider goes on the Storm Slides. Reason being is that it is entirely up to the rider when he/she goes. You are basically sitting at the top of the slide, and push yourself off when the light goes green. How can the Cast Member control this? Would you expect them to physically restrain the guest to prevent them from going?

The Storm Slides are basically operated by relying on two things.

1. The automated traffic lights detect when a rider is a safe distance from the top, and signal green to let the next rider go.

2. The riders must obey the traffic lights and only go when green. They also need to follow directions to lay back, feet crossed, and cross arms on their chest. If they follow these directions it is impossible to slow down and cause any issues.

There is no way that a cast member can control either of those two points, which is why I disagree with you that the Cast Member was at fault here.


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After reading through this entire thread for the first time some immediately obvious observations were made.

1. The OP was merely stating an incident that happened to her family while visiting a Disney water park.

2. Other members immediately took this as an insult to Disney World and their employees therefore defend WDW they must.

3. Questions arise as to the validity of her statement as it should be obvious that a ride operator or automated system is of course infailable.

Which leads to the obvious conclusion that the OP is just a sue happy knit wit with a poor father for a husband while being a drama queen the entire time...

Renee, thank you for posting what happened to your family as it will give me something to watch out for the next time our family goes to a water park.

Thanks for seeing the intent of my post. I'm just a cautious parent giving a heads up to other parents.
I would never attempt to sue disney. I visit at least once of year and will continue to. And I think that the cast members are really part of the "magic!"


New Member
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The problem with your point is that it is impossible for a cast member to control when the rider goes on the Storm Slides. Reason being is that it is entirely up to the rider when he/she goes. You are basically sitting at the top of the slide, and push yourself off when the light goes green. How can the Cast Member control this? Would you expect them to physically restrain the guest to prevent them from going?

The Storm Slides are basically operated by relying on two things.

1. The automated traffic lights detect when a rider is a safe distance from the top, and signal green to let the next rider go.

2. The riders must obey the traffic lights and only go when green. They also need to follow directions to lay back, feet crossed, and cross arms on their chest. If they follow these directions it is impossible to slow down and cause any issues.

There is no way that a cast member can control either of those two points, which is why I disagree with you that the Cast Member was at fault here.

Your right, a cast member can not restrain a guest. But on this day it would seem rider after rider did not obey the rules then. What do you suggest a cast member do beside nothing? Could they radio ahead to give a heads up in the pool to clear the way right away?


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People do get hurt at disney BTW

Disney reported nine cases of serious injury at their waterparks. Among them were: two deaths; a man who swallowed too much water at Typhoon Lagoon; three women who fell and broke their hips or suffered other injuries; two men with chest pains; and a boy who fainted at Blizzard Beach.


Think for yourselfer
Disney reported nine cases of serious injury at their waterparks. Among them were: two deaths; a man who swallowed too much water at Typhoon Lagoon; three women who fell and broke their hips or suffered other injuries; two men with chest pains; and a boy who fainted at Blizzard Beach.

I am not sure what these other injuries have to do with what happened to your family.

Without getting too personal, I think you just need to accept responsibility here. You said earlier in the thread that you were waiting at the bottom for your daughter to come down. So you went down the slide first. Then you are saying you did not see the traffic lights. So it seems to me, following logically, that maybe the rest of your family was not paying attention to the lights either. As Steve said, it's the riders responsibility to follow directions and only slide when the light is green. There is no bar for a CM to raise, there is no way to restrain a guest at all.

I can not see anyway that a CM could share any blame here.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone been on Storm Slides? I have many times. You can not slow down or stop on the slide. It defies physics.

The only way people can collide is at the bottom. There is an attendant there though who's job is to keep the area clear.

The whole story sounds fishy.


Well-Known Member
I have to say this is an interesting thread - seems like another case of not just moving on. I almost fell off the slides at River Country - that place had some major issues before it closed - mostly due to neglect (IMO)

The other water parks are basically a common sense area - you either have it or you don't - and the consequences are linked. This goes for anyone involved in any situation - people tend to live in a bubble.
This is the most I've ever read about water slides. I really can't believe I've read this whole thread.

It's like a mystery slowly unraveling before our eyes. With every post a new clue is uncovered: Riders push themselves off! Lights! You can't stop yourself on the slide! The dad ran into the daughter! What! Will! Happen! Next!


Well-Known Member
And once again it is possible that my family did not pay close attention to the lights and add to that people slowing themselves up. I SEE YOUR POINTS! But add to that a cast member as part of the mix.
I only posted this to tell other families to be careful. That's all
This what you are missing, if the Cast Member was allowing people to ignore the lights then your husband must have also ignore the lights. No ifs ands or buts, your husband ignored the obvious signal and obvious, universal meaning. It cannot be the Cast Member alone, your husband alone or your husband and the Cast Member. The only way around that is if the sensors were malfunctioning.

Your right, a cast member can not restrain a guest. But on this day it would seem rider after rider did not obey the rules then. What do you suggest a cast member do beside nothing? Could they radio ahead to give a heads up in the pool to clear the way right away?
If the Cast Member was telling people to ignore the lights and go why would he radio down that he is breaking the rules?

You said earlier in the thread that you were waiting at the bottom for your daughter to come down. So you went down the slide first.
No, she said that she did not ride the slide and instead went straight to the splash down pool to wait for her daughter. Of course, that pool is quite small and people in it waiting seems to be itself a bit of a hazard.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else ever get hurt at the disney waterparks. Daughter got hurt on the first slide she went on. I blame the attendant for that mishap. It was a single rider slide and she sent 3 separate riders down too close together.
We spent the rest of the day in the wave pool because my daughter was too scared to continue on the slides. It was an awesome wave pool and my daughter had a blast but I have to say I was a bit concerned for her safety. It was really rough! She is only 6 but a very strong swimmer and I didn't take my hands off her.
The park is beautiful and I'm really not knocking it. I just think parents have to be very alert when taking younger children. I think some of the height requirements should be raised.[/QUOTE]

Renee, I think the last part of your post is really all that you are trying to let people know about, so I appreciate that. I think others on here, although no less entitled to their views at all, are being a little over-sensitive to your post. I agree with jmvd20 and thank you for just giving us a head's up.:wave:


New Member
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I am not sure what these other injuries have to do with what happened to your family.

Without getting too personal, I think you just need to accept responsibility here. You said earlier in the thread that you were waiting at the bottom for your daughter to come down. So you went down the slide first. Then you are saying you did not see the traffic lights. So it seems to me, following logically, that maybe the rest of your family was not paying attention to the lights either. As Steve said, it's the riders responsibility to follow directions and only slide when the light is green. There is no bar for a CM to raise, there is no way to restrain a guest at all.

I can not see anyway that a CM could share any blame here.

Wrong. I never went down the slide. I didn't see the lights because I never went to the top of the slide.


Nothing too crazy, but I stubbed my big toe pretty bad on Summit Plummet. It was worth it though, it was a blast and I finally conquered my fear of heights haha.


Well-Known Member
ha - I never used to be afraid of heights so idk when it began to happen, but my knees were definitely shaking up there. I'd def do it again though! :)
I just remember not even being at the top, one of the platforms, and being able to pick out Tower of Terror, and Space Ship Earth in the distance.


Well-Known Member
Here is a video of me doing five of the attractions at Typhoon Lagoon, one of which is Storm Slides.

In the video you can see the red/green light system, the attendant at the top of the slide, the pool at the bottom as well as the audio announcements made about how to proceed.

You can also gauge the speed of the slides.

Hope this sheds some insight.


New Member
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Regardless. They exist.

I think it's time to agree to disagree. I will not accept full responsibility here. We very cautious parents and I highly doubt my husband completely ignored the lights along with a dozen of so other people. Disney may seem like a magically place but people and equipment malfunction even in Disney world! So I'm going to let it go now. Even though I did enjoy getting your disney underwear in a bundle.


Active Member
The problem with your point is that it is impossible for a cast member to control when the rider goes on the Storm Slides. Reason being is that it is entirely up to the rider when he/she goes. You are basically sitting at the top of the slide, and push yourself off when the light goes green. How can the Cast Member control this? Would you expect them to physically restrain the guest to prevent them from going?

First off, aren't you an administrator? Should you really be adding fuel to the fire? Secondly, I worked as a lifeguard at a place with slides very similar to the one being discussed. It is possible to control the riders going down these slides. All I would do is stand in the well to prevent anyone from going anywhere and once the next rider was supposed to go, I would move allowing them to push off and go down the slide. Quite simple really, you just had to be proactive about it and not just sit there when people decided to go down whenever they wanted.

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