Hurricanes, Hurricanes... Is It Ever going To Stop


Well-Known Member
Okay, so Ivan goes around and hits them again, and now Jeanne does a loop-de-loop!

This just had to be the year that I moved to Florida! :hammer:

The Mom

Premium Member
The Daughter called from India yesterday. She said that they keep saying that a hurricane hit/is headed for Florida, and she got confused....until I explained that there have been 4 that hit the state (anyone remember Bonnie? :lol: It caused tornado damage here.) and more on the way!

She knew about Frances (she called when the power was out) but didn't realize that the latest news was talking about a DIFFERENT hurricane. Her host family was so worried, they made her call. She's had some difficulty explaining to people that Florida is a BIG state, and that one end of the state can have major destruction, but the other end can be unscathed.

She went through the same sort of thing when she was in Europe during the wildfires. The news made it sound like the whole state was going up in flames!


Well-Known Member
wdwprincess03 said:
Okay, so Ivan goes around and hits them again, and now Jeanne does a loop-de-loop!

This just had to be the year that I moved to Florida! :hammer:

I'm in the same boat you are! I think mother nature's giving as welcoming present to remember. All I know is I will NEVER forget my freshman year in college. :rolleyes:

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks again anonymous!!! And a Coward you are!!!

Hurricanes, Hurricanes.... 22nd September 2004 21:41 Why did you say when this storm HITS Florida. There is no tracking maps showing it going to Florida.



Tim G

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Atta83 said:
Im sorry corrus, some people are just so rude. I would bump ya back up bit i cant give ya anymore right now. :(
That's not the point Atta... to be honest, I don't care about the points... but the way they do it...
Let them come forward.. they should have the nerve to stand up for what they say...

Oh well... I guess, it must be someone who went back to his/her infantile era...

Greetz! :D

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
For mr. unbeliever,

If you would have read the "hurricane Jeanne Thread" there was and still is a tracking map...

IF you can read...

And what does it say????? Your Apologies Are Welcome... (I think) :rolleyes:


The Mom

Premium Member
Some people are just stupid. :rolleyes: As of today, the WHOLE state (except the panhandle) is in jeopardy. As Jeanne gets closer, they'll be able to pinpoint with more accuracy. BUT, the course can wobble even within a few hours of landfall, ala Charley, so if you're anywhere within a 100-200 mile radius of the final predicted landfall, you should still pay close attention to the weather reports. AND even then, even if you're not in the direct path, ala Frances, you can have substatial damage. Frances did not pass directly over us, and it was only a tropical storm as it "brushed" by, but I was still without power for a week, due to a massive tree falling down next to my house. This happened all over the county. Some streets in my neighborhood were flooded, and there were some tornados that damged buildings. Creeks and rivers didn't crest until a few days later.

Then again, she may not hit Florida at all, but keep going up the coast. However, I intend to be prepared, and Corrus' updates have been extremely helpful!


Well-Known Member
I do hope this one misses Fl. Mom, aren't you somewhere close to the "projected landfall area?). Northern Fl, right?

Stay safe everyone in Fl., Ga., and Carolina's. :wave:

Jordan's Mom

New Member
I'm probably near Mom... I'm in Atlantic Beach, which got a glancing blow last time (I was without power for 4 days, and I got very, very cranky!). :mad:

What do you do when the 4th hurricane hits Florida?

I'm going to DisneyWorld!

(Seriously, I had planned to come down for a quick 2 day visit for my son's birthday, but now I've extended it because I'm not coming home until the power comes back on! LOL!) :wave:


New Member
I know that last Saturday morning when I woke up, we had flooding in my back yard. We were very lucky with just a little flooding, but parts of the area really got hit. The one lead at my Disney Store drove into a sea of water on a street and ruined her car. There are sink holes everywhere and still some roads still closed! I can only imagine what the people in FL are going through! Take care everybody!



Well-Known Member
A friend sent this to me in an e-mail...

Top Ten Reasons Hurricane Season is Like Christmas
> 10. Decorating the house (boarding up windows)
> 9. Dragging out boxes that haven't been used since
> last season (camping gear, flashlights)
> 8. Last minute shopping in crowded stores
> 7. Regular TV shows pre-empted for "specials"
> 6. Family coming to stay with you
> 5. Family and friends from out-of-state calling
> 4. Buying food you don't normally buy ... and in
> large quantities
> 3. Days off from work
> 2. Candles
> 1. And the number one reason Hurricane Season is
> like Christmas ...
> ......... At some point you know you're going to
> have a tree in your house


Well-Known Member
Here's a little bit of hurricane history for those who may be interested (it was in my dailey weather e-mail)....

WHAT ABOUT JEANNE? Looking at those satellite loops, you are mesmerized by the spinning disk of clouds whirling slowly towards Florida. It looks so quiet and peaceful from 22,500 miles up in space. Down here on Earth, it is anything but beautiful or peaceful. Hurricane Jeanne has been methodically gaining strength since yesterday afternoon. By late morning, top winds had jumped to 115 mph, making Jeanne a category three hurricane. This also made Jeanne the sixth major hurricane of the 2004 Atlantic season. Jeanne will be the third major hurricane to make landfall in the United States this year (after Charley and Ivan.) Frances was a category two storm at landfall, so it does not qualify as a major hurricane according to the definition. According to my database of landfalling U.S. hurricanes, since 1900, there have been four other seasons where three major hurricanes have hit the U.S.: 1909, 1933, and 1954 and 1955. No season has ever had four since 1900. According to Frank Lepore at the National Hurricane Center, the four hurricanes that have hit Florida is almost a record. Five hurricanes struck the state in 1851. The center of Jeanne will move inland late this evening or early Sunday morning between West Palm Beach and Fort Pierce, very near where Frances came ashore three weeks ago. Jeanne could become a category four hurricane before reaching the coast. It will begin turning northwest and then north, moving through inland counties of the Florida Peninsula, pushing into southern Georgia and into South Carolina.

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