Well-Known Member
I viewed recent reports that Fay may hit the west coast of Florida by Tues. of next week. Hopefully, WDW will not receive damaging winds or too much rain.
If a hurricane does form, how would it affect WDW?
Does everything close if the winds & rain get too bad?
Disney is more than prepared to handle a serious hurricane. Hotels are made of concrete and steel and sure beats a condo made of wood. Only real nervous moment of Charley is when the window started moving inward.
See the Infamous Hurricane Charley Video -> if you want to see Disney on the day Charley hits and some of the aftermath on the day after.
The frances video was filmed but never edited or published.
One side note. From the time the announcement was made that Disney was closing (12:35pm) to the time i finished checking into All Star Sports (approx 2PM), Charley made a quick right and blossomed into a Cat 4 storm from a Cat 2 storm. It probably wont happen like that again but its possible.