Well-Known Member
I spend (on average) 10 hours a day cleaning people's filth. I am overworked in a position that I detest, which I can't quit without having a big, black mark left on my record with the company. The one bright spot I will get in a day is when I am able to find 10 minutes to get away from my bathrooms to create Magical Moments for children. Alright, I'm sorry that helping "Clean Nemo's Beach" or learning to be a "Junior Custodian" don't really compare to winning a 7 day cruise, but guess what? If you took one look at 4 year old Suzy's face when you thank her for helping save Nemo, when you hand her a shiny certificate with her name on it, and tell her that she is so incredibly special, you would know that what we do matters. Magic doesn't have to cost thousands of dollars.
Don't you dare tell me that I don't make a difference. Don't you dare.
What does being a new CM have to do with anything? I'm sorry that I haven't worked for the company for years and years, but guess what? All of the old timers had to start somewhere.
I'd like you to know that I'm actually tearing up over your post, and I would really appreciate it if you would try to look at the other side of the picture before completely stomping all over what some of us are very passionate about.
Awesome Post!
Thank YOU for everything you do.... and you are right, my 3 year old daughter would "love to help Nemo by cleaning his beach"