How to do WDW w/o being touched


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Original Poster
This is way off the subject but, on out last trip to WDW, espescially MK, where walking can resemble roller derby, we were so fed up with people bumping us, running into us with strollers and handicap harleys, and the heat!

I had a tank top on under my shirt, took it off and let the tattoos show and wow! The crowds parted for dad like the red sea! No bumping, no pushing, and a lot of people apologizing when they did!

Now I'm not pro go get yours but, if you got 'em, let them show, they come in handy there!


Well-Known Member
Let me try running that one by my wife :lol: It probably still wouldn't work. It is rather funny how easily people can be labeled.


Well-Known Member
I absolutley hate the strollers!

They are bigger than a BMW, and people think they have the right-of way...After being hit repeadedly, walking down the narrow path when the AK parade was going on, I told people to get their @#$ !@#$ strollers out of my way, I got a few looks, but it worked! ;)


Ive been on both side of the stroller situation. It seems rude for people with strollers to push people out of the way. But when you have a stroller and your going somewhere people usually cut you off all the time. But whenever I push the stroller I try to stay out of peoples way.


New Member
we've always called the strollers 'ankle-busters'...

i remember when WDW had those metal ones... i also remeber getting clobbered by them on more than one occasion...
I've also been on both sides, and being on the side without the stroller is just annoying. I hate when people just bump into you and continue walking. My mom has even bumped into me with a stroller and just laughed, because even she knows how it feels to be hit.


Hey, good thinking! And if you don't have real tattoos, get some temporaries!

I remember being in the MK when I was a kid-- my brother, 5 years old at the time, was assaulted by an elderly man in a scooter. Ouch!


RunDisney Addict
Whenever I get hit in the ankles by a stroller, I spin around and immediately face the person who did it, while still keeping my foot in front of the wheel, making sure it doesnt' go anywhere.

Sometimes you dont' have to have a confrontation to get results...just the threat of one. People get pretty apologetic in a hurry when you start pointing out their errors.:fork:


New Member
Wow. I'm actually kind of amazed at the anger evoked because of strollers.

When pushing a stroller you sometimes don't realize that you've actually clipped someones ankles - usually because you've got a kid bouncing around inside who's making the stroller move enough on it's own. So if you don't get an apology, that's usually the reason.

I'm still kinda shocked though at the anger ...


New Member
Also being on both sides of the stroller issue, I can see how annoying it is when someone thinks because they have a stroller (or one of those jazzy scooters) they have the right of way anywhere. But, I can not tell you how many times people have just walked in front of us when we are walking like we are not there, then look at you as if you have just killed their dog. If I do accidentally clip someone I always apologize, because that is the right thing to do.

Back on the subject at hand-I remember when we went down when I was 13, my mom had a patch of hair dyed like a racoon tail (hey, it was the 80's!) and you can imagine the "parting of the water" so to speak when people saw us coming-hehehe.


Well-Known Member
I never really had problems with strollers, but I do have a problem with groups of 4 or more that walk IN A ROW, entirely blocking pathways.

Monorail Lime

Well-Known Member
There's some guy who comes to WDW quite frequently and he's covered with Disney tattoos. If I remember correctly he has a huge Cinderella's Castle on his back and characters all up and down his arms. The cast members try to get him to keep his shirt on because once it comes off everyone wants their picture with him!

So if you want to avoid contact be sure your tattoos are menacing or you might get the opposite effect!


As with many others, I too have been on both sides of the stroller issue. However I'm still irritated by some of the inconsiderate manuvering I've observed by those who push them. Such as...

Pushing them into already crowded stores and restaraunts. These places were not intended for stroller traffic. I have seen parents trying push them around the display tables in the stores you can barely walk in.

Using the double wide model as a bulldozer to clear away the crowd in front of you. (and quite often there is no kid in them, it's full of stuff)

Use a little common sense and the problem won't exist.


New Member
I asked my wife if i could get a tatoo and try it but she said no. I think your in a no win because not even tatoos can stop a crowd after the fireworks


Active Member
Has this turned into a stroller vent? It has? Oh goody - here's mine! :)

I hate when people w/ strollers are waiting in line for the buses (knowing full well that they'll have to fold it up to board), get to the front of the line and when the driver won't let them on with the stroller (imagine that! ) acting all surprised and holding the line up to unload and fold the stroller back together.

As for the being touched issue, I'm not sure about that one....apparently I'm to small for my evil glare to do any good at all! :lol: Good thing DH is a pretty large fellow or I'd get run over in the crowds! :D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by cymbaldiva
I hate when people w/ strollers are waiting in line for the buses (knowing full well that they'll have to fold it up to board), get to the front of the line and when the driver won't let them on with the stroller (imagine that! ) acting all surprised and holding the line up to unload and fold the stroller back together.
I used to let folks fold the stroller once on board... however, I learned the hard way that folks aren't as honest as they look... and too many times they wouldn't fold it once on board. Sometimes, they'd even keep the kid in it. (Completely unsafe) So I'd get on the PA... "Welcome aboard. This bus will be travelling to ____. As a reminder, ALL strollers must be folded... Also, please stay clear of the rear stairwell. Once again, this bus can not move until all strollers are completely folded."

That's why I always recommend to folks to bring a simple, easy to fold stroller. Some of these "SUV" strollers are HUGE, and take forever to fold. (Not to mention they have as many cup holders as my neighbors mini-van)

I remember one night, I had one of the low floor Nova busses, and this one guest had a huge stroller... demands for me to open up the back door, so that he could get it in. (The front door on the Nova bus is 4 feet wide... the rear door is only 30" wide). I try to explain to him that the front door is much larger than the rear door... but he wouldn't listen to me, and once again demanded for me to open the rear door. (Because obviously he knows more about the bus than I... the bus driver) I dunno... personally... if you can't get your folded stroller through a four foot wide opening... that means two things. First, you wont be able to get it through an opening half as big. And second, your stroller is too big.


New Member
1. Did I miss something or did Walt create Disney World for families? Families have kids and with kids come strollers. I hate being bumped as much as anyone, and I try my damnedest to keep from bumping others (sometimes to the point of anxiety), but sometimes when I'm dehydrated and the kids are crying and the wife unhappy there may be a lapse.

If you go to DW, you're gonna be surrounded by people. Some of them are going to bump into you. The ones with kids and strollers are the most exhausted and frustrated and sometimes the ones least likely to see you. If you don't want to be touched either stay in your room or go to Tahiti or some isolated beach in the Caribbean.

2. Chill and grow up.

3. The rest of you, be considerate and grow up. Watch where you're going, you idiots. There are 70,00 other people in the park so heads up.

4. My opinion is that the worst time to visit DW is when your kids are under five. They're happier in a local pool or at the local ice cream shop. Families that go with preschoolers are going for the parents, not the kids. (We've had to take our preschoolers, but that's cause we had 3 older kids, too.)

5. Those double strollers are great for saving a place on the parade route.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
not pro-stroller

A small poll please. How many pro-stroller people reading this have an eighty pound ten year old shoved into it(with a corn dog in one hand and spilling a coke with the other)?

Seriously, its a matter of ethics, if you don't care, we know it.


Well-Known Member
Sorta off topic..but..

When i lived in orlando (meaning when i was actualyl able to go to WDW often) i kept running into this mean old man in a wheelchair who seemed tog et some morbid joy out of running over MY toes.....anyone else see this dude?

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