How to do WDW w/o being touched


New Member
Originally posted by NowInc
Sorta off topic..but..

When i lived in orlando (meaning when i was actualyl able to go to WDW often) i kept running into this mean old man in a wheelchair who seemed tog et some morbid joy out of running over MY toes.....anyone else see this dude?

Was it an ECV? I met a disgusting old man who liked to follow us at our work locations and would always ask to be given a kiss. :hurl: He was later reported to Security and almost got his annual pass revoked.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Didnt you realise that the stroller bashing was a theme incorporated so that the 1.5 million UK visitors didnt get wthdrawl symptoms from being bashed by siupermarket trolleys.

One of lifes top tips.....
Never upset a woman heavily armed with a buggy/ stroller:dazzle:

Quentin Disney

New Member
Originally posted by homer424
Also being on both sides of the stroller issue, I can see how annoying it is when someone thinks because they have a stroller (or one of those jazzy scooters) they have the right of way anywhere.

I hear you on that. If there is one thing that makes my visit to the MK the pits, it has to be these massive strollers. They are litterally everywhere in the Magic Kingdom. And when parades and fireworks end, they're even more of a nuisance. When I was in the park for the final MSEP, those montronsities were blocking the flow of traffic.

IMO, I feel like I've been spat in the face when these big buggies hit the back of my feet and then the parent who is controlling it doesn't say any form of a apology. It's even more insulting to experience this as a single male who never intends to have kids in his life.


New Member
I can honestly say that I've never encountered a problem with strollers. In fact I never even notice them, maybe I'm just too caught up in everything else. By the way, a good way I think to keep people from touching you would be to eat beans for breakfast and a big beef and bean burrito for lunch. I'm sure this would probably deter anyone from crowding you.:animwink:


New Member
I've got a great idea for people who just don't want to be around families. How about a private theme park? The whole thing is yours for a day. You just pay $500,000 for a one day ticket. No people. Every CM caters to you. And nooo kids. No kids crying. No kids laughing. No kids to butt in front of you when you want to take a picture of Mickey. No kids eating ice cream or chasing after balloons or crowding the lines on Space Mountain. It would be all yours, yours, yours.

Kind of like Dulac, in Shrek. None of those messy people around.


New Member
Okay, let me see if I read the popular opinion right...

People who are DISABLED who CANNOT WALK, in wheelchairs, who likely have serious debilitating diseases which affect them every minute, every day of their lives = need to make sure ABLE BODIED, HEALTHY tourists have the right of way?

I have serious issues with that philosophy.

My mother, who has emphesyma, and is on oxygen 24/7, rarely goes outside due to her breathing problems. I am constantly amazed at the RUDENESS and downright NASTINESS of people.

(1) As I push my mother in her wheelchair - they just stare and watch me try to open the door of a store with one hand, while pushing the chair into the store with the other.
HINT: it takes TWO hands to push a wheelchair. Where is the courtesy? Offer to help by opening the door?
(2) Non-disabled parking in handicapped spots - penalty should be jail time. Period.
(3) How about folks who cut right in front of us as I am pushing her along - they literally jump over her toes to get from the side of us to the front

The next time you encounter a wheelchair-bound person, how about trying to see how you can make things EASIER for that person instead of harder?

How about just getting the $%^%&%^ out of the way!


The next time you encounter a wheelchair-bound person, how about trying to see how you can make things EASIER for that person instead of harder?
How about just getting the $%^%&%^ out of the way!

Whoah, there! I didn't see ANY mention of wheelchairs as the cause of all these problems. And I believe (won't speak for everyone, though) that the people that mentioned ECVs (Electronic Convenience Vehicles, or "those jazzy scooters") were most likely talking about the folks that rent them as opposed to people who use there own. I know, from watching in the parks, that those ECVs are somewhat difficult to manuver, and the people that rent them tend to try to go places at speeds that they shouldn't.

This is exteremly off topic, in answer to something off topic, but as the sister of someone with Lupus, just because someone doesn't LOOK disabled doesn't mean that they don't require special consideration, including parking in handicapped spots (with appropriate tags, of course)


The only reason that someone would need to rent a wheelchair would be (a) If they got hurt in the park, like one time my ankle was hurting really badly because I twisted it by walking around so much, but I didnt rent a wheelchair, (b) heat exhaustion, or (c) They cant walk around all day at a theme park, but can walk for certain distances.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Originally posted by RobFL
My arguement is with reason #3.

You had to walk farther to get the rental than you would to walk into the attraction, so don't give me greif about it!!!


What a charmer, smooth as a warthogs knacker sack:rolleyes:


Ive never rented a wheelchair, if your talking to me about #1. I lived with the pain because I knew there were tons of people that might have needed it more than I did.


New Member
Originally posted by Turbogames
The only reason that someone would need to rent a wheelchair would be (a) If they got hurt in the park, like one time my ankle was hurting really badly because I twisted it by walking around so much, but I didnt rent a wheelchair, (b) heat exhaustion, or (c) theyre old and cant walk around all day at a theme park, but can walk for certain distances.

Only 3 reasons? I can think of quite a few more disabilities that would require a wheelchair - and none of them have to do with age.


I have to agree with RobFL when he said:
People with actual disabilities would be equipped with their own wheelchair or ECV. They would need it for normal day to day locomotion. Admittedly, there are some exceptions - hence the rentals, but the general public abuses this and that's where the disdain stems from.

The wheelchairs are constantly rented by people who DO NOT ~NEED~ them, either because they are lazy (but perfectly healthy) or because they think it will get them out of waiting in line. I am one of the CMs responsible for the Guest Assistance Cards (GACs) and I see people EVERY DAY who try to abuse that system. So you have to excuse CMs like Rob, Tyler, and myself if we're more than a little touchy about this subject.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Sketch105
I never really had problems with strollers, but I do have a problem with groups of 4 or more that walk IN A ROW, entirely blocking pathways.

I so totally agree!!!!:)


New Member
Originally posted by STGRhost
I have to agree with RobFL when he said:

The wheelchairs are constantly rented by people who DO NOT ~NEED~ them, either because they are lazy (but perfectly healthy) or because they think it will get them out of waiting in line. I am one of the CMs responsible for the Guest Assistance Cards (GACs) and I see people EVERY DAY who try to abuse that system. So you have to excuse CMs like Rob, Tyler, and myself if we're more than a little touchy about this subject.

As a guest, I've seen this system abused as well by healthy people and it made me sick.

Since you see it every day, what would you suggest to reduce or eliminate the abuse?

Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
One of my favorite reaction is when you kindly ask people to park their strollers when coming into an attraction then they get all huffy puffy..........
My favorite line to tell people is that we did not make them rent a stroller

I know about three castmembers from my area that have had one of their feet broken by very large kids in rather tiny strollers and having to pull 30 strollers everynight out of the area is not always fun....:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Since you see it every day, what would you suggest to reduce or eliminate the abuse?

With the GAC cards, we give them the least ammount of assistance neccessary. For example, if guests ask that that they not wait in line, we can give them a "Shaded Wait Area" pass, or a "Seated Wait Area" pass, the idea behind both being that a guest still waits the same ammount of time, just out of the actual queue, where they may be more comfortable. Very rarely do we give any passes that let guests bypass the line altogether, and when we do, it's for a very good reason.

In regards to the stroller issue, I don't think a hight requirement would work, and I KNOW the doctor's note won't happen. We're not allowed to look at a doctor's note. Some sort of descrimination. (And before you ask, YES, we know sometimes CRO will tell you you need one, but they're wrong, and if you bring it to us, we won't look at it. We've called them and they still do it. Sorry.) We've been told, by the managers at Strollers and higher up that they can't keep people from renting strollers because they don't want it to be seen as descrimination. Also, like Rob mentioned, the people who ~REALLY~ need wheelchairs or strollers probably already have them.

We are constantly having to review and revamp the Guest Assistance programs, either because laws change, because guests disagree with them or abuse them, or because CMs are not following the procedures... The GAC cards cause HUGE headaches, and there has been serious thought about discontinuing the program altogether. We don't want to do this because there are some guests who really do need them, but it's tough sometimes...

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