Thanks for the is my other "issue" - I have the bladder of a GNAT. It about KILLED me to go 6 miles Wednesday and not stop for a restroom break.
Are there several places to stop aong the way in case I drink too much water?
I am so afraid all of these things will slow me to slower than the pace requirement!
Here's something I learned this past year. Last January was my very first full marathon. Actually, when I decided to sign up for the Disney marathon (because the 1/2 marathon was closed) I hadn't even ran so much as a 5k. I hadn't ran anything. Not even one mile. And this was August 2009 that I decided to run the January 2010 full marathon. (Although by Jan 10, 2010 I had run a half marathon and a 8 mile Turkey Trot - so the Disney full marathon wasn't my first race.)
During my training runs, I never really had to go to the bathroom. I carried water - even for my 20 miler - in one of the water bottles that has the hand grip. And since it was the cold time of the year for my training, I only needed that one full bottle for my 20 mile run.
What I do is: the day before the race I won't drink any dehydrates. No coffee, no tea, no sodas. Only water. I make certain that my body is fully hydrated. But I made a huge mistake on race day. I had access to the Race Retreat Tent. You've heard how cold that day was. I grabbed an (unneeded) bottle of water in the tent. I was worried about dehydration - as are a lot of runners. But since I made certain that my body was properly hydrated going into that day, and since it was so cold, I shouldn't have drank that bottle. I spent the first half of the race stopping at disgusting port-a-potties. It was gross. It was too cold to sweat off the extra water.
Train. Go by your training and listen to your body. Don't over hydrate, don't under-hydrate. Don't listen to anyone/anything else. Your training teaches you what your body needs. On race day, if you start the race properly hydrated and you take in only what your body needs, you shouldn't really need to stop for a bathroom very often, if at all. I guess I'm still a "rookie" but that is what I've learned. I am running the 2011 full. This time, if I have to stop off for a bathroom, I waiting for a theme park bathroom! Those port-a-potties are really gross! Guys have it much better.