How Much Do Guests $$ SPEND $$ At WDW??


New Member
That's the way we feel too.

Not that I think I am the poster you are referencing, I don't believe I have mentioned the cost of our upcoming trip on the boards, but it can add up to $10,000 easily. We decided to pamper ourselves this trip, and started saving for it 3 years ago. It will be a family of 5. Three adults, a 5 year old and a 2 year old for right at $10,000. Insane to most, but ultimate pleasure to us :D
Do you spend that much every visit - about once every one or two years? That's what this chick did. Eek!:hammer:

But hey, if I had that much to spend every year - I'd probably do the same thing!


New Member
I think it really all comes down to what you are comfortable with spending. Some guests can spend thousands, while others may not be able to afford as much. Each situation is different. My family has spent upwards to $10,000 in a trip and as little as $2500 on another. It's really a function of where you stay, eat and shop.

With the exception of a very few on this board, I don't think anyone would look their nose down on anyone that spent on the low end of the spectrum.

Personally, I would like to try a trip where we could spend as little as possible, using every discount possible, to really see how cheaply it could be done.


Well-Known Member
I think I set a record --- 1 person 4 days about $400 total including airfare

I did cheat a little (stayed with a friend and I get free admission since Im a CM)


New Member
I think I set a record --- 1 person 4 days about $400 total including airfare

I did cheat a little (stayed with a friend and I get free admission since Im a CM)
Wow, now that is a great price, cheating or not. I guess you were on the hook only for meals and merchandise (besides the airfare)?
I need a CM friend like you! How soft is your floor?


New Member
I think an even more interesting question than "how much do guests spend" would be how long do guests save for a Disney trip. I would have a lot of respect for people who are disciplined enough to get on a budget and save for a few months/years for an upcoming trip. That's what we always have to do. Our next trip will come from six months of saving. :eek:


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing that Disney's goal is for an average ticket price of around $45-50 per day per person. If Disney can also get about 2x that amount from each guest (hotel not included) on average, I'm sure they are really happy. So about $90-100 per guest per day not including hotels. That includes tix,food,souvs,film, and any other extras. Sounds about right from what I'm seeing on the posts here. So for a couple for 10 days -- $2K before hotels.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing that Disney's goal is for an average ticket price of around $45-50 per day per person. If Disney can also get about 2x that amount from each guest (hotel not included) on average, I'm sure they are really happy. So about $90-100 per guest per day not including hotels. That includes tix,food,souvs,film, and any other extras. Sounds about right from what I'm seeing on the posts here. So for a couple for 10 days -- $2K before hotels.
that's an accurate estimate. If you only paid for park tickets and eating fast food for a day, that would put you at $70-75, but, of course, most of us will add souvenirs and at least a couple table service meals. If you add little kids, they can be really expensive...wanting those expensive balloons, or the $20 spinning light thingies before Fantasmic, or a popcorn they take two bites of before dropping (5 minutes after dropping their Mickey's Premium Ice Cream Bar). Oh, the magic...


Active Member
The package we booked for the fall (through AAA) was for $3800, which was 6 nights at the WL, 6 day hoppers, and the dining plan. Add travel expenses, which is gasoline, hotel stay on the way down and back, extra food, and souvenirs, the grand total for this trip will be around $4800 or $4900. There are 4 of us, and in addition to the time at Disney, our total trip will be 9 days, which averages about $140/person per day. Sure, we could do a much less expensive trip, but Disney is worth it to us! :)


New Member
OK...well, reading the first few posts, I don't feel half as bad as I usually do when I get the look from my friends and family! We are a family of four. I budget $1,000 for food and $1,000 for souveniers for Disney. Although, last April we had only used about $500 in food by day five of our seven day trip! It's just a budget so we don't overspend ourselves and end up in dire straits when we get home.

However, when we go this October I'm going to have extra money my DH doesn't know about and I may spring for an extra souvenier or two!


Well-Known Member
My vacation package cost me about $2700. That's hotel room, tickets and Dining Plan. We'll have to wait until we get there before we know how much else we spend on odds and ends.

One question, this supposed to include only how much we spend at WDW? Or is it to be the grand total that we spend from the time we pull out of the driveway to the time we pull back in? Things such as gas, food on the way there and back, food above and beyond the dining plan, tipping, souveniers, mini-golf, etc?

I have a thousand dollars alloted to take with us on this trip for such things, and I might add another hundred or two to it before we leave.


New Member
haven't left yet, but...

our 5 day visit to WDW has already cost more than $3,200 for 2 adults, a 3 yr old and a 1 yr old...It's our first real family vacation, so we figured we'd splurge a bit...Since we'll have the dining plan and the concierge lounge, I'm thinking we'll spend $200-500 on misc stuff (Pal Mickey, ears, shirts) once we get there...


New Member
being from the UK we go to Disney every to years and we start saving as soon as we come back last trip for just a hotel on I drive for three weeks for 3 adults and one child with tickets for disney universal discovery cove and seaworld was just over £5,500 plus £4,700 spending money(£1,200 of which was the other adults) but so worth it We have now brought into the Disney vacation club so add another £8,500-£9,000 thats what i work for Disney my husband works for bills i pay for all things Disney:wave:


Well-Known Member
That's obscene:dazzle:
It was sooo worth it though..:)
Well we spent over $8,000 on our last trip as a family. That included 10 nights at 2 deluxe resorts, a gabillion sit down meals, tons of souvenirs, extra activities like renting a boat, gas and other travel expenses, etc.

Our next vacation will be in the $5,000 range, and that includes a week in a condo, a lot of sit down meals, and a 3 night Disney cruise.

We get huge tax refunds every year so it's really no biggy for us to splurge on vacation.
Me too..and its Disney..
I would rather spend my money on something I love then other lil things....

To me it is worth every single penny I spend..:)


New Member
We spend about $6000, includes meals, park hoppers, staying at a deluxe resort (during value season), souvenirs. (Disney only)

Spent about $3000 on airfare for our family of 5 to get to Orlando from Hawaii.

(We also do IOA, Universal & Sea World making it a 2 week trip.)


Active Member
We (4 of us) usually go for 5 or 6 days in the value season. I normally budget about $4000.00 for the whole trip, including airfare, airport parking, rental car, boarding the dog, a moderare resort, 1 or 2 character meals, 3 to 4 sit down meals offsite (if we don't get free dining), and DS buying the entire stock of the Lego store.

If you deduct the car for about $150, airport parking for $75, and dog boarding for about $150, then add back in the $200 or so grandma slips the kids before we go, we're still at about $3900 or so. We never feel like we deprived ourselves of anything, and probably could do without a lot if we really had to.

Like others have said, it's pretty steep, but definitely worth it.

Runny Babbit

New Member
:( :( no i have a family of 5 and we spent 600 because we won a contest but i once spent only 500 at wdw cool :sohappy: loves Cris. B but he does not know
:goodnevil :goodnevil


Well-Known Member
Do you spend that much every visit - about once every one or two years? That's what this chick did. Eek!:hammer:

But hey, if I had that much to spend every year - I'd probably do the same thing!
We went on our honeymoon for 7 days in '95 and spent $1500 total. We didn't go again until 2004 and we spent $4000 for 2 adults and a 2 year old for 5 nights. On our way home from that trip, we devised our plan for this trip. We wanted to go all out and do the Platinum plan and spend 10 days. We also decided to take a "nanny" at that point it was our niece, but due to missed school days it will now be my grandmother, so 3 adults and a 5 year old and a 2 year old. Anyway, I got a note book out while he was driving home and started working on a home budget and a vacation savings plan. I work 2 nights a week so my entire (measely) check goes into savings. Our tax refunds also goes to savings. ANyway, that plus several other ways of saving, allowed us to meet our goal. In the mean time we go to USF/IOA a couple of times a year and usually manage a 5 day weekend for right at $1000 (going with another family and splitting the price of a vacation house). We also usually do a 4 day trip to the nearest Redneck Riviera (PCB) :lol: Again we split the condo with another family there too and usually we do that for about $700.

Our next big Disney trip will probably be at least 3 years from now. We'll probably do the same thing again and save up for a big one. Who knows :shrug:

I think an even more interesting question than "how much do guests spend" would be how long do guests save for a Disney trip. I would have a lot of respect for people who are disciplined enough to get on a budget and save for a few months/years for an upcoming trip. That's what we always have to do. Our next trip will come from six months of saving. :eek:


I think I set a record --- 1 person 4 days about $400 total including airfare

I did cheat a little (stayed with a friend and I get free admission since Im a CM)

I've done the same. The same year I spent $8,000 on a vacation, I flew down a few months later, stayed with a friend, and used my annual pass and the whole trip was under $400. So that's quite a range!

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