How much cash?


New Member
WE plan on mostly using credit card to pay for anything we might need but I am sure there may be some places that won't take it?! Toll roads?!? How much cash should we bring with?


New Member
per day cash

Well I am leaving in 18 days and am going solo and on the cheap so this is where i am coming from. I am only using cash... I hope:ROFLOL:but thinking 50 - 60 a day not goingto use all of the cash in a day but that is my average. I am also going to try to stick to good food cheap with one good Epcot meal at Le cellar. Hope this helps.
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WE plan on mostly using credit card to pay for anything we might need but I am sure there may be some places that won't take it?! Toll roads?!? How much cash should we bring with?

I charge most everything too, I usually bring about $150 for tips and incidentals. It did the trick for a week long trip.
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New Member
Bring lots and LOTS!

The last time we went we supposed to be able to charge to our room cards, but for some reason they wouldn't work half way thru the day and we would have had to have gone all the way back to All Star Sports Resort to have the problem solved. Guest Relations was no help whatsoever. :fork:

It was rather embarassing, especially when you are holding up the line trying to pay for your Dole Whip and hitting up all of your family members for whatever change they had. :eek:

Thank goodness we were able to find enough change in our pockets to eat at Casey's while watching "Wishes".

I will NEVER trust charge cards at WDW again! Especially after we were told how frequently this happens to guests by BOTH Guest Relations and All Star Sports. Neither one could explain why. :brick:

BTW...we will be there Feb. 14th, 15th, and 16th. We are already saving up all of our loose change.
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Well-Known Member
We usually bring about 60% Travelers Checks & 40% Cash on all of our trips. We charge almost everything to the room & bring a minimal amount of cash to the parks. I know it can be done alot cheaper, but we usually allow $400 per day for everything (Food, Souvenirs, Tips, etc.).:cool:
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Well-Known Member
Just another tip here, relating to credit cards. Make sure you call your credit card company and let them know you will be in Disney on such and such dates. With credit card fraud and everything else on the rise lately, any unusual transactions can be flagged and your creit card account put on hold while they investigate. This actually happened to a friend of mine. The cc company thought someone else was using her card and would not allow any other transactions to go through. It took most of a day to sort it out. Now, whenever I go out on vacation, I always call beforehand ... better safe than sorry!
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We use cc for most everything. Between dh & myself we have about 300.00. I make sure we each have 5's & 1's for tipping & tolls. The last toll on 417 is like 50 cents and is unattended, so make sure you have coins if you go that far.
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Active Member
I think it's amazing at how little cash you need at WDW. I have gotten where I take only enough cash to pay for lunches while driving to & from WDW & for the tolls. And a little more to but those $ 3 or less little things my wife & girls like. Everything else gets charged to the room. Just make sure you call the front desk & let theme to put all of yesterday's charges thru on your CC so you won't have worry about running out of room credit. At Values you get $ 500 credit & Mods you get $ 1000. Been so long since I've been to a Dexl I don't know what you get there. I guess the short version is $ 20 per day should be enough.
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Well-Known Member
We always carry a roll or two of quarters in a carry on bag for the toll roads and for doing laundry. After 5 days it is time to do a load of wash!
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Well-Known Member
We typically go for 2 weeks and I bring $500.00 cash. Everything is charged back to our room. During the day I bring about $40.00 to the parks and typically have the same $40.00 at the end of the day. That cash is just in case something happens during the day. By the end of our trip I usually bring home $100.00.

If you charge back to your room, make sure you save receipts and check the bill when you check out. I have heard many complaints from people that say they have unknown charges on there final summary. I itemize my expenses each night in Excel so we can keep track if we are over spending, and it is very easy to do @ WDW. :lol:
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New Member
If you are talking about after you arrive in Orlando and are at WDW, then maybe $100 each in cash. Keep it in the room safe and just take about $20 with you to the parks.
If you charge everything to your room, you will need very little cash.
Then when you check out you can pay with your credit card.
No need to carry around cash that can be lost.

For a week's stay at WDW, we take $100 each in cash and usually bring most of it back home.

Good luck.
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Active Member
I've haven't taken cash with me to the parks in a LONG time. In fact, it's very rare that I EVER have cash in my wallet. I keep a 20 in my car for random tolls and such, as well as some quarters for the non-manned tolls.

I used to occassionaly take 5 bucks for funnel cakes at epcot, but now they take charge cards. Lots of Epcot 3rd party vendors just started accepting cards. As far as I can tell, the only locations not taking cards (credit/debit cards) are 2 kiosks at DTD, the non-disney owned churro and italian ice carts.
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Well-Known Member
Will you be there during Food & Wine?

If you are going to be going to the EPCOT Food & Wine Festival, you may want to take that in to consideration. While the food booths do now accept credit/room cards, they rely on remote terminals, and they often have problems and/or delays, so we typically stock up on small bills and cash in general before the festival - the people behind you in line may appreciate it.

H20Babie offered some good advice - I now am in the practice of notifying the card centers about my vacations - I had an embarrasing situation in Buenos Aires where I knew I had like $45k in avail. credit on a card, but was declined for a purchase of just a few hundred dollars - it was very frustrating. When I complained upon my return, they advised that I always notify them in advance about travel plans, and since I have been doing so, I've never had a similar problem again.
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Well-Known Member
If nothing else, make sure you take some change into the parks with you. Shiny pennies and quarters for the pressing machines, and I had the embarassing moment :eek: of borrowing 50 cents from a stranger in the ladies' room on our first day because the only cash I had was 20's.
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Active Member
However, the new terminals this year are great, and I've yet to experience any issues with them. They were ordered specifically for F&W.

Not to say there haven't been any issues, or won't be, but I've been to F&B 8 days so far this year and haven't had any issues.
If you are going to be going to the EPCOT Food & Wine Festival, you may want to take that in to consideration. While the food booths do now accept credit/room cards, they rely on remote terminals, and they often have problems and/or delays, so we typically stock up on small bills and cash in general before the festival - the people behind you in line may appreciate it.

H20Babie offered some good advice - I now am in the practice of notifying the card centers about my vacations - I had an embarrasing situation in Buenos Aires where I knew I had like $45k in avail. credit on a card, but was declined for a purchase of just a few hundred dollars - it was very frustrating. When I complained upon my return, they advised that I always notify them in advance about travel plans, and since I have been doing so, I've never had a similar problem again.
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