How many of you married people


Well-Known Member
Erika said:
:wave: That's a matter of opinion :lol: (I was married at 23)

It all depends on the individual couple. Some people are ready earlier than others. There is no "right" age. It's all in how you feel and what you are ready for.

I agree, it depends on couple. I was 24 and my wife was 20. We did not have kids though for about 8 years. It totally depends on what you are ready for.


Well-Known Member
weluvtink said:
We honeymooned in WDW in May 1998. Our son was born 9 months later. :D

I hope that when the day comes, I can give the spread and wait 9 months after a trip to Walt Disney World! Conception at WDW is probably one of the most magical things in life. My child(ren) are going to grow up Disney and that's it. I still think a Disney name would be perfect too.


Well-Known Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
I still think a Disney name would be perfect too.

Our daughter has a princess name (unintentional though). Not long after she was born a movie came out with a princess with the same name as her. I will give you a hint, it a competitor’s movie. My daughter is 3 ½….


New Member
Honeymooned at WDW 6 months after our wedding

My husband and I were married June 23, 2001. But we waited to go on our honeymoon until December - for two reasons: less crowded and cooler weather. We had a great time. We stayed at WL and had the Deluxe Magic vacation package (which is no longer available :( ). The package included breakfast, lunch, & dinner for each night of stay; unlimited admission to the 4 theme parks, the water parks, Pleasure Island, & DisneyQuest; & unlimited use of recreation facilities (i.e. golf course,tennis court, bicycle rentals, boat rentals, even mini-golf) plus there was a few other freebies. It was nice knowing that all we had to pay for while we were there was souvenirs. (We had the trip completely paid for a few months in advance). It was such a great week. We were able to eat whereever we wanted and not have to worry able to cost (my husband's birthday dinner at Coral Reef would alone cost almost $200). And the time of year we choose was the best - there was little or no wait for most rides ( our longest wait was for Test Track and we actually had fastpasses - I don't even know how long we waited, but I swear it broke down every 5-10 minutes.)


Well-Known Member
Nemmy said:
I have a girlfriend that I'm PLANNING on proposing in a while. I think you'd agree that 23 is a bit too young to get married. I'm probably gonna wait 'til my late 20s or early 30s.
DH and I got married when I was twenty-three, and he was twenty-two. Personally, I don't think it's too young. Hell, there are people who get married for the first time in their thirties and fourties and they get divorsed. It all depends on whether if you and your partner are able to communicate with each other and compromise; plus loving each other helps too.


Well-Known Member
westie said:
For those of you who had the "full blown" wedding with characters and over 25 guests, just out of curiosity, how much did your parents spend?
Asking someone how much money they spent is a little bit rude.

Maybe I'm rude for pointing it out...but it's a bit rude to ask people how much they make, or spend, etc. Well, that's how I was brought up.


New Member
My husband and I honeymooned in March of 1996. I had not been to Disney since I was a kid and was not really into Disney at the time. I wanted to go to a bed and breakfast in the North East, but my husband had gone every year with his family and kept swearing it was the number 1 honeymoon spot. So I gave in since his parents want to pay for it. And now I am a Disney nut. We go every year and I have started decorating rooms in the house with Disney Themes. We stayed at POR in the mansion romantic.


Well-Known Member
mrtoad said:
Our daughter has a princess name (unintentional though). Not long after she was born a movie came out with a princess with the same name as her. I will give you a hint, it a competitor’s movie. My daughter is 3 ½….
Could it be Fiona?


Well-Known Member
:wave: Pretty name. My daughter Jocelyne is 14 and still loves all the Disney princesses, I actually went and asked her what the princess in Shrek's name was!


Well-Known Member
Lauriebar said:
:wave: Pretty name. My daughter Jocelyne is 14 and still loves all the Disney princesses, I actually went and asked her what the princess in Shrek's name was!

Thank-you. Jocelyne is a very pretty name as well. It is another that you do not hear too often which I think is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
LoriMistress said:
Asking someone how much money they spent is a little bit rude.

Maybe I'm rude for pointing it out...but it's a bit rude to ask people how much they make, or spend, etc. Well, that's how I was brought up.

I don't think westie was being rude in asking. I think they were just trying to get a feel for the price range of what that would cost. You could certainly inquire with Disney but if someone is going to say for example that it roughly costs $10k, then that is up to them.


Naturally Grumpy
Nice variety

weluvtink We honeymooned in WDW in May 1998. Our son was born 9 months later.
Say, that's a fun story that I'm sure will be shared for some time in the future. You ought to contact Disney to make a commercial of it...oh, that's right, they already did. So do you call him your souvenier or just Goofy... :lol: only kidding, nice story.

I was 23 and so was my wife. We had our first child 3 years later. I think low to mid-twenties is fine. If you wait until you "have enough money" or "are in the right position in your life" to get married or have kids, then you never will. Remember, it gets a little more difficult to raise a teenager when your in your late 40's to 50's. Personal belief.

You may be right, but there is often a lot more stability with us old folk, and we don't have the problem of being a friend vs a parent. For me I would rather deal with this rather than being a parent in my early 20's...I had too much growing up to do then.

Scott your plan is a good one. We're just going in the opposite direction as you, we will have all of our alone time when we are in our mid forties once our kids are gone!!

Laurie, had to laugh at that as I was 30 when our first was born, now a Sr. in HS. Our youngest just turned 9, and we're currently in our, well upper forties, so we can't put everything until after they all move on...gulp 8 more years, and we'll be .... :eek: :( , oh %&*(( :zipit:


New Member
Nemmy said:
I have a girlfriend that I'm PLANNING on proposing in a while. I think you'd agree that 23 is a bit too young to get married. I'm probably gonna wait 'til my late 20s or early 30s.

It is a personal decision. From experience, not a bad one. My hubby to be and I have been dating since my senior year in high school. That's almost 14 years ago. He has not been ready for the big M till now. But now he is sure. If you don't think you are ready, don't. If it is going to last forever than what's the rush.

Oh and if your nosey relatives start to bug you about "When are you going to get married?" Just tell them to stop, cause you push back the date another year everytime someone asks!! (worked great on my Mom and Grandmother. he he he)


New Member
hbrady77 said:
Bummer.. I know what you mean. I can't afford it either but you can't take it with you :king: Thank goodness my Disney Rewards card will get me a few free meals while I'm there in February!

Yup! We use our card like a debit card, paying it off each month and wracking up those rewards dollars for our WDW trip next year! :) So there is hope yet! :sohappy:


New Member
westie said:
For those of you who had the "full blown" wedding with characters and over 25 guests, just out of curiosity, how much did your parents spend?
Well, we didn't do the whole wedding at Disneyworld, but not for lack of trying!!!! We looked into it, and an intimate ceremony (with 6 guests, no officiant, etc) had a MINIMUM EXPENDATURE of $7,000 (this could not include honeymoon time, hotel rooms, bridal gown, etc - this had to be spent on flowers, cakes, reception stuff, etc. It did not include an officiant either.)!!!! HoLY COW!!!!

DH (dear husband) and I were both in our 20's (he was 24, I was 21) and working hard, but there was NO WAY IN HADES either of us could afford this (even with our year to save up for it). My folks pretty much said, "Here's $5000.00. Do what you want with it. Throw a $50.00 wedding and keep the rest if you want. It's up to you." We had a wonderful wedding in our hometown (my hometown - he moved from Boston, MA to Escondido, CA to be with me - talk about cross country!) and had a great honeymoon in Disneyworld.

I'm REALLY glad we didn't do our wedding in Disneyworld at the time, in hind sight. See, we got hitched 12/1/2001... that's right, about 3 months after 9/11/2001, when the world trade centers fell. As it was, we invited 250 people to the wedding (most from his friends/family in Boston) and only 75 people showed up. Everyone canceled after 9/11. No one would fly to see us tie the knot. (But it was an important turning point! We now know who our true friends are! Oddly enough, the people too scared/ashamed/whatever to fly, didn't bother to keep in touch afterward either.) Can you imagine the money we would have been out if we'd done something crazy like rented out Fantasyland or something?!!!!

We do plan on throwing a vow renewal though - Disney style (either at sea or at WDW/DLR), eventually! :) It'll be small, but great, I'm sure.

We did have some disney at our wedding! We invited all of our friends and family to the rehersal dinner and announced that we'd both be wearing "hidden mickeys" to the altar and encouraged folks to spot them! I wore a crystal mickey tattoo that blended in perfectly with the long lace sleeves of my gown. He (cheated) wore an electrical tape Micky on the back heel of one of his shoes! We had fun finding them later and showing them off to each other! :)



New Member
Hi all-
My husband and I were married at WDW July 1999 (Wedding pavilion followed by a reception at the GF) and spent 2 weeks there for our Honeymoon! It was fantastic! :sohappy:


Naturally Grumpy
Welcome Molly

Welcome aboard Molly.
I'm sure you will catch the attention of many here as there is a good amount of interest in Disney weddings. Be prepared for an inquisition (well intentioned of course).

Have fun here, we're glad to have you. :sohappy:

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