How Many of You Have a Disney Spouse?

Pooh Lover

Well-Known Member
How many of you have a spouse who doesn't exactly share your love of all things Disney World?

I am truly lucky to have a husband who goes along with our yearly trek to the World (and I AM grateful for that) but I really feel alone when it comes to the planning and excitement of the whole process. He doesn't really want to talk about an upcoming trip all that much, which is maddening because the anticipation of a vacation is at least half the trip. I do realize how fortunate I am to get to the World but wish my husband shared my "love". Sadly, our friends don't "get" the whole Disney thing so that is out too.

Anyway, thank you all for being here! This site and these forums get me from trip to trip! :wave:


Well-Known Member
I am happy that my fiance likes going to WDW...we have been going every year since we got together in 2002. We have been plenty of times before when we were just kids w/ our families since we live all of 2 1/2 hrs from WDW. :kiss:
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Well-Known Member
I lucked out. My wife's first trip to any Disney theme park was with me when we were dating and she was 20. From that moment she was hooked and I knew I had a keeper. Years later we were engaged at the GF and now 14 years later we've take our two children there multiple times. So yeah, I guess you'd say I have a Disney spouse:sohappy:
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I introduced my husband to all things Disney 18 years ago . . . now we both get so excited to plan our yearly trip on the airplane coming home from the current trip.

He gets even more excited than me at times through the year . . . to see him light up so much over a passion I had my whole life is well, magical.
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When I met my husband, he was anti-Disney. He hated watching the movies, wouldn't go to any of the movies NOTHING. when he proposed we were looking for a place to go on the honeymoon. But just starting out we didn't have the kind of money to go overseas, or Hawaii. Not to mention, he HATED the beach. But he wanted somewhere fun and exciting. I suggested Disney, he had never been and I am a huge Disneynut. He reluctantly agreed knowing it would make me happy....

We went.

3 days into our honeymoon he was already asking when we were planning on going back.

and 3 years later. He is totally hooked, jumped at the DVC and is right there along side in all of our vacation plan.

Who says you can't change someone.:ROFLOL:

Count me in that group as well. I had only been to the World once when my parents took me when I was 12. I went with my wife and her parents two months after we started dating and now today I am totally and completely hooked.

We have been married going on 17 years and have taken our 3 children 7 times in the last 9 years. Truth be told, I might be further gone than her now!:)
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My wife liked Disney but not like I did before we got married. I convinced her to go to WDW for our honeymoon and she's been hooked ever since! :D

Exact same for me too!

My new wife loved our honeymoon trip. Now she loves it so much we are now going back for our 1st year anniversary in August.
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My girlfriend has mentioned on multiple occasions how much she hates disney....I still havent told her im a disneyfanboy.....Looks like this relationship is comming to an end x)
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Active Member
I actually come from a slightly different situation. You'll be shocked to know that i'm 29 years of age, and did not go to Disney EVER until i was 23 years old, with my girlfriend. From the first time we went i was hooked. I proposed to her on that very trip in front of Cinderella's Castle during Wishes. We went back for our 1 year anniversary, and we're now going back with our first born this Sept! I took a complete 180... i went from never been, to a daily lurker on these boards and an avid fan. Now i'm the Disney nut! I'm very fortunate though that she enjoys planning with me
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Pooh Lover

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Some of these stories are so sweet and heart warming! I love reading them.

I wish my husband would get into the planning and anticipation but as long as I get my yearly trip, I guess I should be happy with that!
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Well-Known Member
How many of you have a spouse who doesn't exactly share your love of all things Disney World?

I am truly lucky to have a husband who goes along with our yearly trek to the World (and I AM grateful for that) but I really feel alone when it comes to the planning and excitement of the whole process. He doesn't really want to talk about an upcoming trip all that much, which is maddening because the anticipation of a vacation is at least half the trip.
DW likes going to WDW as much as I do, and she's the planning type. But for some reason she leaves the vacation planning to me, and I'm perfectly fine with that. I enjoy things like researching restaurants and deciding on ADRs by myself. I'm more adventurous about it, and we've experienced more of the resorts and more of the restaurants because I do the Disney planning.
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I am the Disneyfanatic in the family. My DH always appreciated Disney but wasn't a big fan. Right after he proposed to me, the next sentence was - "How about Disney World for our Honeymoon?" He had no clue that was where I always dreamed of going for my honeymoon! The one trip got him hooked! All we could talk about when we left was, when are we going back? We went back the following summer and going back again in Aug. We've now decided to go back every year! I didn't think he would get into it has much as me at all and he does. He brings it up a lot - where to eat, the rides to ride when, where to stay. It's an every day conversation. I love him for that!
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New Member
How many of you have a spouse who doesn't exactly share your love of all things Disney World?

I am truly lucky to have a husband who goes along with our yearly trek to the World (and I AM grateful for that) but I really feel alone when it comes to the planning and excitement of the whole process. He doesn't really want to talk about an upcoming trip all that much, which is maddening because the anticipation of a vacation is at least half the trip. I do realize how fortunate I am to get to the World but wish my husband shared my "love". Sadly, our friends don't "get" the whole Disney thing so that is out too.

Anyway, thank you all for being here! This site and these forums get me from trip to trip! :wave:

My husband loves to go to Disney - in fact we take ALL of our vacations to the world. However, he does not get excited about the trip until he is "off of work" for the vacation. We don't usually talk about the trip until a day or two before. I am one that LOVES to talk about vacation so I do it at work and everyone gets mad.....
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New Member
I am the Disney nut in our family. I grew up 3 hours South of WDW and my Dad would indulge me with many many trips a year - we had season passes. When I met my DH 14 years ago he was kind of anti - Disney. He would say it was a clip joint and that we would never take our kids there. I figured he was just kidding. We did travel there once before we moved out of state. As I recall it was part of a business trip but still we were there together. Mind you I wanted to honeymoon at WDW but DH husband put his foot down. We took a few years off from Disney to have kids and when I thought they were old enough we started going 1 to 2 times a year. My DH REALLY likes going and does ALL the driving - 19 hours straight. Even though he really enjoys our trips he does not do any planning ( I usually do all that anyway) and every time I want to talk about our next trip, 99% of the time he does not want to hear about it. So, I talk to the kids about it.......... everyday! :D
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Well-Known Member
I am the huge Disney FAN in our family well everyone is actually. My Hubby loves to go to disney with me - we agree there is no more place that is quite as much fun as Disney. But I do the majority of the planning. He does give me his input when asked, but its bascially up to me get things done. But once we are there we love it! :sohappy:
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New Member
My hubby had never been to to Disney until we got married there. Now we go every year. I'm still the one that does all the planning, and me and my son get excited as soon as the trip is booked. My hubby doesn't even want to hear about it until it's time to go. He's fine while he's down there, but has made comments about never going back when I start planning the trip out months in advance. Oh well - he won't fly, or get on a boat, or go to the beach :brick: - so Disney it is for every vacation.
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Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
My husband, son and I love Disney equally. But, I do all the planning, scheduling, packing etc. We go once a year mainly because we also do other trips in the year too. He gets just as excited as I do looking over the menus and reading up on the latest news in the parks! Counting down the days is a family affair!!! :)
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Well-Known Member
I am personally a Disney nut. My wife always liked going to Disney but never experienced the parks the way I did and do until she met me. When we took our first trip she went on rides she has never been on before. Now 8 years later she comments and says that she really loves Disney and missing a year would really be hard because its such a fun place.
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Well-Known Member
DH was deprived as a child and never went to WDW so he had no clue of how magical the place was until 2004. I tried to convice him many times that we needed to go but he really didn't want to entertain the idea but promised that if our travels ever took us to FL we would go to Disney. Fast forward to 2004 when DM decided to get remarried in FL. We went for the wedding and then spent 3 days at WDW on property. So DH at 42 years old got to experience the Disney magic for the first time. By the end of the second day he was already talking about a return trip in a year! He has been to WDW now 4 times in 5 years with a return trip in September. He is so hooked now that when DS decided to check out a college in Winter Park FL in March I spent about an hour checking room costs for local hotels to Full Sail University so that I had the ammo to convince him to stay on-property. So I start my spin about cost comparisons and DH looks at me like I am crazy!!! He then says, we're staying on Disney, why would we stay anywhere else!!! Silly me for thinking he needed convincing. We will become AP holders in September as DS has chosen Full Sail University for college. We will be venturing down to FL on a regular basis and you just can't go to FL without going to Disney!
He does let me do the planning as I tend to be the organizer of the family and the planner of the trip. Now all I have to do for the bucket list is convince him at least once to stay at the Poly:D
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