how many more days for you? (continued)


Well-Known Member
30 days hath September, April, June and....MY WAIT!!! Wait..that means I have 29 more days of non-commited singlehood. :lookaroun
Anyways, I have reservations made, all paid for, and ring in hand. I just can't wait anymore!!
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Active Member
Two days until I leave for a night at Pop (and a quick hit at one of the parks; haven't decided which one :D). Then it's off to Miami and a Grand Cayman/Jamaican cruise with the Barenaked Ladies and back to Pop for a long weekend.


I'm a little excited. :ROFLOL:
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New Member
We've just broken into the double digits! 99 days and counting. We have a spring break cruise between now and then, so I'm sort of looking forward to that first. By the time I start thinking about our WDW trip it will almost be here!
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