How many Hidden Mickeys have you found?


Original Poster
The one trip where I was actually counting and keeping track I think I found about 135 of them (it was several years ago so I don't remember the exact number). I think my fav is the eye glasses at HM.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
There's a book devoted entirely to hidden mickey's. I've seen it in barnes and noble, looked thru it for a few moments. I was tempted to to get it, but decided that it was more fun to find them on my own. :animwink: It's more fun that way. :D


New Member
Bah, not too many. I go to the parks with the intention of looking in every ride, store, and under every trash can, but get caught up in all the activities.


Original Poster
Bah, not too many. I go to the parks with the intention of looking in every ride, store, and under every trash can, but get caught up in all the activities.
That's what happens to me usually as well. I guess that's why I haven't found too many!! I did point some of the easier ones out to my kids when we took them last fall!


Active Member
THREE! I found three! :D I know, that is not alot. The last three times I have gone, I've told myself that I would look for some, but then forget. I got my food at POP, turned around to make sure I would not bump into anyone, looked down and there it was. So, it found me, I guess. No one around to show it to either. My friends were gone. They don't understand Hidden Mickeys anyway.



WOW! I got a ways to go, huh?!

I've seen that book. I wonder if anyone know how many there really are?

You've "seen" that book? We own the book and you used it back in October 2004 when you found your 135 hidden mickey's. I know because you dragged me to each and every stinking one...LOL :ROFLOL:


New Member
My DD and I love that book!! We have found alot and cross them off in our book!! We have been to WDW quite a few times and we sometimes devote some trips to finding Hidden Mickeys!!! It's FUN and sometimes hard!!

The one in Pocahontas's boat in The World of Disney was so hard to find...took us 3 trips to find it!!!


Active Member
One of the more recent ones that my son found is published in the newest edition of the Hidden Mickeys book. He just found another one after SE opened and emailed them the info. It should be in the next edition.

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