How many days for you - part 8

Pooh Lover

Well-Known Member
We are at 70!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo! Ten days to online check in! So excited. I did get a few things on my list done since the last time I posted. I got 4 more Mickey Quilt patches ready for autographing, so only 6 left. I got my husband, my dad and my tshirts ordered in order to embroider (we are all bigger people so had to order), appliqued my Mom's tshirt so now just have to embroider her name "Grammy" on it. This week I hope to call and make room requests, finish my Mom's shirt, finish the remaining 6 patches for the quilt and prep them so the fabric won't fray, and hopefully finalize what I will be packing for my daughter. :) I'm crazy, and I just don't care!
Holy pixie dust Jessica! You make a trip to the World a lot like work! I break a sweat making my ADRs....I couldn't handle all YOU put into a trip. You're going to need a vacation before your vacation. ;)
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Jessica Meier

Well-Known Member
Holy pixie dust Jessica! You make a trip to the World a lot like work! I break a sweat making my ADRs....I couldn't handle all YOU put into a trip. You're going to need a vacation before your vacation. ;)
I do that with everything! I am just not having fun unless I can make it more work for myself. It is a challenge this time too. I start teaching preschool the first week in August, so no more free mornings while the DD is in school to get lots accomplished. So I am trying to get a lot of the "extras" accomplished before school starts, while working on lesson plans for the preschool class, trying to set up my classroom, get all of my DD stuff ready for school and run her to dance, swimming and art classes. :) Makes me tired just thinking about it!
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Pooh Lover

Well-Known Member
I do that with everything! I am just not having fun unless I can make it more work for myself. It is a challenge this time too. I start teaching preschool the first week in August, so no more free mornings while the DD is in school to get lots accomplished. So I am trying to get a lot of the "extras" accomplished before school starts, while working on lesson plans for the preschool class, trying to set up my classroom, get all of my DD stuff ready for school and run her to dance, swimming and art classes. :) Makes me tired just thinking about it!
Leave yourself some energy for the're going to need it! ;)
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Well-Known Member

Have a great time!
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